Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We have two directories here:


  • Make a clean checkout of the UserALE.js repository (ensuring that there are no local modifications): 

    Code Block
    $ git clone 
    $ git pull --rebase # assumes that the Apache canonical repository is the default upstream for your master - amend if necessary
    $ git checkout -b $VERSION_NAME

  • Make sure all unit and integration tests are passing. 
    • All tests must pass... if they do not then they need to be fixed before further progress can be made. Each flagon subproject you are attempting to release should contain a README with details on how to run the tests. If it does not, submit a pull request before progressing.
  • Update the to reflect the current release, this may also be required for other essential files such as NOTICE, README etc. Ensure all of these files are accurate and up-to-date. It is also advised to include the JIRA release report in This makes it very easy for people to see the relevant changes for this release bundle.
  • Now change the version numbers in this branch in package.json.
  • If you have never made a flagon UserALE.js release, you are required to append your gpg key to the flagon KEYS file. This will then be used to sign all release artifacts. Much more about this can be found here


    This is an extremely important part of the release procedure. It is essential to get it right and that all subsequent release managers' KEYS are associated with this file.

  • If any changes based on the above have been made, then commit them to the VERSION branch.



master to reflect future version

The master branch will now need updating to refer to the next planned version. (This step is not required if making a “milestone” release or similar.) The release notes should be cleared out and the version history augmented with the new version. Also ensure that package.json and the example index.html reflect the new version.

Code Block
$ git add . && git commit -m "Change version to $NEW_MASTER_VERSION"

Switch back to the master current  release branch

Move back to the release version.


The release utility scripts reside within the release subdirectory.

The release script scripts will:

  1. Prepare a staging directory for the source code release
  2. Create .tar.gz and .zip artifacts of the source code
  3. Invoke npm to build the source code (including running unit tests), and deploy artifacts to a NPM remote repository
  4. Save the .tar.gz and .zip artifacts produced by the build of incubator-flagon/release/
  5. For each of the produced files, produce SHA512 and GnuPG signatures


The script takes a -n parameter to work in dry run mode; in this mode, the script will NOT upload NPM artifacts or commit the release to the Subversion repository. This speeds up the process (the NPM deploy in particular slows down the build) and will catch any problems such as PGP or mocha problems much sooner.ONLY create a local copy of release artifacts in the /release folder. It will NOT stage release artifacts to be checked into the staging area. 

Code Block
Code Block
# A dry run to test everything is OK
$ ./incubator-flagon/release/ -r $RC_NUMBER -n

# The real build, which will publish artifacts
$ ./incubator-flagon/release/ -r $RC_NUMBER

Once this has completed,


you will need to check-in the release artifacts into the staging environement.

Push the source release artifacts and signatures to dist



 as described below.

Check out

Push the source release artifacts and signatures to as described below.

Check out flagon release staging area. The artifacts we push to this area are the ones we make available on official


  • In your local copy of flagon (master), navigate to $flagon/target directory and copy the and src-tar.gz artifacts along with relevant signatures to the above release staging directory.
  • You should aim to include all relevant signatures along with these src artifacts. This would entail
    SHA and ASC signatures for each artifact. More information on this can be found here -
  • copy the to this directory as well
  • finally, svn add all of the above artifacts and commit them to the flagon dev release staging area


Verify the release artifacts


At minimum you should do a few things to test code that will be available at release:

  1. Check the signatures generated by release artifacts: GPG and GPG Keychain provide tools to test .asc signatures and verify that your signing key matches your private key.
  2. Check the src builds: Create copies of src.tar and/or files, and initiate the NPM build and test scripts. Make sure they pass.
  3. Check the bin artifacts: Use the UserALE.js example server and point our index.html test page at the minified UserALE.js scripts to ensure that you're generating logs.

Publish to the staging area

Make a signed tag for this release candidate:

Code Block
$ git tag -a $(VERSION NUMBER) -s -m "Tag release ${VERSION_NAME} release candidate  	${RC_NUMBER}" rel/apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-${VERSION_NAME}-rc${RC_NUMBER}

$ git show tag $(VERSION NUMBER)

Now push the release branch and release candidate tag:

Code Block
$ git push userale-js $VERSION_NAME && git push apache-git rel/apache-flagon-userale-js-${VERSION_NAME}-rc${RC_NUMBER}origin $(VERSION NUMBER)

Publish the source and binary distributions to the pre-release staging area

You will need to have checked out the Apache distribution Subversion release staging repository located at Please refer to Prerequisites for information.

In your workspace for the repo /dev repo, create a directory with the artifact name and version:

Code Block
$ mkdir apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-${VERSION_NAME}-rc${RC_NUMBER}

Copy into this directory all of the artifacts from the previous step - -src and and .rpm, and all associated .sha512 and .asc signatures. and .rpm, and all associated .sha512 and .asc signatures. Also, copy  into this file.


Then commit:

Code Block
$ svn add apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-${VERSION_NAME}-rc${RC_NUMBER}
$ svn add
$ svn commit --username $SVN_USERNAME --no-auth-cache --message "Add apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-${VERSION_NAME}-rc${RC_NUMBER} to dist/dev/flagon"

These Some of these these steps can be performed as part of the script used earlier if ${APACHE_DIST_SVN_DIR} points to the appropriate subversion directory.


Prepare the VOTE thread based on the artifacts




Send out the RESULT thread


  • In the JIRA Administration Interface, go to
    • Versions
    • for the release tag you've just released, add a release date and then release it
  • Update the DOAP to reflect the release