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No Format
wadl2java -p <package-name> -sp <[schema-namespace =]package-name>* 
          -tMap <schema-type = java-type>* -repMap <media-type = java-type>*
          -resource <resource-name> -b <binding-file-name>* -catalog <catalog-file-name> 
          -d <output-directory> -compile -classdir <compile-classes-directory> -interface -impl 
          -noTypes -inheritResourceParams -generateEnums -supportMultipleXmlReps -javaDocs
          -generateResponseIfHeadersSet -generateResponseForMethods<methodNames>* -async<methodNames>* -xjc<xjc-arguments>* -rx <library>
          -rx <library> -authentication <name:password> -validate -h -v -verbose -quiet <wadl>





Displays the online help for this utility and exits.

-p PackageName

Specifies the package name of root resource classes

-sp [ schema-namespace= ] PackageName

Specifies one or more package names corresponding to individual schema namespaces

-resource RootResourceName

Specifies a full name of root resource class if WADL contains a single resource


Default option unless -impl option is used - Java interfaces with JAX-RS annotations are generated


Generates starting implementation code. Can also be used with -interface option


Requests that no schema generation is needed. Can also be used with -tMap option

-tMap schema-type=java-type

Provides mapping between schema elements and java types

-repMap media-type=java-type

Provides mapping between media types and java types

-b binding-name

Specifies JAXB binding files. Use multiple -b flags to specify multiple entries.

-catalog catalog-file-name

Specifies catalog file to map referenced wadl/schemas

-d output-directory

Specifies the directory into which the generated code files are written.


Compiles generated Java files.

-classdir compile-class-dir

Specifies the directory into which the compiled class files are written.


Generate JAX-RS Response instead of 'void' for methods with no response representations.


Get current resource-level path or matrix parameters added to generated methods for all descendant resources.


Generates Java enums for parameters with options.


Generates separate method for every XML representation in a single WADL request element.

-javaDocsConverts WADL doc elements into JavaDocs
-generateResponseIfHeadersSetGenerates JAX-RS Response method response type if  WADL response element for a given method has 'header' parameters
-generateResponseForMethods methodNamesGenerates JAX-RS Response method response type, methodNames is a comma-separated list of WADL method name or id attributes

-async methodNames

Adds JAX-RS 2.0 AsyncResponse parameter to generated methods, methodNames is a comma-separated list of WADL method name or id attributes


Specifies a colon separated user name and password for retrieving the remote WADL content from the servers requiring the authentication

-xjc<xjc args>

Specifies a comma separated list of arguments that are passed directly to the XJC processor, example -xjc-Xts.

-rx <library>

Specifies the use of the JAX-RS 2.1 reactive extensions for generating method signatures.

The supported supported <library> values are:

  • java8
-validateValidate a WADL document against the WADL schema


The path and name of the WADL file to use in generating the code.


In some cases, example when describing JSON arrays, you may want to have an explicit collection of types defined in schema generated. In this case use -tMap or -repMap option with a value such as "List..MyType".

The reactive extensions support is limited to Java 8 standard library APIs only, which essentially means CompletionStage / CompletableFuture are supported at the moment. Please note that the void / one-way methods are not generated with CompletionStage / CompletableFuture and kept unchanged.

JAXB customizations

At the moment it is possible to apply external JAXB customizations to WADL grammars however it is not possible yet to restrict a given customization to a specific WADL document or explicitly inlined schema. Linking binding to external schemas works, for example, the following bindings file can be used:
