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#acl All:read,write There will be We held an Apache track at GotoCon Amsterdam 2011 on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th October. On Saturday 15th, we 'll be holding then hold a hackathon in Amsterdam, and hopefully a small BarCamp too. The exact plan will be finalised once we know how much interest there isin Amsterdam. This page is now of historic interest only, as the event has now passed, but may provide to be of help for those planning to set up future location-specific Apache Hackathons.


Apache Hackathon and hopefully BarCamp


Saturday 15th October, after GotoCon


In central Amsterdam: at the Hippo offices Krasnapolsky (which is the GotoCon venue), St John's II room


Likely 10am - 6pm, then out for dinner

At this point, weWe're asking people to sign up, so we can get an idea of interest and numbersthe numbers expected, and the topics likely to be covered. Signup is open to all Apache committers, and anyone interested in getting involved in Apache (eg anyone on a dev list). If we've the interest for a full BarCamp, we'll branch out into a full page!

We're expecting to run a small number of Apache related BarCamp sessions (the exact number and topics depending on interest on the day). Alongside this, there will be a hackathon, where committers come together to work on new code, solve bugs, enhance documentation, or experiment with new ideas. Whether your project is hoping to work on something, or if you have an idea for something new, or if you'd just like to take part, you'll be very welcome. Do come along even if you've not got a specific project in mind to work on, those there will always welcome people helping out and getting involved!

GotoCon is kindly providing the venue and some lunch, and is covering some refreshments too, so it should be an excellent day! Please sign up if you'd like to come.


Apache ID / email


Nick Burch


Willing to help organise a BarCamp if there's interest

Arje Cahn


Taking care of the venue, Wi-fi and some beers (smile)

Jasha Joachimsthal


Can't stop RAVEing (smile)

Gabriele Columbro


Willing to help, bring fun, maybe some geek chat. Plus it will be my 30th b-day party that night, so an excuse to get in touch with some old Hippo/Apache friends and invite them (smile)

Scott Wilson


Wookie & Rave

Adolfo Benedetti


Alexis de Tréglodé


Going to the red light district. How about talking about BigData topics?

Ate Douma


Rave, Shindig, Wookie Regrettably I can't make it after all

Lukasz Dywicki


OSGi, Management tools, Karaf, webconsole - modularization of software and management tools, Karaf WebConsole prototype

Simon Pepping


Meeting with other Apache committers; I am willing to help with the organisation

Vadim Chepegin

Wookie & Rave

Lucas Anastasiou


Simon Willnauer


Lucene, Solr, Hadoop

Shiva Puram

Apache Wookie & Rave

Ross Gardler


Jeroen Reijn


Stanbol, Solr & Rave




Sten Govaerts

OpenSocial, Wookie & Rave

Erik Isaksson

Shindig, Wookie & Rave

Jim Example

_ jim@example.com_

Getting involved in commons

For anyone who's thinking of coming to GotoCon Amsterdam 2011 the two days before the meetup, you can use the code goto2011Apache to get 20% off the registration fee, and you don't only have to go to the Apache talks!*

Attend the GotoCon Apache Track for EUR 50


"As a gift to the Open Source Community, we offer you the GotoCon Apache Track on Friday, October 14th at an incredible price of EUR 50! This special ticket will give you the opportunity to attend the five sessions within the Apache Track, but no other talks. If you are interested in this offer, please contact us on . "