Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Make sure your release notes have been updated for any new commits, and go through the previous steps if necessary.
  2. Build the release (binary and source versions) after running unit tests. Manually create the sha256 files.

    No Format
    % mvn install -Pdist,iceberg -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DcreateChecksum=true
    % cd packaging/target
    % shasum -a 256 apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz > apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.sha256
    % shasum -a 256 apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz > apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.sha256

    Note: If you build from the existing project, make sure there are no empty directories or the "*.iml" files in the apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz. 

  3. Verify that the SHA 256 checksums are valid:

    No Format
    % shasum -a 256 -c apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.sha256
    apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz: OK
    % shasum -a 256 -c apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.sha256
    apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz: OK

  4. Check that release file looks ok -- e.g., install it and run examples from tutorial.
  5. Setup your PGP keys for signing the release, if you don't have them already.
    1. See,
    No Format
    % gpg --full-generate-key 
    % (gpg --list-sigs <NAME> && gpg --armor --export <NAME>) >> KEYS
    % gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <PUB_KEY>
    % svn co --depth files
    % cd hive
    % (gpg --list-sigs <NAME> && gpg --armor --export <NAME>) >> KEYS
    % svn add KEYS
    % svn commit -m 'Adding <FullName>'s key'

  6. Sign the release (see Step-By-Step Guide to Mirroring Releases for more information).

    No Format
    % gpg --armor --output apache-hive-X.Y.Z-

    Sign the release (see Step-By-Step Guide to Mirroring Releases for more information).

    No Format
    % gpg --armor --output apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz
    % gpg --armor --output apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz

    Copy release files to a public place.

    No Format
    % sftp
    sftp> cd public_html
    sftp> mkdir apache-hive-X.Y.Z-rc-0
    sftp> cd apache-hive-X.Y.Z-rc-0
    sftp> put apache-hive-X.Y.Z*.tar.gz*
    sftp> quit

  7. Follow instructions in to push the new release artifacts (tar.gz, tar.gz.asc, tar.gz.sha256) to the SVN staging area of the project ( Make sure to create a new directory for the release candidate. You may need PMC privileges to do this step if you do not have such privileges, please ping a PMC member to do this for you.

    No Format
    svn co --depth empty
    cd dist
    svn update --set-depth empty dev
    svn update --set-depth empty dev/hive
    mkdir dev/hive/hive-X.Y.Z/
    cp <hive-source-dir>/packaging/target/apache-hive-X.Y.Z*.tar.gz* dev/hive/hive-X.Y.Z/
    svn add dev/hive/hive-X.Y.Z
    svn commit -m "Hive X.Y.Z release" 

  8. Publish Maven artifacts to the Apache staging repository. Make sure to have this setup for Apache releases. Use committer setting.xml.

    Note: If you get an error gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device, try doing `export GPG_TTY=$(tty)`

    Publish Maven artifacts to the Apache staging repository. Make sure to have this setup for Apache releases. Use committer setting.xml.

    Note: If you get an error gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device, try doing `export GPG_TTY=$(tty)`

    No Format% mvn deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release,iceberg -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

    Note: if you have multiple gpg keys, you may need to specify which key to use via -Dgpg.keyname=



    No Format
    % mvn deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release,iceberg -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

  9. Login to the Apache Nexus server and "close" the staged repository. This makes the artifacts available at a temporary URL.


  1. Call a release vote on dev at

    No Format
    Subject: [VOTE] Apache Hive X.Y.Z Release Candidate N
    Apache Hive X.Y.Z Release Candidate N is available here:
    The checksums are these:
    - ff60286044d2f3faa8ad1475132cdcecf4ce9ed8faf1ed4e56a6753ebc3ab585  apache-hive-4.0.0-alpha-1-bin.tar.gz
    - 07f30371df5f624352fa1d0fa50fd981a4dec6d4311bb340bace5dd7247d3015  apache-hive-4.0.0-alpha-1-src.tar.gz
    Maven artifacts are available here:
    The tag release-X.Y.Z-rcR has been applied to the source for this release in github, you can see it at
    The git commit hash is:
     you can see it at 
    Voting will conclude in 72 hours.
    Hive PMC Members: Please test and vote.

Verifying the Release Candidate

Verifying the PGP signature:

No Format
#get the hive committers keys file

gpg --import <keys file>
gpg --verify hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.asc  hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz
gpg --verify hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc  hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz


  1. tree/release-X.Y.Z-rcR
    The git commit hash is: 
    Voting will conclude in 72 hours.
    Hive PMC Members: Please test and vote.

Verifying the Release Candidate

  1. Verifying the PGP signature:

    No Format
    #get the hive committers keys file
    gpg --import <keys file>
    gpg --verify hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.asc  hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz
    gpg --verify hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc  hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

  2. Verifying the sha256 checksum:
    See the step under Building.


Once three PMC members have voted for a release, it may be published.

  1. Tag the release and delete the release candidate tag. Do it from the release branch:

    No Format
    git tag -s rel/release-X.Y.Z -m "HiveX.Y.Z release."
    git push origin rel/release-X.Y.Z
    git tag -d release-X.Y.Z-rcR
    git push origin :release-X.Y.Z-rcR

    If errors happen while "git tag -s", try to configure the git signing key by "git config user.signingkey your_gpg_key_id" then rerun the command.

  2. Move the release artifacts to the release area of the project ( Using svn mv command is important otherwise you may hit size limitations applying to artifacts(

    serverASF JIRA

    No Format
    svn mv -m "Move hive-X.Y.Z release from dev to release"

  3. Wait till the release propagates to the mirrors and appears under:


Once three PMC members have voted for a release, it may be published.

