Versions Compared


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Every write request will advance the write id for the table for both DML/DDL. The writeid will be marked committed locally in HMS client. The next read request is guaranteed to read from db until the notification log catch up to the commit message of the transaction commit, since the writeid is newer than the cache (the writeid for the transaction is committed locally, but is not committed on HMS until notification log catch up).


When the transaction is committed, HMS will put writeid of the modified tables during the query into notification log. HMS will retrieve the writeid from db. As an optimization, HMS client may also pass a flag to indicate this is a read-only transaction, HMS would not pull writeid from db if it is read-only.

Cache update

In the previous discussion, we know if the cache is stale, HMS will serve the request from ObjectStore. We need to catch up the cache with the latest change. This can be done by the existing notification log based cache update mechanism. A thread in HMS constantly poll from notification log, update the cache with the entries from notification log. The interesting entries in notification log are table/partition writes, and corresponding commit transaction message. When processing table/partition writes, HMS will put the table/partition entry in cache. However, the entry is not immediately usable until the commit message of the corresponding writes is processed, and mark writeid of corresponding table entry committed.


Write id is not valid for external tables. And Hive won’t fetch ValidWriteIdList if the query source is external tables. Without ValidWriteIdList, HMS won’t able to check the staleness of the cache. To solve this problem, we will use the original eventually consistent model for external tables. That is, if the table is external table, Hive will pass null ValidWriteIdList to metastore API/CachedStore. Metastore cache won’t store ValidWriteIdList alongside the entry. When reading, CachedStore always retrieve the current copy. The original notification update will update the metadata of external tables, so we can eventually get updates from external changes.

Consistency Guarantee

Since the source of truth for cache is notification log, and the notification log is total ordered, the cache provides monotonic reads. The cost of that is we delay the update of cache until the notification log is caught up by the background thread. This guarantee the cache always move forward not backward. During the interim before HMS catch up the notification log, read will be served from db. The performance will suffer during this short period of time, but consider write operation is less often, the cost is minor.


This approach also provide read your own writes guarantee. Reads within the transaction will use a writeid list which marks the current transaction committed, that’s guaranteed to be newer than the cached entry, and thus HMS will go to db to fetch the fresh copy.


The check based on ValidWriteIdList is limited to table/partition. We cannot use the same mechanism for other entities such as databases, functions, privileges, as Hive only generate writeid on table (partition belong to table, so we use table writeid to track partition changes). Currently we don’t cache other entities, HMW will fetch those directly from db. However, many of those entities need to be in cache. For example, get_database is invoked multiple times by every query. So we need to address this issue in the future.

API changes

When reading, we need to pass a writeid list so HMS can compare it with the cached version. We need to add ValidWriteIdList into metastore thrift API and RawStore interfaces for all table/partition related read calls.


hive_metastore.thriftOld API


get_table(string dbname,string tbl_name)

get_table(string dbname,string tbl_name,,int tableid,string validWriteIdList)
