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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Sun Java v1.5.0_11 + Apache Geronimo v2.0.2
Eclipse 3.3.1 + WTP2.0.1 + Geronimo Eclipse Plugin v2.0
Maven Integration for Eclipse (m2eclipse v0.0.12)

Maven Integration for Eclipse:


In order to configure GEP to publish Maven dependencies as shared library, you will need to install Maven Integration for Eclipse. To install m2eclipse plugin, follow the instructions at given at


Follow the instructions at <link to be added here> to add Geronimo 2.0 server runtime into WTP, and to create & deploy an "HelloWorld" Dynamic Web project.


. The configuration steps are illustrated using a web application and adding a dependency on commons-dbcp library.

  1. Create a HelloWorld Dynamic Web project as given in Web applications.
  2. Enable Maven 2 support for the web-app project


  1. as given below:
    • In Project Explorer view, right click on


    • HelloWorld, select


    • Maven -> Enable Dependency Management


    • .
    • Leave default options as-is and click


    • Finish


    • .
  1. To add a dependency on commons-dbcp library:
    • In Project Explorer view, right click on HelloWorld, select
    • Maven -> Add Dependency


    • .
    • Enter


    • commons-dbcp


    • as query,


    • in


    • Search Results


    • select


    • 1.3-SNAPSHOT-commons-dbcp-1.3-..


    • and click


    • OK


    • .


  1. To use a class from commons-dbcp library inside web-app's index.jsp:
    • Double click on


    • HelloWorld -> WebContent -> index.jsp


    • to open it in JSP editor.
    • Add


    • the following code before the </body> tag.
      Code Block
      <br><%= org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverConnectionFactory.class.getName()


    •  %>
    • Press
    • Ctrl + S


    • to save the changes.

      Make sure


    • org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverConnectionFactory


    • class is resolved with no


    • type not resolved


    • errors.


  1. Enable in-place shared library support in Server editor as given below:
    • In


    • Servers


    • view, double click on


    • Apache Geronimo v2.


    • 1 Server at localhost to open the server editor.
    • In the server editor, under


    • Test Environment


    • , select


    • Enable in-place shared library support.


    • Image Added

    • Press Ctrl + S to save the changes.
  1. To add a dependency on org.apache.geronimo.configs/sharedlib//car in geronimo-web.xml


  1. :
    • Double click on


    • HelloWorld -> Web Content -> WEB-INF -> *geronimo-web.xml" to open it in Geronimo Deployment Plan Editor.
    • In


    • General


    • tab, select


    • Add a run time dependency to Geronimo's shared library


    • .

      Image Added

    • Press "Ctrl+S" to save the file.



    • Source


    • tab,


    • a dependency on geronimo/sharedlib//car


    • would be added as below:


    • Code Block











      This is due to a current bug in Geronimo Deployment Plan Editors. Change <sys:groupId> from geronimo to org.apache.geronimo.configs and press Ctrl + S to save the changes.

  1. To run the HelloWorld application:
    • Right click on HelloWorld, click Run As -> Run on Server.
    • Select Apache Geronimo v2.1 Server at localhost and click Finish. This will run the application and the welcome page will open in a browser inside eclipse.

      Image Added

Use the steps below to verify that maven dependency is indeed added as a shared library:

  1. Verify that a file HelloWorld.eclipse.jar is created under <geronimo_home>/var/shared/lib.
  2. Verify that the file in HelloWorld.eclipse.jar contains the following:
    Code Block
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Class-Path: file:/E:/m2repo/commons-pool/commons-pool/1.3/commons-pool
     -1.3.jar file:/E:/m2repo/commons-dbcp/commons-dbcp/1.3-SNAPSHOT/commo

    The file path used in the manifest Class-Path may differ based on the location of your maven2 repository.
