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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Start the console (described above)

The GUI opens


Click the New Connection icon

The New Connection dialog opens


Enter hostname=<hostname>, port= 8999, Username=admin, Password=admin and then click Connect.

The node <hostname>:8999 will be added in the Qpid Connections pane at the left-hand side of the console window, and expanded to show the ConfigurationManagement, UserManagement, ServerInformation, and LoggingManagement MBeans as well as a VirtualHosts folder containing child folders development, localhost, and test.


Select the <hostname>:8999 node in the Qpid Connections tree and then click the Disconnect button in the toolbar

The connection is closed and the <hostname>:8999 tree node collapses to a single entry.


Select the <hostname>:8999 node in the Qpid Connections tree and then click the "Reconnect" icon

The Reconnect dialog opens


Enter Username=admin, Password=admin and then click Connect.

The server node will be expanded to show the ConfigurationManagement, UserManagement, ServerInformation, and LoggingManagement MBeans as well as a VirtualHosts folder containing child folders development, localhost, and test.


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the ConfigurationManagement node for the server in the Qpid Connections tree.

The ConfigurationManagement MBean is opened in the MBean view, showing the reloadSecurityConfiguration operation.


Modify the server configuration file, updating a VirtualHost security sub-section, adding a firewall configuration entry to deny AMQP access from a certain IP address.



Press the Execute button and confirm the prompt to carry out the reloadSecurityConfiguration operation

The updated security behaviour is applied and an Operation Successful dialog is shown.


Attempt an AMQP connection from the blocked IP address

The connection fails.


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the LoggingManagement node for the server in the Qpid Connections tree.

The LoggingManagement MBean is opened in the MBean view, showing the Runtime Options tab.


Double click the org.apache.qpid LoggerName

The Set Runtime Logger Level dialog opens.


Select a Level of ERROR from the combo box and click ok.

The org.apache.qpid Logger and all those below it beginning with org.apache.qpid (except org.apache.qpid.server.queue.AMQQueueMBean) are now shown at ERROR Level in the table.


Press the Edit button in the Runtime RootLogger Level area.

The Set Runtime RootLogger Level dialog opens.


Select a Level of WARN from the combo box and click ok.

The Level is updated to WARN, plus any Logger (except qpid.message) without a highlighted blue Logger as a prefix inherits from the RootLogger and will also change to WARN Level in the table.


Select the org.apache.qpid.server.Main LoggerName and press the Edit Selected Logger button.

The Set Runtime Logger Level dialog opens.


Select a Level of WARN from the combo box and click ok.

The org.apache.qpid.server.Main Logger is now shown at WARN Level in the table, all others remain unchanged.


Select the ConfigurationFile Options tab in the LoggingManagement MBean view.

The ConfigurationFile Options tab opens to show the Loggers defined in the configuration file and their Level


Double click the org.apache.qpid LoggerName

The Set ConfigFile Logger Level dialog opens.


Select a Level of INFO from the combo box and click ok.

The org.apache.qpid Logger is now shown at INFO Level in the table


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Press the Reload Config File button and confirm the prompt to carry out the action.

The configuration file should be reloaded (success is indicated by lack of error prompts, and a note in the status bar at lower left).


Select the Runtime Options tab in the LoggingManagement MBean view.

The Runtime Options tab opens to show the effective Levels of all active Loggers.
The org.apache.qpid Logger and all its children are set to INFO Level, except org.apache.qpid.server.Main which has retained the previously set Runtime Level of WARN.
The Runtime RootLogger Level has returned to INFO, as has the level of all the children Loggers inheriting from it.


Select the org.apache.qpid.server.Main LoggerName and press the Edit Selected Logger button.

The Set Runtime Logger Level dialog opens.


Select a Level of INHERITED from the combo box and click ok.

The org.apache.qpid.server.Main Logger is now shown at INFO Level in the table like its parent org.apache.qpid as it once again inherits its Level instead of having its own defined.


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the ServerInformation node for the server in the Qpid Connections tree.

The ServerInformation MBean is opened in the MBean view, showing the Attributes tab, displaying version information about the server


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the UserManagement node in the Qpid Connections tree.

The LoggingManagement MBean is opened in the MBean view


Click the Add New User button

The Add New User dialog opens


Enter Username=guest1, Password=guest1 and select Read Only access rights, then click ok.

guest1 will be added to the password and management rights files with indicated password and rights, and be added to the table with Read Only access rights.
NOTE: Verify that the password file and access rights files configured in the server configuration were updated.


Select guest1 in the Users table and click the Set Rights button,

The Set Rights dialog opens


Select Admin rights and press ok.

guest1 rights in the management rights files will be changed to admin, and it will be displayed in the table with Admin rights.
NOTE: Verify that the access rights file configured in the server configuration was updated.


