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The geronimo command lets you perform two actions, that is start and stop the server in different modes depending on the parameters you specify. This command has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/geronimo \ [*{*}{_}options{_}{*}*\]*}}

The available options are:


-vv --veryverbose
Sets the console log level to DEBUG, resulting in even more console output.unmigrated

-wiki-markup*\-override \ [*{*}{_}configId{_}{*}*\]* Overrides the configurations in *]
Overrides the configurations in <geronimo_home>/var/config.xml* such that only the configurations listed on the command line will be started. Note that many J2EE
features depend on certain configs being started, so you should be very careful what you omit. Any arguments after *\-override* are assumed to be configuration names.

The startup command can also be started by using the java -jar command:


The shutdown command stops the Apache Geronimo server. This command has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/shutdown \ [*{*}{_}options{_}{*}*\]*}}

The available options are:


*\--user \[*{*}{_}user_name{_}{*}*\]*
Specifies the user name with the authority to stop the server. By default you would normally use *system* as the user name.

Wiki Markup
*\--password \[*{*}{_}password{_}{*}*\]*
Specifies the password for the user name you just entered. By default you would normally use *manager* as the password.

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*\--port \[*{*}{_}port_number{_}{*}*\]*
Specifies the RMI naming port to connect to the server (for example JMX connection port). By default port *1099* is used.

-user [user_name]
Specifies the user name with the authority to stop the server. By default you would normally use system as the user name.

--password [password]
Specifies the password for the user name you just entered. By default you would normally use manager as the password.

--port [port_number]
Specifies the RMI naming port to connect to the server (for example JMX connection port). By default port 1099 is used.

--host [host_name]
Specifies the host name of the server you are trying to stop. By default localhost is used. This parameter is only available in Geronimo 2.1.3 and greater. Wiki Markup*\--host \[*{*}{_}host_name{_}{*}*\]* Specifies the host name of the server you are trying to stop. By default *localhost* is used. _This parameter is only available in Geronimo 2.1.3 and greater._

Use secure channel to communicate with JMX server, see #Security for details. This parameter is only available in Geronimo 2.1.3 and greater.


This section lists all the available general options for the Geronimo deployer tool.


  • *\--uri* <identifier>
    Where <identifier> is a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies how the deployer is to contact the server. If this flag is not specified, the deployer will attempt to contact the server using the standard port on localhost. The identifier must have the following form:
    where <host> is replaced with the host name or TCP/IP address of the system where the server is running and <port> is replaced with the port number where the server is listening. If unspecified, localhost and the default port will be used.
  • --host <host>
    Where <host> is the host name of the server you are trying to deploy that application or resource. This option allows you to deploy resources and applications to a remote server. This parameter is optional and defaults to localhost.


Use the install-library command to install a library into server's repository. The install-library command has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/deploy <general_options> install-library \ [--groupId groupName\] <libraryFile>*}}

Use the --groupId option to specify a non-default group id for the library. Otherwise, the library file will be installed with the group id named default.


Use the list-modules command to list all available modules on the server, note that for running this command the server must be running. The list-modules command has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/deploy <general_options> list-modules \[\-*{}}}{{{}{*}{-}all\|-{*}{}}}{-}started\|-\-stopped\list-modules [-all|started|-stopped]

  • --all : is used by default when no other option is specified. It will list all the available modules.
  • --started : this option will list only the modules that are running.
  • --stopped : this option will list only the modules that are not running.


Alternatively, you can create a key file to contain the password passwords of the keystore and its private keys. Use org.apache.geronimo.keyStoreTrustStorePasswordFile property to specify the key file. See Configuring SSL client authentication for more detailed instructions.


The client command launches the client application container. This command has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/client config-name \ [app arg\] \ [app arg\] ...*}}

The first argument identifies the Geronimo configuration that contains the application client you want to run. The rest of the arguments will be passed as arguments to the client application when it is started.

The client command can also be started by using the java -jar command:

Wiki Markup{{{*}java \ -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed \ -jar bin/client.jar config-name \ [app arg\] \ [app arg\] ...*}}


The jaxws-tools command can be used to generate portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. For example, portable artifacts such as Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) class, Service class, JAXB generated value types, etc.

This command has the following syntax:syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools toolName \ [toolOptions\] ...*}}

Where toolName can be either:


The jaxws-tools command can also be started by using the java -jar command:

Wiki Markup{{{*}java \ -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed \ -jar bin/jaxws-tools.jar toolName \ [toolOptions\] ...*}}


The jaxws-tools uses the wsgen tool provided by Sun to generate the portable artifacts from Java class. The wsgen tools has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools wsgen \ [options\] <SEI>*}}

  • -classpath <path>
    Specifies where to find input class files.


The jaxws-tools uses the wsimport tool provided by Sun to generate the portable artifacts from WSDL. The wsimport has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools wsimport \ [options\] <WSDL_URI>*}}

  • -d <directory>
    Specifies where to place generated output files.
