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The examples below illustrate the set of basic operations with HBase instance using Stargate REST API.
Use following link to get more more details about HBase/Stargate API: Removed.

Table of Contents


Code Block
sudo /usr/lib/hbase/bin/ start rest -p 60080

60080 post is used because it was specified in sample Hadoop cluster deployment {GATEWAY_HOME}/deployments/sample.xml.

Configure Sandbox port mapping for VirtualBox

  1. Select the VM
  2. Select menu Machine>Settings...
  3. Select tab Network
  4. Select Adapter 1
  5. Press Port Forwarding button
  6. Press Plus button to insert new rule: Name=Stargate, Host Port=60080, Guest Port=60080
  7. Press OK to close the rule window
  8. Press OK to Network window save the changes

60080 post is used because it was specified in sample Hadoop cluster deployment {GATEWAY_HOME}/deployments/sample.xml.

HBase/Stargate via KnoxShell DSL


Code Block
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS

gateway = "https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox"
username = "guest"
password = "guest-password"
tableName = "test_table"

session = Hadoop.login(gateway, username, password)

println "System version : " + HBase.session(session).systemVersion().now().string

println "Cluster version : " + HBase.session(session).clusterVersion().now().string

println "Status : " + HBase.session(session).status().now().string

println "Creating table '" + tableName + "'..."

HBase.session(session).table(tableName).create()  \
    .attribute("tb_attr1", "value1")  \
    .attribute("tb_attr2", "value2")  \
    .family("family1")  \
        .attribute("fm_attr1", "value3")  \
        .attribute("fm_attr2", "value4")  \
    .endFamilyDef()  \
    .family("family2")  \
    .family("family3")  \
    .endFamilyDef()  \
    .attribute("tb_attr3", "value5")  \

println "Done"

println "Table List : " + HBase.session(session).table().list().now().string

println "Schema for table '" + tableName + "' : " + HBase.session(session)  \
    .table(tableName)  \
    .schema()  \

println "Updating schema of table '" + tableName + "'..."

HBase.session(session).table(tableName).update()  \
    .family("family1")  \
        .attribute("fm_attr1", "new_value3")  \
    .endFamilyDef()  \
    .family("family4")  \
        .attribute("fm_attr3", "value6")  \
    .endFamilyDef()  \

println "Done"

println "Schema for table '" + tableName + "' : " + HBase.session(session)  \
    .table(tableName)  \
    .schema()  \

println "Inserting data into table..."

HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row("row_id_1").store()  \
    .column("family1", "col1", "col_value1")  \
    .column("family1", "col2", "col_value2", 1234567890l)  \
    .column("family2", null, "fam_value1")  \

HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row("row_id_2").store()  \
    .column("family1", "row2_col1", "row2_col_value1")  \

println "Done"

println "Querying row by id..."

println HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row("row_id_1")  \
    .query()  \

println "Querying all rows..."

println HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row().query().now().string

println "Querying row by id with extended settings..."

println HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row().query()  \
    .column("family1", "row2_col1")  \
    .column("family2")  \
    .times(0, Long.MAX_VALUE)  \
    .numVersions(1)  \

println "Deleting cell..."

HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row("row_id_1")  \
    .delete()  \
    .column("family1", "col1")  \

println "Rows after delete:"

println HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row().query().now().string

println "Extended cell delete"

HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row("row_id_1")  \
    .delete()  \
    .column("family2")  \
    .time(Long.MAX_VALUE)  \

println "Rows after delete:"

println HBase.session(session).table(tableName).row().query().now().string

println "Table regions : " + HBase.session(session).table(tableName)  \
    .regions()  \

println "Creating scanner..."

scannerId = HBase.session(session).table(tableName).scanner().create()  \
    .column("family1", "col2")  \
    .column("family2")  \
    .startRow("row_id_1")  \
    .endRow("row_id_2")  \
    .batch(1)  \
    .startTime(0)  \
    .endTime(Long.MAX_VALUE)  \
    .filter("")  \
    .maxVersions(100)  \

println "Scanner id=" + scannerId

println "Scanner get next..."

println HBase.session(session).table(tableName).scanner(scannerId)  \
    .getNext()  \

println "Dropping scanner with id=" + scannerId


println "Done"

println "Dropping table '" + tableName + "'..."


println "Done"

session.shutdown(10, SECONDS)


Code Block
%  curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept:  application/json"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/version'

Get version information regarding the HBase cluster backing the Stargate instance


Code Block
%  curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/version/cluster'

Get detailed status on the HBase cluster backing the Stargate instance.


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/status/cluster'

Get the list of available tables.


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1'

Create table with two column families using xml input

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"   -H "Content-Type: text/xml"\
 -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TableSchema name="table1"><ColumnSchema name="family1"/><ColumnSchema name="family2"/></TableSchema>'\
 -X PUT 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/schema'

Create table with two column families using JSON input

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: application/json"  -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
 -d '{"name":"table2","ColumnSchema":[{"name":"family3"},{"name":"family4"}]}'\
 -X PUT 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table2/schema'

Get table metadata

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/regions'

Insert single row table

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Content-Type: text/xml"\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><CellSet><Row key="cm93MQ=="><Cell column="ZmFtaWx5MTpjb2wx" >dGVzdA==</Cell></Row></CellSet>'\
 -X POST 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/row1'

Insert multiple rows into table

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Content-Type: text/xml"\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><CellSet><Row key="cm93MA=="><Cell column=" ZmFtaWx5Mzpjb2x1bW4x" >dGVzdA==</Cell></Row><Row key="cm93MQ=="><Cell column=" ZmFtaWx5NDpjb2x1bW4x" >dGVzdA==</Cell></Row></CellSet>'\
 -X POST 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table2/false-row-key'

Get all data from table


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/*'

Execute cell or row query


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/row1/family1:col1'


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table2/row0'

Delete column family from row

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table2/row0/family3'

Delete specific column from row

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table2/row0/family3'

Create scanner


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Content-Type: text/xml"\
 -d '<Scanner batch="1"/>'\
 -X PUT 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/scanner'

Get the values of the next cells found by the scanner

Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/scanner/13705290446328cff5ed'


Code Block
% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -H "Accept: text/xml"\
 -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/samplesandbox/hbase/api/v1/table1/scanner/13705290446328cff5ed'

Delete table

Code Block

% curl -ik -u guest:guest-password\
 -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/hbase/table1/schema'