Select guest1 in the Users table and click the Set Password button,

The Set Password dialog opens


Enter Password=newpass and press ok.

guest1 will altered to have password newpass in the password file. There will be no visible change in the table.
NOTE: Verify that the password file configured in the server configuration was updated.


Select guest1 in the Users table and click the Delete Users(S) button, then validate the operation when prompted for confirmation.

guest1 will be removed from the password file and rights file and disappear from the table.
NOTE: Verify that the password file and access rights files configured in the server configuration were updated.


Repeat USER-1 &1.1

As USER-1.1


Repeat USER-1 & 1.1 with Username=client1, Password=client1 and select No Access rights.

As USER-1.1 but with the new credentials, and the rights file will not be modified.


Alter the password file on disk to add user1:user1, and alter the access rights file on disk to add user1=readwrite.

No change. The password and rights files are only read once at startup by the server, until instructed to reload them via JMX.


Press the Reload User Data button

user1 will be added to the server and shown in the table with Read & Write access rights.
(Older servers only reload the rights file, and so no change in the table will be visible in this case)


Select the <hostname>:8999 node in the Qpid Connections tree and then click the Disconnect button in the toolbar

The connection is closed and the <hostname>:8999 tree node collapses to a single entry.


Select the <hostname>:8999 node in the Qpid Connections tree and then click the "Reconnect" icon

The Reconnect dialog opens


Enter Username=guest1user1, Password=guest1 user1 and then click Connect.

The server node will be expanded to show the ServerInformation MBean as well as a VirtualHosts folder containing child folders development, localhost, and test.
The ConfigurationManagement, LoggingManagement, and UserManagement MBeans will not be shown as only admin-level users have access to these.


Select the <hostname>:8999 node in the Qpid Connections tree and then click the Disconnect button in the toolbar

The connection is closed and the <hostname>:8999 tree node collapses to a single entry.


Select the <hostname>:8999 node in the Qpid Connections tree and then click the "Reconnect" icon

The Reconnect dialog opens


Enter Username=client1, Password=client1 and click Connect.

The connection attempt fails, as user client1 has no management access rights.


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the VirtualHostManager node for the test VirtualHost in the Qpid Connections tree.

The VirtualHostManager MBean is opened in the MBean view


Double-click ping_1 in the Queues table.

The ping_1 mbean is opened in the MBean view.


Press the back arrow button at the top right corner of the view.

The VirtualHostManager MBean is opened in the MBean view

The following tests are based on the use of user with Admin or Read & Write management access rights. Read Only level management rights do not permit a user to perform actions that modify the server state, such as creating or deleting Queues and Exchanges. Attempting such operations will be met by an Access Denied security warning at the point of remote execution.


Press the Create button in the Queues group

The Create Queue dialog opens


Enter Name=newQueue and then press OK.

newQueue is created and shown in the Queues table.


Select newQueue in the Queues table and press the Delete button in the Queues group.

The Delete Queue(s) dialog opens, listing newQueue to be deleted.


Press the OK button.

newQueue is removed from the server and disappears from the Queues table.


Press the Create button in the Exchange group

The Create Exchange dialog opens


Enter Name=newExchange and select type=directthen press OK.

newExchange is created and shown in the Exchanges table.


Select newExchange in the Exchange table and press the Delete button in the Exchanges group.

The Delete Exchange(s) dialog opens, listing newExchange to be deleted.


Press the OK button.

newExchange is removed from the server and disappears from the Exchanges table_._


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the Queues node for the test VirtualHost in the Qpid Connections tree.

The Queue selection screen is opened in the MBean view, listing Queues ping,ping_1, and queue in the table.


Press the SelectAttributes button.

The Select Attributes dialog opens.


Select additional Ensure the following attributes re ConsumerCount, Durable, MessageCount, QueueDepth and then press OK.

The table updates to show additional columns for the new Attributes. All queues have additional attribute values of 0, false, 0, and 0bytes.


Run the utility script, but do not press a key to exit the script when the sending is complete.

100 messages of size 512bytes are sent to the ping_1 queue. After a refresh interval elapses, the table updates to show ping_1 having 100 messages and a queue depth of 50.000 KB, as well as a new queue named TempQueue<etc>.


Press a key in the script shell to make it exit.

After another refresh interval elapses, the table will update to show the TempQueue has been deleted.


Select queue ping_1 in the table and click the Add Queue(s) to favourites button, then click the + icon at the Queues node to expand the Queues node.

ping_1 has been added as a child node of Queues.


