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Explain diff between std jbi component and lw component and the static use of ServiceMix.

This document discusses how to package and deploy a lightweight component to the ServiceMix lightweight container (servicemix-lwcontainer). The ServiceMix lightweight container is a service engine JBI component whose purpose is to allow lightweight components (POJOs) to be deployed at runtime rather than only deploying them statically via the servicemix.xml file. Please see What is a Lightweight Component for a good explanation of the different types of JBI components.

As explained in What is a Lightweight Component there are two Two main use cases for ServiceMix:
1. As a ull full JBI container - using SMX ServiceMix as a full JBI container in which you can deploy Service Assemblies and standard JBI components. And you may also deploy lightweight components in this mode - they must be deployed to the servicemix-lwcontainer.

2. Embedded - static servicemix.xml file this is a static configuration used mainly for testing or perhaps for encapsulating ServiceMix into a web application as the entire use of ServiceMix. In other words, you will not be able to deploy other stuff onto . This uses the servicemix.xml file to configure components thare are only deployed when ServiceMix is started, not at runtime. You cannot deploy service units to this type of ServiceMix configuration at runtime. You would have to shutdown, reconfigure and then restart.


This tutorial focuses on deploying lightweight components to the servicemix-lwcontainer.

[ EDIT THIS STUFF: Components can be deployed on ServiceMix in various configurations. For example, components can be deployed on ServiceMix running stand-alone or components can be deployed on ServiceMix which itself is deployed on an application server such as Geronimo.

First some background. Just a brief background: A JBI component is either a service engine (SE) or a binding component (BC). These terms are defined in Introduction to ESB and/or the Glossary. A BC/SE is installed on ServiceMix by copying it into the install directory which resides under the ServiceMix home directory. So what gets deployed? JBI components can act as containers themselves. Artifacts can be deployed to an existing BC or SE to add more functionality to that component. Adding artifacts to installed components is called deployment. To deploy artifacts to a component the artifacts can be placed in the deploy directory under the ServiceMix home directory. Another A term that is important to know is service assembly. A service assembly is a collection of deployment artifacts and metadata. A service unit is a single deployment artifact which is deployed on a single component. For deployment to happen, the artifacts must be in a very specific format, which is specified in the JSR 208 specification. Please see chapter 6 of the JSR 208 specification for more details. In addition to deploying components, ServiceMix allows servicemix.xml files to be deployed in a similar method to deploying a component. ]


Manually Creating a Service Unit and Service Assembly

We are going to use the existing ServiceMix Loan Broker example, which can be found Loan Broker Demo for ServiceMix, as the basis for this discussion.

There are several things to note about this example. First of all it is meant to be run stand-alone. Specifically, when running this example, ServiceMix will be started for you, then the loan broker is
deployed and run. Therefore, there is a servicemix.xml file in the loan-broker directory. This
servicemix.xml file is used to configure for configuring the ServiceMix JBI container upon ServiceMix starting up. This is not to be confused with the servicemix.xml located in the loan-broker\src\su directory. The SU servicemix.xml file is used to configure the servicemix-lwcontainer. Every service unit must contain some kind of configuration file. For example, if we were creating a service unit for the BPEL service engine there would also be a configuration file, but it would not be a servicemix.xml file, such as the one used for configuring the lightweight container.NOTE: If you look at the servicemix.xml file you will see it is strictly being used to configure the ServiceMix jbi container. In the lightweight container deployment, We will not be editing this file for this type of deployment. It is not recommended to edit the servicemix.xml except for testing purposes or if you are creating an embedded ServiceMix configuration.

NOTE: There are two major phases to creating a lightweight component that is ready for deployment: one, is the development phase of the component, which includes coding and compiling /and building the code, two the second phase is creating the packaging necessary for the component to be installed onto the JBI container. This document will focus on the second part. Any steps relating to compilation are simply performed here to get us to the point that we can assemble the component into a JBI service assembly or service unit.

In general, there are three steps to creating the SA and deploying it to the ServiceMix container.

  1. Create the service units.
  2. Create the service assemblies.
  3. Deploy the service assemblies to their respective components in the JBI container.

The following example shows several lightweight components (which make up provides details on each step above using the loan-broker example ) being deployed.

These steps were performed with a source distribution of ServiceMix 3.x on Windows XP.

to illustrate.

