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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • artifactName
  • artifactDescription
  • url
  • mimetype
  • processorPid

Since there are different types of artifacts, some properties depend on the actual type.

For bundles:

  • Bundle-Name
  • Bundle-SymbolicName
  • Bundle-Version

For configuration:

  • filename

For other types, please consult the documentation about these types (specifically the classes that implement the interfaces in the org.apache.ace.client.repository.helper package).


Associates artifacts to features. Associations have a left and right hand side. Both can be expressed as filter conditions, and both have a cardinality.

  • leftEndpoint
  • rightEndpoint
  • leftCardinality rightEndpoint— defaults to 1
  • rightCardinality — defaults to 1


A feature is a grouping mechanism for artifacts. It is commonly used to group together a set of artifacts that together represent some kind of feature to the application.

  • name
  • description


Associates features to distributions. Associations have a left and right hand side. Both can be expressed as filter conditions, and both have a cardinality.

  • leftEndpoint
  • rightEndpoint
  • leftCardinality — defaults to 1
  • rightEndpoint
  • rightCardinality — defaults to 1


A feature is a grouping mechanism for features. It is commonly used to group together a set of features that together represent some kind of distribution. Distributions are the things you can associate with targets, so you can look at them as the licensable configurations of your software.

  • name
  • description


Associates distributions to targets. Associations have a left and right hand side. Both can be expressed as filter conditions, and both have a cardinality.

  • leftEndpoint
  • leftCardinality
  • rightEndpoint
  • leftCardinality — defaults to 1rightEndpoint
  • rightCardinality — defaults to 1


A target receives the artifacts you provision to it. Most of the time, a target is an OSGi container and provisioning means you'll actually install the artifacts in the container, but there can be other types of targets (non-OSGi containers, or something completely different).

  • id
  • autoapprove

A target also has specific state (see below for how that is returned):

  • registrationState — Unregistered, Registered
  • provisioningState — Idle, InProgress, OK, Failed
  • storeState — New, Unapproved, Approved
  • currentVersion
  • isRegistered
  • needsApproval
  • autoApprove
  • artifactsFromShop
  • artifactsFromDeployment
  • lastInstallSuccess

Checkout and commit

Similar to the web based UI, this API also works with the concept of checking out a copy to a local working area, altering it in that working area and then committing it back to the server.


Now you have a working copy, you can start working with it.

GET /work/ID

Wiki MarkupGets you a list of all repositories you can use. Should return: \ ["artifact", "feature", "distribution", "target", "artifact2feature", "feature2distribution", "distribution2target"\]

GET /work/ID/feature

Lists all feature IDs in the feature repository.


Returns a representation of the object, for example: {attributes: {key: "value"}, tags: {key: "value"}}. If you ask for a target, you will also get its state, so the result will be in the form: {attributes: {key: "value"}, tags: {key: "value"}, state: {key: "value"}}.

PUT /work/ID/feature/FID