Select the new ping_1 node in the Qpid Connections tree.

The ping_1 queue MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.


Select the Operations tab in the ping_1 MBean view.

The Operations tab opens, with the details of the first 50 messages on ping_1 visible in the table.


Select the message with AMQ ID 4 in the table.

The message will be highlighted, and its Header details and Redelivered status shown in the lower sections.


Press the View Message Content button (or double-click the entry in the table)

The result window opens, showing the AMQ Message ID, Content (repeated -message payload statements), Encoding, and MimeType.


Close the result dialog.

The result window closes.


Press the Next 50 > button to advance the viewed message positions.

The range will change to 51 - 100 and the table will update to show messages in positions 51-100 (which at this time possess AMQ IDs 51-100)


Press the Next 50 > button to advance the viewed message positions.

The range will change to 101 - 150 and the table will update to show messages in positions 101 - 150, which do not exist at this time (only 100 messages were placed on the queue) and so the table is now empty.


Enter 11 in the left Queue Pos box, and 20 in the right Queue Pos box, then press the Set button

The table will update to show messages in positions 11-20 (which at this time possess AMQ IDs 11-20). The < Prev 50 and Next 50 > buttons have updated to have 10 as their step size.


Select the Notifications tab in the ping_1 MBean view.

The Notifications tab opens.


Press the Subscribe button

The Subscribe button becomes disabled, and the Unsubscribe button becomes enabled.
After at most 30seconds, Notifications should start being received asserting that ping_1 has exceeded its MaximumMessageCount (89 allowed, 100 present) and contains messages over the MaximumMessageAge (10sec allowed, arbitrary actual age over 10sec depending on time taken to execute previous tests)


Select the Operations tab in the ping_1 MBean view.

The Operations tab opens, with the details of message positions 11-20 on ping_1 in the table.


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the messages with AMQ IDs 11,13-14,19-20 (Note that since 0.6 the IDs now start at 2 and so the IDs here will be n+1.)and press the Move Message(s) button_._

The Move Messages dialog opens, requesting destination queue and confirmation of moving messages with AMQ ID 11,13-14,19-20.


Press OK (using the ping destination already selected).

The messages with AMQ IDs 11,13-14,19-20 are moved and disappear from the table, which now shows messages AMQ ID 12,15-18, and 21-25.


Select the messages with AMQ IDs 12,15-18 and press the Copy Message(s) button_._

The Copy Messages dialog opens, requesting destination queue and confirmation of moving messages with AMQ IDs 12,15-18.


Select the queue as the destination queue Press OK.

The messages are copied, as indicated in the status bar at the bottom left of the application, and they continue to be present on the ping_1 queue.


The messages with AMQ IDs 12,15-18 are still selected. Press the Delete Message(s) button and confirm the prompt_._

The messages with AMQ IDs 12,15-18 are deleted and disappear from the table, which now shows messages with AMQ ID 21-30 in positions 11-20.


Press the Clear Queue button and confirm the prompt.

The queue is cleared of the 90 remaining (and unacquired) messages and the table becomes empty.
Note: The number of deleted unacquired messages is reported in the status bar only for newer brokers

The following test sequence can be undertaken with a user of any level of management access rights, but depend on completing the previous tests that required Admin or Read & Write management access rights.


Select the Queues node for the test VirtualHost in the Qpid Connections tree.

The Queue selection screen is opened in the MBean view, listing Queues ping, ping_1, and queue in the table with the attributes ConsumerCount, Durable, MessageCount,_and _QueueDepth.
These have values for ping, ping_1, and queue:
0, false, 5, 2.500 KB
0, false, 0, 0 bytes
0, false, 5, 2.500 KB


Double-click the entry in the table for the ping queue

The ping queue MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.
The MessageCount should be 5, the QueueDepth 2560(bytes), MaximumMessageAge 10000 (ms), and MaximumMessageCount 89.


Select the Operations tab in the ping MBean view.

The Operations tab opens, the table shows the 5 messages on the queue that we moved across in QUEUE-8, AMQ IDs 11,13-14,19-20


Press the back arrow button at the top right corner of the view.

The Queue selection screen is opened in the MBean view.


Double-click the entry in the table for the queue queue

The queue queue MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.
The MessageCount should be 5, the QueueDepth 2560(bytes), MaximumMessageAge 10000 (ms), and MaximumMessageCount 89.


Select the Operations tab in the queue MBean view.

The Operations tab opens, the table shows the 5 messages on the queue that we copied across in QUEUE-9, AMQ IDs 12,15-18.


Select the Notifications tab in the queue MBean view.

The Notifications tab opens.


