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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Geronimo does not provide any portal server capabilities out of the box. The Geronimo Administration Console is a web application that has Apache Pluto already embedded within the application itself for portlets support, this does not mean that Geronimo per se is a portal server.



Make sure you update ConnectionURL, UserName and Password to your local values before deploying the plan.


You should see a confirmation message similar to this one: No FormatbgColor

#000000borderStylesolid d:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat\bin>deploy --user system --password manager deploy \plans\liferay-pool_mysql.xml ..\repository\tranql\tranql-connector\1.2\tranql-connector-1.2.rar Using GERONIMO_BASE: D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat Using GERONIMO_HOME: D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat\var\temp Using JRE_HOME: C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\ Deployed liferay/liferay-pool/4.2.1/car

Install the server plugin


Installing a downloaded copy of the plugin from the command line may require you to first uninstall the Welcome application in order to avoid a conflict at the web server's context root ('/'). Installing the plugin from a plugin repository employs a feature of the plugin installer that automatically uninstalls the Welcome application for you.


This step may take some time to run, when finished you should see a confirmation message similar to this one: No FormatbgColor

#000000borderStylesolid D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat\bin>deploy --user system --password manager install-plugin \Liferay\ Using GERONIMO_BASE: D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat Using GERONIMO_HOME: D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat\var\temp Using JRE_HOME: C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\ Checking for status every 1000ms: null (7%) null (8%) null (9%) null (10%) null (11%) null (12%) null (13%) null (14%) null (23%) null (27%) null (31%) null (34%) null (38%) null (42%) null (45%) null (46%) null (50%) null (54%) Finished installing liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/car (65365 kB) (100%) **** Installation Complete! Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-server//car Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-security//car Used existing: geronimo/rmi-naming//car Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-mail//jar Used existing: org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-javamail_1.3.1_spec//jar Used existing: liferay/liferay-pool//car Used existing: geronimo/tomcat//car Downloaded 65365 kB in 38s (1720 kB/s) Now starting liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/car... Started liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/car @ http://localhost:8080/

The Geronimo terminal should also display a message similar to this one: No FormatbgColor

#000000borderStylesolid ############################################################ # Installed configuration # id = liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/car # location = D:\geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat\repository\liferay\liferay-portal-tomcat\4.2.1\ ############################################################ Loading jar:file:/D:/geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat/repository/liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/!/ Loading jar:file:/D:/geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat/repository/liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/!/ Starting Liferay Portal Professional 4.2.1 (Machen / Build 3501 / January 10, 2007) 15:18:43,937 INFO [DynamicDialect] Determining dialect for MySQL 5 15:18:43,953 INFO [DynamicDialect] Using dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect Loading jar:file:/D:/geronimo-1.1.1-Tomcat/repository/liferay/liferay-portal-tomcat/4.2.1/!/ 15:18:53,843 INFO [HotDeployUtil] Initializing hot deploy manager 27651713 15:18:53,890 INFO [ServerDetector] Detected server geronimo 15:18:54,078 INFO [AutoDeployDir] Auto deploy scanner started for \home\liferay\deploy

Once started it should have created a \home\liferay\deploy directory on the same drive/file system where Geronimo resides. This directory can be used to deploy portlets and templates from the command line.
