Versions Compared


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Comment: add link to wiki home page

Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Hive wiki, including how to edit and export as well as a brief history of the wiki. Note that the Hive website is separate from the Hive wiki. See How to edit the website for information on editing the website


The Apache Hive wiki originally started out as a subspace in the Apache Hadoop MoinMoin wiki (when Hive was still a Hadoop subproject). When Hive graduated to become a top-level project, we moved its wiki out to a top-level Confluence wiki. (The MoinMoin wiki has been under attack by spammers, captchas weren't helping, and there didn't seem to be a way to use access control to defend the Hive subspace.)

Just like in a real move, sometimes stuff gets broken in transit. The MoinMoin and Confluence markup languages are somewhat different, and the migration tools we used didn't preserve everything perfectly. We've been manually fixing things up as we get time. You can help! In order to edit the wiki, you'll first need to create yourself an account, and then you can post on the Hive users mailing list requesting write access.

Some things that need fixing:

  • if you spot a broken link within the wiki, look for the page name in this list and fix the link
  • if you spot a link to the old wiki in some other site, please update it to point directly to the correct location in the new wiki
  • if you see bad markup (usually highlighted in red), fix it; Confluence markup syntax is the same as JIRA since they come from the same company
  • if you see spam links left over from the MoinMoin days, remove them

We're working on restoring the attachments from the MoinMoin wiki and re-linking them.

To prevent further edits on the MoinMoin source, we've deleted all the pages there (replacing them with instructions for how to find their new locations), but we have a full backup of the MoinMoin data in case we notice that anything was entirely lost in the move.

How to get permission to edit

How to edit the Hive wiki


It is good practice to put a comment on the JIRA issue that you're documenting, with a link to the wiki page, so people watching that issue can review your changes and future JIRA trawlers can find the documentation easily. See How to find documentation tasks below for more about the JIRA. As a note, Confluence markup syntax is the same as JIRA since they come from the same company.

titleVersion information

Please include Hive version information with your changes, because the wiki covers all releases of Hive.

You can give the version either in the text or in a Version info box like this one (click the "+" icon, select "Info" from the drop-down list, and enter "Version" or "Version information" as the title). To link to a JIRA issue, highlight some text or the issue ID such as HIVE-10000 and click the Insert link icon (upper middle-right side of the page), using the "Web link" option on the left side of the "Insert link" window.


Links to anchors work the same as sections:

How to


find documentation tasks

While you are reading the wiki, you are likely to find things that need to be improved. For example, if you spot a broken link within the wiki, look for the page name in this list and fix the link.


The Hive wiki can be exported to HTML, XML, or PDF. Individual pages can be exported to PDF, EPUB, or Word.

  • To obtain export permission, send a request to requesting export access and give your Confluence username (see How to get permission to edit above).
  • To export the entire Hive wiki or selected pages, use Space Tools (left side of any wiki page) and select Content Tools (top bar in Space Tools) then select the Export tab. Choose an export format and click Next. Select Full Export or Custom Export, and click Export. For a custom export, you can choose which pages you want to export.
  • To export the current wiki page, use the Tools drop-down list (upper right corner of any page) and select Export to PDF, Export to EPUB, or Export to Word.


Documentation tasks are tracked in JIRA issues using the TODOC label with version appended, such as TODOC2.0 and TODOC1.3. Versions 0.10 through 0.14 omit the leading "0.", such as TODOC12.


Note: TODOC labels began with TODOC10 for version 0.10. Even when Hive reaches version 10.0, TODOC10 and TODOC10.0 labels will be distinguishable by the presence or absence of a dot number.

How to export the Hive wiki

The Hive wiki can be exported to HTML, XML, or PDF. Individual pages can be exported to PDF, EPUB, or Word.

  • To obtain export permission, send a request to requesting export access and give your Confluence username (see How to get permission to edit above).
  • To export the entire Hive wiki or selected pages, use Space Tools (left side of any wiki page) and select Content Tools (top bar in Space Tools) then select the Export tab. Choose an export format and click Next. Select Full Export or Custom Export, and click Export. For a custom export, you can choose which pages you want to export.
  • To export the current wiki page, use the Tools drop-down list (upper right corner of any page) and select Export to PDF, Export to EPUB, or Export to Word.


The Apache Hive wiki originally started out as a subspace in the Apache Hadoop MoinMoin wiki (when Hive was still a Hadoop subproject). When Hive graduated to become a top-level project, we moved its wiki out to a top-level Confluence wiki. (The MoinMoin wiki had been under attack by spammers, captchas weren't helping, and there didn't seem to be a way to use access control to defend the Hive subspace.)

Just like in a real move, sometimes stuff gets broken in transit. The MoinMoin and Confluence markup languages are somewhat different, and the migration tools we used didn't preserve everything perfectly.

To prevent further edits on the MoinMoin source, we've deleted all the pages there (replacing them with instructions for how to find their new locations), but we have a full backup of the MoinMoin data in case we notice that anything was entirely lost in the move.