Although we are not covering the component development phase, in this case we do need to perform a compile. We will use Apache Ant to compile the loan-broker demo components:

Code Block
cd [servicemix_dir]\examples\loan-broker
ant build-components

This will compile the Java code and put the Java class files into the [servicemix_dir]\examples\loan-broker\build\loanbroker\components directory.

Now we are ready to assemble the lightweight components together. The loan broker demo supplies us with the a build.xml file (which was used in the compile as wellstep above). The build.xml contains targets for creating service units and service assemblies. If you run "ant setup" all the service units a service unit and service assembly will automatically be created. Ultimately, this is what you will want to do, however, the following procedure gives the manual steps for creating a service unit and service assembly, to facilitate in understanding the contents of a service unit.SUs and SAs.

  1. First create the service unit. The service unit is a ZIP file that will contain your application's Java class files and the servicemix.xml configuration file. The service unit can also contain a jbi.xml which provides information about services statically provided and consumed. In ServiceMix it is optional to include this file. In the case of our example, we have not included it.

    1. Use a ZIP compression tool, such as Winzip or gzip to create a zip file containing the classes in [servicemix_dir]\examples\loan-broker\build\loanbroker\components and the servicemix.xml file which can be found in [servicemix_dir]\src\su. The zip file name is arbitrary, but it is used in the Service Assembly's jbi.xml file, so to match the example call it
    2. Put the file in the [servicemix_dir]\examples\loan-broker\build directory for later use. Note: you may store the zip file anywhere.

      The above two steps can be done automatically using the ant script: "ant build-su". If you look in the build.xml file you will see the build-su target does exactly what we just did manually.

  2. Create the Service Assembly. A service assembly is a zip file containing one or more service units and a jbi.xml file. The jbi.xml file must be in the META-INF directory. you may also include other files in the META-INF directory. The ZIP file directory structure for our example looks like this:
    Code Block

    The jbi.xml looks like this:
    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jbi xmlns
    Two jar files must be created. These jar files will be copied into the ServiceMix deploy directory. The first jar file will contain the service component jbi.xml file. When this is copied to the deploy directory it deploys the ServiceMixComponent component. The second jar file will contain the service assembly and the jbi.xml descriptor file. When it is copied to the deploy directory of ServiceMix it deploys the service unit (Quartz) to the previously deployed component, ServiceMixComponent.
  3. The file service component jbi.xml file should contain:
    Code Block
    <jbi xmlns="" 
      <component type="service-engine">
          <description>A ServiceMix Component that can be used to deploy servicemix.xml artifacts.</description>
  4. Put jbi.xml in an empty META-INF directory and put that into a jar file:
    Code Block
    mkdir META-INF
    copy jbi.xml META-INF
    jar cvf service-component.jar *
  5. Create a zip file of the servicemix.xml file you modified above. The zip file should contain the servicemix.xml file and it should be called to match the name it is called in the jbi.xml file. See the artifacts-name tag in the jbi.xml file for the name of the zip file.
  6. Create the second jar file--this is the service assembly jar file. It will contain another jbi.xml file that is used for the service assembly and it will also contain the zip file, in the following structure:
    The service assembly jbi.xml should be match the following: Code Block <jbi xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation
    <description>LoanBroker Service 
             <description>LoanBroker Service 

