Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • You must have to be an Apache Flex committer., as the Release Manager (RM) needs to have write access to both the Git and SVN repos.
  • An RM A release manager must have his public key appended to the KEYS file checked in to Git, the key published on one of the public key servers (e.g., the key in their public home directory and their key in More info can be found at
  • Make sure you have installed the required versions of Java, Apache Ant, Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Flash Player Debugger and Adobe Extension Manager CS5 and you have your environment variables correctly set up for each of these.  More info can be found in the README.
  • Install the Rat jars, apache-rat-0.10.jar and apache-rat-tasks-0.10.jar in ${ANT_HOME}/lib or somewhere under ${user.dir}/.ant/lib. If the version of Rat that is available differs, make sure that the pattern for apache-rat in anttask.classpath is still correct. More info on Rat can be found at
  • You will find some handy scripts in and, in particular,



  • Ensure the LICENSE and NOTICE files are current. Check that the years in the copyright statement in the NOTICE file are correct.
  • Update the README. Make sure the list of dependencies and their licenses is still accurate. Update the version number.
  • Update RELEASE_NOTES. Include list of bugs that were fixed in this release.
  • If it hasn't been done already, make sure the version information has been updated in, modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/tools/, modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/common/, and frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/core/ The script build/set-version.xml will do most of this for you and remind you to edit and by hand. Usage (from SDK root): "ant -f ./build/set-version.xml -Dmajor=4 -Dminor=15". Updating will update the name of the packages to apache-flex-sdk-${release.version}-src and -bin. As part of the release build, the frameworks/**/ files will be updated with the release version and build number.
  • It is highly recommended that you do a release build and Mustella run in the develop branch and any fix any known build process issues before branching for the release.


  • Ensure your local 'develop' branch is up-to-date
    Make sure that the path that the source is checked out to does not contain spaces.
  • Create a new remote 'release' branch

    Code Block
    git checkout -b releaseX.Y.Z
    git push -u origin releaseX.Y.Z 

    Another RM originally suggested using the below command instead, but that caused the develop branch to track the release branch and made merging more confusing later

    Code Block
    git push -u origin develop:releaseX.Y.Z
  • Create a new directory, change to it and check out the develop branch.

    Code Block
    git clone .
  • Checkout the new release branch with:

    Code Block
    git checkout releaseX.Y.Z


    Most of the rest of these steps have been placed in an Ant script so you can run one script and not have to keep referring back to these steps and worry about typing the commands correctly.  See Release Manager and Release Voter Ant Scripts for details on the scripts


  • Tag the release

    Code Block
    git tag -a apache-flex-sdk-X.Y.ZRC1ZRCx -m 'Apache Flex X.Y.Z RC1RCx'
    git push --tags

You may also want to use the script:


Code Block X.Y.Z

Merging back into develop and



If the release produces Maven artifacts, it is best to merge to master first, then update Maven versions, then merge to the To merge the released code back into the develop branch.

  • Check out the develop branch

    Code Block
    git checkout developmaster
    git pull
  • Test merging the release branch into the develop master branch

    Code Block
    git merge --no-commit --no-ff releaseX.Y.Z
  • If no issues merge the release branch into the develop master branch

    Code Block
    git merge --no-ff releaseX.Y.Z
  • Check merged changes back into the remote develop master branch

    Code Block
    git push 
  • Change the maven version and delete the backup files

    Code Block
    mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT
    find . -name *.versionsBackup -delete
  • Commit it

    Code Block
    git add .
    git commit -m "update maven versions to next version" 

To merge the released code back into the master branch, repeat the above steps using 'masterdevelop' instead of 'develop'master'.  Also update the that have the latest version number in most of our repos, and update version numbers the sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml file that the Installer uses for the nightly builds.

Promoting the Release

  • Publish the release. Copying the layout for the previous X.Y.Z version, make a new subdirectory in SVN repository Use svn mover or copy to copy the release to for the release and copy over the README, RELEASE_NOTES and artifacts.
  • Only remove the previous version once the mirrors have caught up (24 hours) and after the installer is updated to use the new release.
  • Update JIRA. Go to the Admin section on the Flex JIRA and mark Flex X.Y.Z as released. Create the next version if that has not already been done. You may need the help of a JIRA administrator to do this.
  • Update the installer configuration.
  • Update Flex web site were required:
  • Update and publish the doap_Flex.rdf file
  • Send separate [ANNOUNCEMENT] emails using your email address, preferably signing the email with the same KEY you used to sign the release. Note: Thunderbird with Enigmail for OpenPGP seems to be the easiest to configure on the Mac. AppleMail with GPGMail is another alternative. If you are not subscribed to a list with your apache address your email the email has to be accepted by the moderator of the list before it will get posted. Make sure the email is plain text and not HTML or it may be marked as spam and rejected.
    • users@flex.a.o
    • dev@flex.a.o
    • announce@a.o
  • Update the Apache Flex home page and the Apache Flex blog with the news. Encourage people to tweet about the release.
  • Update the Flex version number to be the next likely version in the code - (, many files,,, Use build/set-version.xml. See header for usage.