Press the Subscribe button

The Subscribe button becomes disabled, and the Unsubscribe button becomes enabled.
After at most 30seconds, Notifications should start being received asserting that queue contains messages older than the MaximumMessageAge (10sec allowed, arbitrary actual age over 10sec depending on time taken to execute previous tests)


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the Notifications node for the test VirtualHost in the Qpid Connections tree.

The VirtualHost Notifications screen is opened.
Notifications received for ping_1 are present indicating it holds messages over the MaximumMessageAge of 10sec, and is over MaximumMessageCount (initially at 100, then possibly at 95 if an alert interval fell between the completion of tests QUEUE-8 and QUEUE-9, then possibly at 90 if an alert interval fell between the completion of tests QUEUE-9 and QUEUE-10, all versus an allowed 89 messages).
There will also be Notifications received at the end for queue, indicating it has messages over the MaximumMessageAge of 10 seconds.


Select a group (any, but not all) of the Notifications and press the Clear button.

The selected Notifications are removed from the table and no further Notifications are selected in the table.


Ensuring no notifications are selected in the table, press the Clear button, then validate the confirmation to proceed with clearing all Notifications from MBeans in the VirtualHost

All remaining Notifications from MBeans in the VirtualHost are removed from the table.


Wait at most 30 seconds

Additional Notifications should be recieved for queue, indicating it has messages over the MaximumMessageAge of 10 seconds.


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the Exchanges node for the test VirtualHost in the Qpid Connections tree.

The Exchanges selection screen is opened in the MBean view, listing Exchanges <<default>>,, amq.fanout, amq.match, and amq.topic in the table.


Select exchanges and amq.match ping_1 in the table and click the Add Exchanges(s) to favourites button, then click the + icon at the Exchanges node to expand the Exchanges node. and amq.match have been added as a child nodes of Exchanges.


Select the new node in the Qpid Connections tree.

The exchange MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.


Select the Operations tab in the MBean view.

The Operations tab opens


Select the ping entry in the Binding Key table.

The Queue Names table updates and shows the ping queue is associated with the selected binding.

The following tests are based on the use of user with Admin or Read & Write management access rights. Read Only level management rights do not permit a user to perform actions that modify the server state, such as creating bindings. Attempting such operations will be met by an Access Denied security warning at the point of remote execution.


Press the Create button at the right hand side of the Bindings group.

The Create New Binding dialog opens.


enter Binding=newKey and press OK.

The new binding is created and newKey appears in the Binding Key table.


Select the new newKey entry in the Binding Key table.

The Queue Names table updates and shows the ping queue is associated with the newKey binding.


Press the Create button at the right hand side of the Bindings group. When the dialog loads, enter Binding=newKey and select queue ping_1 then press OK.

The new binding is created, and the selection in the table is cleared.


Select the newKey entry in the Binding Key table.

The Queue Names table updates and shows the ping and ping_1 queues are now both associated with the newKey binding.


Select the amq.match node in the Qpid Connections tree.

The amq.match exchange MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.


Select the Operations tab in the amq.match MBean view.

The Operations tab opens. The Binding Number and QueueName table is empty.

EXCH -4.2

Select the amq.match node in the Qpid Connections tree.

The amq.match exchange MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.


Select the Operations tab in the amq.match MBean view.

The Operations tab opens. The Binding Number and QueueName table is empty.


Press the Create button at the right hand side of the Bindings group.

The Create New Binding dialog opens.


Select a value of 'all' for the x-match key. Then enter a new key called key1, with a value of value1, and a new key called key2 with a value of value2. Press the Add additional field button, and a new empty row should be added at the bottom, giving 4 3 empty rows. Press OK.

The binding is created and an entry added to the table with Binding Number 1 and Queue Name ping.


Select the binding entry in the table.

The Header Bindings table should update to list the keys and values entered in the dialog:


Test ID

Test Steps

Expected Result


Select the Connections node for the test VirtualHost in the Qpid Connections tree.

The Connections selection screen is opened in the MBean view, with no entries in the table.


Run the utility script, but do not press a key to exit the script when the sending is complete.

After a refresh interval, two connections from the IP address of the machine was run will appear in the table


Double-click the first connection entry in the table.

The connection MBean opens in the MBean View, showing the Attributes tab.


Select the Operations tab in the connection MBean view.

The Operations tab opens, listing channel 1 in the table, which is Transactional, has 0 unacked messages, and no (null) default queue.


Select the channel entry in the table.

The Commit and Rollback Transactions buttons activate as the selected channel is transactional.


Press the Close Connection button and confirm the action.

The connection is closed, the main view is cleared and a dialog opens to inform the user that the open MBean was unregistered from the server.