    The interesting thing to note is that the jbi.xml file to an empty META-INF directory, then create the jar file:
    Code Block
    In a directory which contains these files, create the jar file:
    jar cvf sa_quartz.jar *
  7. Wiki Markup
    Deploy the two jar files.  Copy {{service_component.jar}} and {{sa_quartz.jar}} to {{\[servicemix_src_install_dir\]\assembly\target\servicemix-2.0.\bin\servicemix-2.0.2\deploy}}. This can be done while ServiceMix is running or while ServiceMix is not running. In the second case, run ServiceMix to see the deployment. Output will be similar to:
    Code Block
    ServiceMixComponent: deploy
    ServiceMixComponent: init: SU_1 path: C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\..\wdir
    [INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:C:/tmp1/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT/target/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'
    ServiceMixComponent: start: SU_1
    [INFO] JBIContainer - -Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=timer,id=timer] with service: {}timer
     component: org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07
    [INFO] SimpleThreadPool - -Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main
    [INFO] RAMJobStore - -RAMJobStore initialized.
    [INFO] StdSchedulerFactory - -Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: '
    [INFO] StdSchedulerFactory - -Quartz scheduler version: 1.4.0
    [INFO] ComponentContextImpl - -Component: timer activated endpoint: {}timer : timer
    [INFO] JBIContainer - -Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=trace,id=trace] with service: {}trace
     component: org.servicemix.components.util.TraceComponent@8b8a47
    [INFO] ComponentContextImpl - -Component: trace activated endpoint: {}trace : trace
    [INFO] DeploymentService - -Deployed ServiceUnit SU_1 to Component: servicemix-component
    [INFO] AutoDeploymentService - -Unpacked archive C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\
    bin\..\deploy\comp.jar to C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\..\wdir\defaultJBI\
    [INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/C:/tmp1/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT/target/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHO
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'
    [INFO] AutoDeploymentService - -Unpacked archive C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\
    bin\..\deploy\sa_quartz.jar to C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\..\wdir\defaul
    [INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/C:/tmp1/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT/target/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHO
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Bean factory for application context [
    [INFO] JBIContainer - -ServiceMix JBI Container ( name: defaultJBI running version: ServiceMix.
    [INFO] DeliveryChannel - -default destination serviceName for timer = {}trace
    [INFO] QuartzScheduler - -Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@a7dd39 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normaliz
    edMessageImpl@acdd02{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
    Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:05 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'null nextFireTime: Th
    u Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.My Example Job':  jobClass
    : 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsRecovers: false, org.servicem
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@19ecd80 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normali
    zedMessageImpl@c5aa00{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
     Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:05
    PST 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.M
    y Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsReco
    vers: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>

The JBI spec describes in detail how to create a valid JBI deployment unit. In essence, it is a jar file with a META-INF/jbi.xml with other resource jars inside it. Please see Deployment Units for more information.

  1. Make sure that your geronimo server is running.
  2. Run the geronimo deploy tool against your deployment unit (in this case jbcomponent.jar):
    Code Block
    java -jar geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy jbcomponent.jar 

That should deploy the component to geronimo. To check, just take a look at the geronimo logs for a message similar to:

Code Block

11:44:24,865 INFO  [Configuration] Started configuration example-engine-1
11:44:24,869 INFO  [ServiceMixDeployment] Starting: /Users/chirino/sandbox/geronimo/modules/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/config-store/20/META-INF/jbi.xml
11:44:25,783 INFO  [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'

Related Documentation

  1. tells the JBI container what service units are in the service assembly and where to deploy them. There is only one service unit in our example, which is "loanbroker" (see the artifacts-name tag) and the component to which it will be deployed is servicemix-lwcontainer (see the <component-name> tag). There could be multiple service units in a service assembly and they would each be included in the jbi.xml file with the same type of information for each.
    Create the service assembly ZIP file and include the file and the META-INF\jbi.xml directory and file in it. To remain consistent with our example, call the zip file
    Put the file in the [servicemix_dir]\examples\loan-broker\build directory for later use. Note: in a real world application you may store the zip file anywhere.
  2. The final step is to deploy the service assembly to the JBI container. To do this copy the file to the [servicemix_dir]\deploy directory. If ServiceMix is already running it will detect the file is there and start it. If ServiceMix is not running, start it to see the example start running:
    Code Block
    ..\..\bin\servicemix servicemix.xml

Related Documentation

The JBI spec describes in detail how to create a valid JBI deployment unit. Please see JSR 208.

Spring Related information

Inside the servicemix.xml file, the ability to import the common beans using the following:

Code Block

<import resource="classpath:otherBeans.xml" />

The resource is a SpringResource so the following also works:

Code Block

<import resource="file:path/to/file/jmx.xml" />

if you run ServiceMix (or JBoss) with a param:

Code Block

JAVA_OPTS=-DMYHOME=somepath/ # windows

then in the servicemix.xml and xbean.xml you can reference MYHOME.


Code Block

<import resource="file:${MYHOME}/path/to/file/jmx.xml" />

Then you can also import a properties file from this same path to pull in other config you may need. (that you want outside an SU/SA bundle).

Code Block

<bean id="propertyConfigurer"
  <property name="locations">
