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serverASF JIRA


Released: 2.4.0

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


There will be five new configurations added for distributed workers:

  • internalinter.requestworker.key.generation.algorithm
    • Purpose: the algorithm used to generate session keys
    • Type: string
    • Default: "HmacSHA256"
    • Importance: low
  • internalinter.requestworker.key.size
    • Purpose: the size of generated session keys, in bits; if null, the default key size for the generation algorithm will be used (see the KeyGenerator Javadocs; specifically: "In case the client does not explicitly initialize the KeyGenerator (via a call to an init method), each provider must supply (and document) a default initialization.")
    • Type: int
    • Default: null
    • Importance: low
    • Purpose: how often to force a rotation of the internal key used for request validation, or 0 if forced rotation should never occur
    • Type: long
    • Default: 3600000 (one hour)
    • Importance: low
  • internalinter.requestworker.signature.algorithm
    • Purpose: the algorithm to use to sign internal requests when sent from a follower worker to the leader
    • Type: string
    • Default: "HmacSHA256"
    • Importance: low
  • internalinter.requestworker.verification.algorithms
    • Purpose: a list of supported algorithms for verifying internal requests that are received by the leader from a follower. This list must include the value provided for the internalinter.requestworker.signature.algorithm property
    • Type: list
    • Default: "HmacSHA256"
    • Importance: low


Periodically (with frequency dictated by the property), the leader will compute a new session key and distribute it to the cluster.

The default algorithm used to sign requests will be HmacSHA256; this algorithm is guaranteed to be supported on all implementations of the Java Platform (source). However, users will be able to configure their cluster to use other algorithms with the internalinter.requestworker.signature.algorithm property if, for example, the default is not suitable for compliance with an existing security standard.

Similarly, the default algorithm used to generate request keys will also be HmacSHA256; again, this algorithm is guaranteed to be supported on all implementations of the Java Platform (source). And again, users will be able to configure their cluster to use other algorithms or keys of a different size with the internalinter.requestworker.key.generation.algorithm and internalinter.requestworker.key.size properties, respectively.


When a request is received by the leader, the request signature algorithm described by the X-Connect-Request-Signature-Algorithm header will be used to sign the request body and the resulting signature will be checked against the contents of the X-Connect-Authorization header. If the contents do not match, or the request signature algorithm is not in the list of permitted algorithms controlled by the internalinter.requestworker.verification.algorithms property, the request will be rejected.


Requests with expired keys

The leader will only accept requests signed with the most current key. This should not cause any major problems; workers already engage in an infinite retry loop when requests to forward tasks to the leader fail with a short (250 millisecond) backoff period in between each retry. If a follower attempts to make a request with an expired key (which should be quite rare and only occur if the request is made by a follower that is not fully caught up to the end of the config topic), the initial request will fail, but will be subsequently retried after a backoff period. If the first 240 requests fail with HTTP 403, it will be assumed that this is due to an out-of-date session key; a debug-level message about the subsequent retry will be logged in place of the current error-level log message of "Failed to reconfigure connector's tasks, retrying after backoff: " followed by a stack trace. Since the backoff period is 250 milliseconds, this should give at least one minute of leeway for an outdated key to be updated. This grace period should leave sufficient room for the follower to read the new session key from the config topic. If longer than that is required, the usual error-level log messages will begin to be generated by the worker.

New JMX worker metric

Finally, a new worker JMX metric will be exposed that can be used to determine whether the new behavior proposed by this KIP is enabled:

  • MBeankafka.connect:type=connect-worker-metrics
  • Metric nameconnect-protocol
  • DescriptionThe Connect protocol used by this cluster
  • Value: The Connect subprotocol in use based on the latest join group response for this worker joining the Connect cluster.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Backwards compatibility

All of the proposed configurations here have default values, making them backwards compatible.

Enabling request signature verification on a cluster

Upgrade steps

These steps should be completed on each worker in the cluster as part of a rolling upgrade:

  1. Shut down the worker.
  2. If necessary, either remove the connect.protocol property from the worker config file, or set it to sessioned.
  3. Upgrade the Connect JARs for that worker to the new Kafka Connect release that has support for internal request signing.
  4. Start the worker.

Once every worker has been restarted, internal request verification should become automatically enabled. While there are any workers left in the cluster that are either not-yet upgraded, or that use a different connect.protocol (i.e., eager or compatible), internal request verification will remain disabled; no session keys will be distributed by the leader, requests will not be signed by followers, and the leader will not protect its POST /connectors/<connector>/tasks endpoint.

An info-level log message will be emitted by any worker that has newly joined a cluster with internal request validation enabled so that Connect cluster administrators can be assured that their clusters are secure.