  1. Tag the release and delete the release candidate tag:

    No Format
    git tag -s rel/release-X.Y.Z release-X.Y.Z-rcR -m "HiveX.Y.Z release."  # where -rcR was the last tagged release candidate that passed the vote
    git push origin rel/release-X.Y.Z
    git tag -d release-X.Y.Z-rcR
    git push origin :release-X.Y.Z-rcR

    Follow instructions in to push the new release artifacts to, making sure to create a new directory for the new release, and re-linking the stable link to the latest build. Note that you need PMC privileges to do this step   if you do not have such privileges, please ping a PMC member to do this for you.

    No Format
    svn co --depth empty
    cd dist
    svn update --set-depth empty release
    svn update --set-depth empty release/hive
    mkdir release/hive/rX.Y.Z/
    cp <hive_source_dir>/packaging/target/apache-hive-X.Y.Z*.tar.gz.* release/hive/rX.Y.Z/
    cp <hive_source_dir>/packaging/target/apache-hive-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz release/hive/rX.Y.Z/
    svn add release/hive/rX.Y.Z
    svn update --set-depth empty dev
    svn update --set-depth empty dev/hive
    mkdir dev/hive/rX.Y.Z/
    cp <hive_source_dir>/packaging/target/apache-hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz dev/hive/rX.Y.Z/
    svn add dev/hive/rX.Y.Z
    svn commit -m 'Hive X.Y.Z release'
    svn mv dev/hive/rX.Y.Z/* release/hive/rX.Y.Z
    svn commit -m 'Hive X.Y.Z release'
    Wait 24 hours for release to propagate to mirrors.
  2. In your base hive source directory, generate javadocs as follows:

    No Format
    mvn clean install javadoc:javadoc javadoc:aggregate -DskipTests -Pjavadoc,iceberg

    After you run this, you should have javadocs present in your <hive_source_dir>/target/site/apidocs

  3. Check out the javadocs svn repository as follows:

    No Format
    svn co --depth empty

  4. Copy the generated javadocs from the source repository to the javadocs repository, add and commit:

    No Format
    mkdir <hive_javadocs_repo_dir>/rX.Y.Z/
    cd <hive_javadocs_repo_dir>
    cp -r <hive_source_dir>/target/site/apidocs ./rX.Y.Z/api
    svn add rX.Y.Z
    svn commit

    If this is a bugfix release, svn rm the obsoleted version. (For eg., when committing javadocs for r0.13.1, r0.13.0 would have been removed)

  5. Prepare to edit the website.

    No Format
    git clone

  6. Edit files content/downloads.mdtext and javadoc.mdtext to appropriately add entries for the new release in the appropriate location. For example, for 1.2.0, the entries made were as follows:

    Code Block
    ./ 18 May 2015 : release 1.2.0 available
    ./ can look at the complete [JIRA change log for this release][HIVE_1_2_0_CL].
    ./  * [Hive 1.2.0 Javadocs][r1.2.0]
    ./[r1.2.0]: /javadocs/r1.2.0/api/index.html

    As you can see, you will need a release note link for this release as created previously for this section.

  7. Push your changes to the branch, and you can preview the results at If everything is ok, then you can push your changes to branch and see the results at site.

  8. Update JIRA
    1. Ensure that only issues in the "Fixed" state have a "Fix Version" set to release X.Y.Z.
    2. Release the version. Visit the releases page.  Select the version number you are releasing, and hit the release button. You need to have the "Admin" role in Hive's Jira for this step and the next.
    3. Close issues resolved in the release. Disable mail notifications for this bulk change.

  9. Login to the Apache Nexus server and mark the release candidate artifacts as released.

  10. Add the release in Apache Committee Report Helper for the next board report to pick that up automatically. 

  11. Check whether the Docker image for the release is present or not.
  12. Send a release announcement to Hive user and dev lists as well as the Apache announce list. This email should be sent from your Apache email address:

    No Format
    Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Hive X.Y.Z Released
    The Apache Hive team is proud to announce the release of Apache Hive
    version X.Y.Z.
    The Apache Hive (TM) data warehouse software facilitates querying and
    managing large datasets residing in distributed storage. Built on top
    of Apache Hadoop (TM), it provides, among others:
    * Tools to enable easy data extract/transform/load (ETL)
    * A mechanism to impose structure on a variety of data formats
    * Access to files stored either directly in Apache HDFS (TM) or in other
      data storage systems such as Apache HBase (TM)
    * Query execution via Apache Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Tez and Apache Spark frameworks.
    For Hive release details and downloads, please visit:
    Hive X.Y.Z Release Notes are available here: [UPDATE THIS LINK] 
    We would like to thank the many contributors who made this release
    The Apache Hive Team
     in Apache HDFS (TM) or in other
      data storage systems such as Apache HBase (TM)
    * Massively parallel query execution via Apache Tez
    For Hive release details and downloads, please visit:
    Hive X.Y.Z Release Notes are available here: [UPDATE THIS LINK]
    For the Docker image, check:
    We would like to thank the many contributors who made this release
    The Apache Hive Team

Archive old releases

According to the INFRA archival guidelines old releases should be removed from the main download site of the project following. Check the respective guidelines and perform the necessary cleanup.

Code Block
svn del -m "Archiving release Apache Hive 4.0.0-beta-1" 

Preparing Branch for Future Maintenance Release
