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openejb deploy - OpenEJB Deploy Tool


openejb deploy options jarfiles #options <file> [<file>...]


The OpenEJB Deploy tool is an OPTIONAL tool that creates the openejb-jar.xml file required for your bean to be loaded into the container system at startup. If you want to create or maintain that openejb-jar.xml file yourself, you don't need the Deploy tool at all. For more information, see the openejb-jar.xml FAQ allows you to deploy into a running server and get feedback as if the app was deployed and how it was deployed (deploymentIds, jndi names, etc.).

It can be used to deploy into an offline server, however in this scenario it simply copies the archive into the openejb.base/apps directory which is something that can be done manually with a simple copy command or drag and drop.

The OpenEJB Deploy tool must can be executed from the OPENEJB_HOME directory. This any directory as long as <OPENEJB_HOME>/bin is in the system PATH. <OPENEJB_HOME> is the directory where OpenEJB was installed or unpacked. For for the remainder of this document we will assume you unpacked OpenEJB into the directory C:\openejb-3.0.

In Windows, the deploy tool can be executed as follows:

C:\openejb> openejb-3.0> bin\openejb deploy --help

In UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X, the deploy tool can be executed as follows:

[user@host openejb-3.0]# .bin/openejb .sh deploy --help

Depending on your OpenEJB version, you may need to change execution bits to make the scripts executable. You can do this with the following command.

[user@host openejb-3.0]# chmod 755 bin/*.shopenejb

From here on out, it will be assumed that you know how to execute the right openejb script for your operating system and commands will appear in shorthand as show below.

openejb deploy --help


The OpenEJB Deploy Tool is responsible for linking or "hooking up" your beans to the container system. It is run as a separate command line tool using the data in your OpenEJB configuration file (C:\openejb\conf\openejb.conf). The next time the system is started, all the deplpoyed beans will be loaded.

In the OpenEJB configuration file (C:\openejb\conf\openejb.conf), there are a number of containers and resources defined. Each of these has a unique name and will be loaded at start up with that name. In order for your beans to be loaded into the container system, they must also be named. This name is called a Deployment ID and must be completely unique in comparison to all other beans across all jars loaded into the container system.

Furthermore, the system must also know which which container to put a given bean into. During deployment, the bean's Deployment ID must be mapped to a Container ID.

If the beans has any references to database or other resources using the <resource-ref> tag in the jar's META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, those references must be resolved and linked to a resource declared in the openejb.conf.

All this information is collected by the OpenEJB Deploy Tool. Using the Deploy Tool will cause a new file to be added to your jar, META-INF/openejb-jar.xml. Jars in the deployments path containing a META-INF/openejb-jar.xml file will be loaded when the system starts up and will be usable at runtime. Any jar containing an invalid openejb-jar.xml, or conntaining no openejb-jar.xml at all, will simply be overlooked by the container system.

To effectively "undeploy" a jar, you simply need to remove the META-INF/openejb-jar.xml file from the jar then restart the container system/server. If you wish to temporarily remove the jar from the container system, you can just rename the jar with a new extention, ".skip" for example, then restart the container system/server.

The files passed to the Deploy Tool must be valid ejb 1.1 jar files and contain the META_INF/ejb-jar.xml inside the jar. This is case sensitive, so meta-inf/Ejb-Jar.xml is not the same as META_INF/ejb-jar.xml.

Do NOT edit the openejb-jar.xml file unless you know exactly what you are doing.


files passed to the Deploy Tool can be any combination of the following:

  • ejb 1.1, 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0 jar
  • application client jar
  • ear file containing only libraries, ejbs and application clients – everything else will be ignored.

Archives ending in .ear or containing a META-INF/application.xml are assumed to be ear files.

Archives containing a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file or any classes annotated with @Stateless, @Stateful or @MessageDriven, are assumed to be EJB applications. EJB applications older that EJB 3.0 should contain a complete META-INF/ejb-jar.xml inside the jar, however we do not strictly enforce that – the act of it being incomplete makes it an EJB 3.0 application by nature.

Archives containing a META-INF/application-client.xml or with a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF containing the "Main-Class" attribute, are assumed to be Application Client archives.


-d, --debug

Increases the level of detail on validation errors and deployment summary.


Sets the destination directory where the app will be deployed. The default is <OPENEJB_HOME>/apps/ directory. Note when changing this setting make sure the directory is listed in the openejb.xml via a <Deployments dir=""/> tag or the app will not be picked up again on restart.

-conf file

Sets the OpenEJB configuration to the specified file.

-h, --help

Lists these options and exit.

-o, --offline

Deploys the app to an offline server by copying the archive into the server's apps/ directory. The app will be deployed when the server is started. The default is online.

