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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


  1. Build GEP using Maven. See How to Build Geronimo Eclipse Plugin from Source for details. The projects are now ready to be imported into your Eclipse workspace.
  2. Launch a clean installation of Eclipse Ganymede (See for details.this page for details).
  3. Follow these steps blow to complete the configuration of Eclipse for GEP development:
    Table of Contents

    Setting up the ClassPath variable

  4. Select Window->Preferences as ahown in the figure.

  5. Select Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables. Select New.

  6. Enter the location of your m2repo. My m2repo is located at C:/m2repo. Select Ok.
    Code Block
    *Name:* M2_REPO
    *Path:* C:\m2repo

  7. Once done you can see M2_REPO added to your list of ClassPath variables.


  1. Right Click under Project Explorer and Select Import->Import...

  2. On the next window select General->Existing Projects into Workspace. Select Next.

  3. On the import projects window Browse to <GEP_Source_Home>/trunk/plugins. Select Finish.

    In case there are some errors try fixing those (consider it as your first step towards working with GEP! (smile) ) or else use the Geronimo mailing lists. See How to open a bug for Geronimo Eclipse Plugin for details.

Run and Debug Configurations


  1. Select Run->Run Configurations.

  2. On the Run Configurations window Select Eclipse Application and Select New button on the top left.

  3. Name the new configuration as GEP_DEVELOPMENT. Also, change the workspace location name from runtime-New_location to runtime-GEP_Development. Select Apply.

  4. Next select the Arguments tab for your GEP_Development run configuration and set the VM arguments as follows
    Code Block
    -Xms256m -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

  5. Next select the tracing tab and select the top most 4 jars. See figure below. Select Apply and Run.

  6. This will launch a new Eclipse window which is nothing but Eclipse + <Your_Plugin_Code>. You can modify the code and each time you can launch your Eclipse Configuration to test the modifications in code.

  7. TO Debug the code change to Debug Perspective in eclipse and Select Run->Debug Configurations. Select Debug.