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Notes (JIRA Link)




  • [FINERACT-887] - FLAKY org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.FixedDepositTest > testMaturityAmountForDailyCompoundingAndMonthlyPosting_With_365_Days FAILED




  • [FINERACT-1188] - README and other files are not covered by Spotless





  • [FINERACT-1226] - Travis CI does not actually build new multi module project structure





  • [FINERACT-898] - Test failures due to XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException


  • [FINERACT-1036] - NullPointerException at DocumentManagementApiResource.createDocument()


  • [FINERACT-1070] - Email Service Configurations defaults to port 25 irrespective of Port number specified


  • [FINERACT-1088] - ResourceAccessException at SmsCampaignDropdownReadPlatformServiceImpl


  • [FINERACT-1100] - Swagger CodeGen WARN - New (reserved word) cannot be used as model name. Renamed to ModelNew


  • [FINERACT-1138] - Swagger UI should run "try it out" queries against the server where it is hosted



  • [FINERACT-1149] - IllegalArgumentException at SQLBuilder.addCriteria() at StaffReadPlatformServiceImpl.retrieveAllLoanOfficersInOfficeById()






  • [FINERACT-1166] - gradle build fails if source not a git repository


  • [FINERACT-1169] - fix for broken credit bureau loan-product mapping module



  • [FINERACT-1173] - Error Message in case of missing reporting implementation is confusing


  • [FINERACT-1175] - Fix spm.repository / spm.domain JPA bug (?), and simplify appContext.xml



  • [FINERACT-1180] - Failing to load securityContext.xml, prevents starting


  • [FINERACT-1181] - Fineract does not start unless machine is connected to internet



  • [FINERACT-1192] - Renovate does not update spring-framework-bom dependencyManagement



  • [FINERACT-1199] - Jersey (JAX RS implementation) & Tomcat logging needs to be configured to use slf4j instead of JUL



  • [FINERACT-1207] - Clean up fineract-provider/config/swagger following introduction of fineract-client/


  • [FINERACT-1208] - -Werror javac compilerArg lost during move to multi modules


  • [FINERACT-1211] - ProcessorHelper error handling can lead to NullPointerException


  • [FINERACT-1214] - SDK Swagger Client Java API methods returning Rx Observable are not intuitive for Java developers


  • [FINERACT-1220] - Client Java SDK must configure GSON to deserialize [yyyy,mm,dd] date format returned by Fineract API


  • [FINERACT-1231] - SDK Swagger Java Client generated utilities are broken and should be removed from JAR


  • [FINERACT-1234] - Client Java SDK must configure GSON to serialize yyyy-mm-dd date format


  • [FINERACT-1236] - Travis failures due to ZipException: zip END header not found for


  • [FINERACT-1242] - OfficeTest fails with java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2020-10-25' could not be parsed: Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor: {DayOfMonth=25, Year=2020},ISO resolved to 00:10 of type java.time.format.Parsed



  • [FINERACT-1250] - AuditIntegrationTest > auditShouldbeCreated() FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: More than one audit created ==> expected: <1> but was: <2>



  • [FINERACT-1256] - Bulk Import Template generation should not fail for (office) names containing hyphens and other characters invalid as Sheet Range Names


  • [FINERACT-1258] - NPE at LoanAccountDomainServiceJpa.recalculateAccruals()


  • [FINERACT-1262] - Document production deployment SSL certificate configuration


  • [FINERACT-1265] - ImageTest > getOriginalSize() FAILED expected: text/plain but was : image/jpeg


  • [FINERACT-1281] - No "releaseInteropTransferHandler" command handler


  • [FINERACT-1286] - NullPointerException on calc schedule for floating rate loans


  • [FINERACT-1290] - Unnecessary/wrong accrual posting during loan disbursement


  • [FINERACT-1294] - Error in volume mounting in mysql 5.7 container


  • [FINERACT-1306] - Reporting meta-data entry not found - All reports modules




New Feature


  • [FINERACT-1177] - Alt. distro? Spring Boot JAR is not great for "dropping in" Plugins


  • [FINERACT-1209] - Integration Tests using new Swagger Client API ("Fineract SDK")






  • [FINERACT-27] - Rescheduling Repayments that fall On Holidays, to a period of 30 days






  • [FINERACT-1112] - Replace ZoneId.systemDefault() with tenant's timezone






  • [FINERACT-1193] - activeMq error log at startup, while not a strict requirement ?


  • [FINERACT-1202] - S3ContentRepository exception handling and error logging improvements


  • [FINERACT-1203] - Make WAR non-executable to avoid confusion (because it's broken anyway)


  • [FINERACT-1216] - docs/developers/swagger/ should explain how to authenticate and pass tenant to Fineract


  • [FINERACT-1218] - Missing Integration Test coverage for Document Management functionality


  • [FINERACT-1219] - Fineract Client Java SDK API must support "insecure" mode (optionally)



  • [FINERACT-1252] - Bump ancient OkHTTP v2.7.5 to current 4.x and Retrofit 1.9.0 to current 2.9.0



  • [FINERACT-1296] - Needs to add Liveness & Readiness Probes for fineract server deployment


  • [FINERACT-1297] - Upgrade Google ErrorProne code quality scanner tool from 2.4.0 to 2.5.1


  • [FINERACT-1300] - Needs to add init-container to check MYSQL server is up and running for Fineract server


  • [FINERACT-1301] - Need to add resource limitations to fineract & mysql deployments



  • [FINERACT-1324] - Add Kubernetes resource limits to FINERACT server


  • [FINERACT-1340] - Add client IDs for self-service user in auth credentials




  • [FINERACT-1288] - Commands for creating & resetting kubernetes cluster needs to be corrected