Possible failure scenarios

Failure to relay task configurations to leader due to incorrect configuration

The only seriously bad scenario is if a follower worker is configured to use a request signing algorithm that isn't allowed by the leader. In this case, any failure will only occur if/when that follower starts up a connector and then has to forward tasks for that connector to the leader, which may not happen immediately. Once that failure occurs, an endless failure loop will occur wherein the follower endlessly retries to send those task configurations to the leader and pauses by the backoff interval in between each failed request.

There will be two symptoms that could indicate to the user that this has occurred:

  1. Failure of connectors hosted by the follower worker to spawn tasks
  2. Error-level log messages emitted by the follower worker

There are two ways to rectify this situation; either shut down the follower and restart it after editing its configuration to use a request signing algorithm permitted by the leader, or shut down all other workers in the cluster that do not permit the request signing algorithm used by the follower, reconfigure them to permit it, and then restart them.

This scenario is unlikely to occur with any normal usage of Connect, but the circumstances leading to it will need to be called out very carefully (in the upgrade notes for any release that begins to support this new behavior) in order to avoid putting the cluster into a bad state and flooding logs with scary-looking error messages. Additionally, it will be vital to design appropriate error messages for this scenario so that users can (hopefully) dig themselves out of that hole on their own.

Differing values for any of the other configurations in this KIP shouldn't actually be too problematic, given that the remaining ones all deal with key generation/rotation, which is only handled by one worker at a time (the leader).

Accidental disabling of internal request verification

There are two scenarios that may indicate that the user has accidentally disabled internal request verification; these should result in warn-level log messages that carefully explain that request verification is disabled, what has caused request verification to become disabled, and how the user can fix this if desired.

  1. A worker is started up with connect.protocol set to something other than sessioned (this may occur if the value was accidentally left in the worker file during an upgrade)
  2. A worker with connect.protocol set to sessioned (or, in the future, any protocol that enables internal request signing) joins the cluster group, and it is observed that the subprotocol used by the cluster does not indicate support for internal request singing (this may occur in the same scenario as above, but would be caught from the perspective of a correctly-configured worker as opposed to an incorrectly-configured worker and should be logged as well)

Neither of these scenarios warrant error-level logging messages as they could theoretically be brought about by an intentional downgrade.

The newly-proposed connect-protocol JMX metric can be used to monitor whether internal request verification is enabled for a cluster; if its value is sessioned (or, presumably, a later protocol), then request verification should be enabled.

Reverting an upgrade

 However, Connect follower workers may routinely experience small delays when reading the new key. Rather than always logging such task configuration failure and retry attempts as errors (the current behavior), Connect's distributed herder will be modified slightly to handle such HTTP 403 responses for this task configuration request by quietly retrying them with the latest key for up to 1 minute. If failures persist for more than 1 minute, they will be logged as errors.

New JMX worker metric

Finally, a new worker JMX metric will be exposed that can be used to determine whether the new behavior proposed by this KIP is enabled:

  • MBeankafka.connect:type=connect-worker-rebalance-metrics
  • Metric nameconnect-protocol
  • DescriptionThe Connect protocol used by this cluster
  • Value: The Connect subprotocol in use based on the latest join group response for this worker joining the Connect cluster.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Backwards compatibility

All of the proposed configurations here have default values, making them backwards compatible.

Enabling request signature verification on a cluster

Upgrade steps

These steps should be completed on each worker in the cluster as part of a rolling upgrade:

  1. Shut down the worker.
  2. If necessary, either remove the connect.protocol property from the worker config file, or set it to sessioned.
  3. Upgrade the Connect JARs for that worker to the new Kafka Connect release that has support for internal request signing.
  4. Start the worker.

Once every worker has been restarted, internal request verification should become automatically enabled. While there are any workers left in the cluster that are either not-yet upgraded, or that use a different connect.protocol (i.e., eager or compatible), internal request verification will remain disabled; no session keys will be distributed by the leader, requests will not be signed by followers, and the leader will not protect its POST /connectors/<connector>/tasks endpoint.

An info-level log message will be emitted by any worker that has newly joined a cluster with internal request validation enabled so that Connect cluster administrators can be assured that their clusters are secure.

Possible failure scenarios

Failure to relay task configurations to leader due to incorrect configuration

The only seriously bad scenario is if a follower worker is configured to use a request signing algorithm that isn't allowed by the leader. In this case, any failure will only occur if/when that follower starts up a connector and then has to forward tasks for that connector to the leader, which may not happen immediately. Once that failure occurs, an endless failure loop will occur wherein the follower endlessly retries to send those task configurations to the leader and pauses by the backoff interval in between each failed request.

There will be two symptoms that could indicate to the user that this has occurred:

  1. Failure of connectors hosted by the follower worker to spawn tasks
  2. Error-level log messages emitted by the follower worker

There are two ways to rectify this situation; either shut down the follower and restart it after editing its configuration to use a request signing algorithm permitted by the leader, or shut down all other workers in the cluster that do not permit the request signing algorithm used by the follower, reconfigure them to permit it, and then restart them.

