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Configuring GEP to publish POJO projects as shared library is illustrated using a web application and adding a POJO project as a dependency. In order to create a new web project and publish its dependency on a POJO project as shareld library, follow the steps given below:

  1. Create a HelloWorld Dynamic Web project as given in Web applications.
  2. Create a POJO project as given below:
    • Click File -> New -> Project.
    • Select Java Project and click Next.
    • Enter CurrencyConverterPojo

Sun Java v1.5.0_11 + Apache Geronimo v2.0.2
Eclipse 3.3.1 + WTP2.0.1 + Geronimo Eclipse Plugin v2.0

Step-1: Create a Web-App
Follow the instructions at <link to be added here> to add Geronimo 2.0 server runtime into WTP, and to create & deploy an "HelloWorld" Dynamic Web project.

Step-2: Create a POJO project


    • as the project name and click


    • Finish


    • . (If asked to switch to Java perspective, you


    • may select


    • No


    • ).
    • In


    • Project Explorer


    • view, right-click on


    • CurrencyConverterPojo, select New -> Class


    • .
    • Enter


    • myPackage


    • as package name


    • , CurrencyConverter


    • as class name


    • and click Finish


    • .
    • Replace the


    • content of with the contents



    • .
    • Press


    • Ctrl + S


    • to save changes.


  1. Add POJO project into web-app's Java Build Path as given below:
    • In


    • Project Explorer


    • view, right-click on


    • HelloWorld


    • , and click


    • Properties


    • .
    • Click


    • Java Build Path


    • and then switch to


    • Projects


    • tab.
    • Click


    • Add


    • . Select


    • CurrencyConverterPojo


    • as the project to be added


    • and click OK


    • . Click


    • OK


    • again.


    • Image Added

  1. To use POJO inside


  1. web-app's index.jsp:
    • Double click on HelloWorld -> WebContent -> index.jsp


    • to open it in


    • JSP editor.
    • Add


    • the following code before the </body> tag.
      Code Block
      <br>100 USD == <%= myPackage.CurrencyConverter.dollarToRupees(new java.math.BigDecimal(100.0)) %>


    •  INR
    • Press
    • Ctrl + S


    • to save the changes.


  1. Enable in-place shared library support in Server editor as given below:
    • In


    • Servers


    • view, double click on


    • Apache Geronimo v2.


    • 1 Server at localhost to open the server editor.
    • In the server editor, under


    • Test Environment


    • , select


    • Enable in-place shared library support.



    • Image Added

    • Press Ctrl + S to save the changes.
  1. To add


  1. a dependency on


  1. org.apache.geronimo.configs/sharedlib//car


  1. in geronimo-web.xml:
    • Double click on


    • HelloWorld -> Web Content -> WEB-INF -> *geronimo-web.xml" to open it in Geronimo Deployment Plan Editor.
    • In


    • General


    • tab, select


    • Add a run time dependency to Geronimo's shared library


    • .

      Image Added
    • Press "Ctrl+S" to save the file.



    • Source


    • tab, a dependency on geronimo/sharedlib//car would be added as below:


    • Code Block











      This is due to a current bug in Geronimo Deployment Plan Editors


    • . Change <sys:


    • groupId> from geronimo to org.apache.geronimo.


    • configs and press Ctrl + S


    • to save the changes.

Step-7: Redeploy and Run the web-app


  1. To run the HelloWorld application:
    • Right click on HelloWorld, click Run As -> Run on


    • Server.
    • Select Apache Geronimo v2.1 Server at localhost and click Finish. This will run the application and the welcome page will open in a browser inside eclipse.

      Image Added

Use the steps below to verify that the dependency on POJO project is indeed added as a shared library:


  1. Verify that a file
  1. HelloWorld.eclipse.jar


  1. is created under <geronimo_home>/var/shared/lib.
  2. Verify that the file


  1. in HelloWorld.eclipse.jar contains the following:
    Code Block
    Manifest-Version: 1.0





    The file path used in the manifest Class-Path may differ based on the location of your workspace directory.