Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
  • Variables assignment (foo = bar) has a by-copy semantic (like in BPEL) and not by-reference (like in most other languages).

Optional target namespace declaration. For process elements it defaults to ODE target namespace. Namespaces are optional. When no namespace is provided for the process, a default one is assumed.

Code Block
namespace foo = "urn:/"
process foo::request {
# Or
use namespace foo
process request {

Importing documents definitions. After import, elements can be referenced relatively.

Code Block
foo = import "xsd|wsdl|..."

Variable declaration is optional and mostly used to add some specific behavior to them. Modifiers in a variable declaration are its type, unique and external:

Code Block
var foo string unique, bar external(baz), baz int

Subsequently variable assignment is fairly classic. Javascript code is supported natively anytime an expression can be passed (rvalues) or at some specific places of the process declaration (like before the process definition).

Code Block
foo = bar * (bar - 1)

XML is a native type and can directly be included in-line, just like in E4X (including inner expressions). So creating an XML literal fragment is as easy as:

Code Block
foos = <foos><foo>bar</foo><foo>baz</foo></foos>

Process definition

Code Block
process foo {

Code that's surrounded by curly brackets is always assumed to be sequential, statements will be executed in the order they're defined.

Pick syntax, receive is the same thing without the pick wrapper

Code Block
pick {
  receive(p1, o1) { |msg|
    # More BPEL code
  receive(p2, o2) { |msg|
  someVar = receive(p3, o3)
  timeout(val) {

Flow, each block is a sequence. The signal and join instructions are here to model links,

Code Block
parrallel {
   signal(link1, "expr")
} and {
   join(link1, link2, link3, "($link1 and $link2) or $link3")
} and {

If, else if and else:

Code Block
if (expr) {
} else if (expr) {
} else {


Code Block
while(i<10) {
  i = i + 1

Repeat until:

Code Block
do {
  i = i+1
} until(i<10)

Sequential foreach and parrallel foreach are two different constructs. Allow break?

Code Block
for(m = 0; m < 10; m = m + 2) {
forall(m = 0 to 10) {

Invoke syntax - toParts? fromParts?

Code Block
foo = invoke(pl, operation, msg)

Throw, faultVar is optional:

Code Block
throw faultName, faultVar

Wait, support now()+duration expression

Code Block
wait 2m

Partner links must be defined before being used (but no explicit role definition is needed) and are associated with the closest surrounding scope. How they are bound to an endpoint or interface (service/port, Java class, ...) is outside of the scope of SimPEL and is meant to be specified by a deployment descriptor.

Code Block
partnerLink foo, bar, baz

Correlation is achieved by declaring a function that will extract a value from a message and match it against another value. So there's no real correlation set per se, just a set of functions used to extract data from messages. We also introduce a special variable declarator that allows for some variables to be unique (and indexed).

Code Block
function oidFromOrder(msg) {
process {
    var oid unique
    msg = receive(pl, op1)
    oid = oidFromOrder(msg)
    receive(pl, op2, {oidFromOrder: oid}) { |msg2|

We've separated the fault handling role of scopes (try...catch) from the eventing role (*Handlers).

Code Block
try {
    scope {
    } event (pl, op) { |var|
    } alarm {
    } compensation {
} catch (Fault f1) {
} catch (f2) {

For all variables that are passed inside blocks (mostly receive and event), a context can be provided as well. The is meant to introduce security context manipulations:

Code Block
receive(pl, op) { |var, ctx|


Hello world example

Code Block
process Helloworld {
  receive(client, hello) (msg) {
    msg = msg + " World"
    reply msg

External counter example

Code Block
process ExternalCounter {
  receive(my_pl, start_op) (msg_in) {
    resp = <root><count>0</count></root>
    while(resp < 10) {
      invoke(partner_pl, partner_start_op) (msg_in)
      resp = receive(partner_pl, partner_reply_op)
    reply resp

Function definition in Javascript that returns an xpath function, plain javascript inside and allows to "hook" other expression languages. Those functions are also used for correlation (see later).

Code Block
function foo(msg) {
something.other = foo
something.other = xpath('.....')