This scenario is unlikely to occur with any normal usage of Connect, but the circumstances leading to it will need to be called out very carefully (in the upgrade notes for any release that begins to support this new behavior) in order to avoid putting the cluster into a bad state and flooding logs with scary-looking error messages. Additionally, it will be vital to design appropriate error messages for this scenario so that users can dig themselves out of that hole on their own.

Differing values for any of the other configurations in this KIP shouldn't actually be too problematic, given that the remaining ones all deal with key generation/rotation, which is only handled by one worker at a time (the leader).

Accidental disabling of internal request verification

There are two scenarios that may indicate that the user has accidentally disabled internal request verification; these should result in warn-level log messages that carefully explain that request verification is disabled, what has caused request verification to become disabled, and how the user can fix this if desired.

  1. A worker is started up with connect.protocol set to something other than sessioned (this may occur if the value was accidentally left in the worker file during an upgrade)
  2. A worker with connect.protocol set to sessioned (or, in the future, any protocol that enables internal request signing) joins the cluster group, and it is observed that the subprotocol used by the cluster does not indicate support for internal request singing (this may occur in the same scenario as above, but would be caught from the perspective of a correctly-configured worker as opposed to an incorrectly-configured worker and should be logged as well)

Neither of these scenarios warrant error-level logging messages as they could theoretically be brought about by an intentional downgrade.

The newly-proposed connect-protocol JMX metric can be used to monitor whether internal request verification is enabled for a cluster; if its value is sessioned (or, presumably, a later protocol), then request verification should be enabled.

Reverting an upgrade

Via connect.protocol config

The group coordination protocol will be used to ensure that all workers in a cluster support verification of internal requests before this behavior is enabled; therefore, a rolling upgrade of the cluster will be possible. In line with the regression plan for KIP-415: Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing in Kafka Connect, if it is desirable to disable this behavior for some reason, the connect.protocol configuration can be set to compatible or default for one (or more) workers, and it will automatically be disabled.

Via worker version downgrade

It should also be noted that the above will occur automatically if a worker is downgraded to a prior release of Kafka Connect that does not support the sessioned protocol. If this occurs, the worker will begin emitting error-level log messages when it reads session keys from the config topic. However, the worker will be otherwise unaffected and will continue to function properly (but without the security benefit of internal request verification)The group coordination protocol will be used to ensure that all workers in a cluster support verification of internal requests before this behavior is enabled; therefore, a rolling upgrade of the cluster will be possible. In line with the regression plan for KIP-415: Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing in Kafka Connect, if it is desirable to disable this behavior for some reason, the connect.protocol configuration can be set to compatible or default for one (or more) workers, and it will automatically be disabled.

Migrating to a new request signature algorithm

If a new signature algorithm should be used, a rolling upgrade will be possible with the following steps (assuming a new algorithm of HmacSHA489):

  1. Add HmacSHA489 to the internal.key.verification.algorithms list for each worker, and restart them one-by-one
  2. Change the internal.key.signature.algorithm property for each worker to HmacSHA489, and restart them one-by-one
  3. (Optional) Remove the old algorithm from the internal.key.verification.algorithms list for each worker, and restart them one-by-one

Rejected Alternatives

Configurable inter-worker headers

Summary: A new worker configuration would be added that would control auth headers used by workers when making requests to the internal endpoint.

Rejected because: The additional complexity of another required configuration would be negative for users; security already isn't simple to implement with Kafka Connect, and requiring just one more thing for them to add should be avoided if possible. Also, the use of static headers isn't guaranteed to cover all potential auth mechanisms, and would require manual rotation by reconfiguring the worker.

Replace endpoint with Kafka topic

Summary: The REST endpoint could be removed entirely and replaced with a Kafka topic. Either an existing internal Connect topic (such as the configs topic) could be used, or a new topic could be added to handle all non-forwarded follower-to-leader communication.

Rejected because: Achieving consensus in a Connect cluster about whether to begin engaging in this new topic-based protocol would require either reworking the Connect group coordination protocol or installing several new configurations and a multi-stage rolling upgrade in order to enable it. Requiring new configurations and a multi-stage rolling upgrade for the default use case of a simple version bump for a cluster would be a much worse user experience, and if the group coordination protocol is going to be reworked, we might as well just use the group coordination protocol to distribute keys instead. Additionally, the added complexity of switch from a synchronous to an asynchronous means of communication for relaying task configurations to the leader would complicate the implementation enough that reworking the group coordination protocol might even be a simpler approach with smaller changes required.

Distribute session key via Connect protocol

Summary: Instead of distributing a session key via the config topic, include the session key as part of the worker assignment handed out during rebalance via the Connect protocol. Periodically force a rebalance in order to rotate session keys.

Rejected because: The implementation complexity of adding a session key to the rebalance protocol would be quite high, and the additional API would complicate the code base significantly. Additionally, there are few, if any advantages, compared to distributing the keys via the config topic.