-q, --quiet

Decreases the level of detail on validation and skips the deployment summary.

-s, --server-url <url>

Sets the url of the OpenEJB server to which the app will be deployed. The value should be the same as the JNDI Provider URL used to lookup EJBs. The default is 'ejbd://localhost:4201'.

-v, --version

Prints the OpenEJB version and exits


Move the jar to the OPENEJB_HOME/beans directory. Will not overwrite the jar if there is an existing jar with the same name in the OPENEJB_HOME/beans directory. Add the -f option to force the overwrite.


Copy the jar to the OPENEJB_HOME/beans directory. Will not overwrite the jar if there is an existing jar with the same name in the OPENEJB_HOME/beans directory. Add the -f option to force the overwrite.


Forces a move or a copy, overwriting any previously existing jar with the same name.


Automate deployment as much as possible. Applies all automation related flags.


Automatically assigns each bean in the jar to the first container of the appropriate bean type.


Automatically assigns the OpenEJB Deployment ID for each bean by using the <ejb-name> in your ejb-jar.xml. The deployment ID uniquely identifies the bean in the OpenEJB container system and is used by most servers as the client-side JNDI name. No two beans can share the same deployment ID.

-d dir

Sets the OPENEJB_HOME to the specified directory.

-l file

Sets the log4j configuration to the specified file.

-conf file

Sets the OpenEJB configuration to the specified file.


Print the version.


Print this help message.


Show examples of how to use the options.


Deploying multiple jar files


openejb deploy myapp*.jar

Using -m

openejb deploy -m myapp\myEjbs.jar

Deploys the beans in the jar, moving the entire jar from myapp\myEjbs.jar to OPENEJB_HOME\beans\myEjbs.jar.

If the jar OPENEJB_HOME\beans\myEjbs.jar already existed, it will not be overwritten. Supply the -f to force an overwrite.

openejb deploy -m -f myapp\myEjbs.jar

Using -c

openejb deploy -c myapp\myEjbs.jar

Same as using -m, except the jar is copied not moved. The -f also can be used with a -c to force an overwrite if the file is already present.

Using -C

openejb deploy -C myapp\myEjbs.jar

Deploys the beans in the jar, does not prompt you to assign each bean to a container. Instead, each bean will automatically be assigned to the first container of the appropriate type.

Using -D

openejb deploy -D myapp\myEjbs.jar

Deploys the beans in the jar, does not prompt you to assign each bean a Deployment ID . Instead, the deployment ID for each bean will automatically be assigned using the <ejb-name> of the bean as it is in the META-INF/ejb-jar.xml of the jar file.

The deployment ID uniquely identifies the bean in the OpenEJB container system. No two beans can share the same deployment ID.

The deployment ID is also used by most servers as the client-side JNDI name for doing JNDI lookups.

Using -a

openejb deploy -a myapp\myEjbs.jar

Applies all automation related flags. Currently equivalent to:

openejb deploy -C -D myapp\myEjbs.jar

As more automation options are added, they will also be applied when using the -a option.

Using -d dir

openejb deploy -d C:\openejb myapp\myEjbs.jar

Sets the OPENEJB_HOME to the C:\openejb directory. This will cause the deploy tool to treat the C:\openejb as the directory where OpenEJB was installed.

Using -conf file

openejb deploy -conf C:\openejb\conf\mytest.conf myapp\myEjbs.jar

Sets the openejb.configuration system variable to the file C:\openejb\conf\mytest.conf. When the beans are deployed the beans will be to be mapped to the containers and resources in the configuration file C:\openejb\conf\mytest.conf. If the deploy tool needs update the configuration, the mytest.conf file will be modified.

Using combinations of options

openejb deploy -c -a C:\foo\bar.jar D:\my\beans*.jar

openejb deploy -c -C /foo/bar.jar

openejb deploy -m -a /home/dblevins/mybeans/*.jar

openejb deploy -D -m /home/dblevins/mybeans/*.jar

openejb deploy -a /openejb/beans/*.jar


On running the deploy tool with a valid EJB jar the following output is printed on the console

Code Block

Application deployed successfully at {0}
    EjbJar(id=hello-addservice.jar, path=C:\samples\Calculator-new\hello-addservice.jar)
        Ejb(ejb-name=HelloBean, id=HelloBean)

        Ejb(ejb-name=AddServiceBean, id=AddServiceBean)

Note: In the above case the command used is C:\samples\Calculator-new>openejb deploy hello-addservice.jar.
This contains two EJBs AddServiceBean and HelloBean.openejb deploy -a C:\openejb\beans*.jar