Native Tomcat Launchers
Sometimes it is convinient to start Tomcat using a native launcher under Windows & Mac OS X
- Clear distinction between other running Tomcat instances
- Integration with desktop application launchers
- Shipping a Tomcat-based product
In my particular use case I was creating native launchers for Apache JSPWiki (see
Available Options
What options do you have in the open-source world
- for Mac OS and Oracle JDK you can use AppBundler (see
- for Windows you can use Launch4J (see
Mac OS X AppBundler
The following snippet
- defines an a Ant task definition "bundleappp"
- invokes the "bundleapp" tasks to create a native Mac OS X launcher
- sets the executable flag of the underyling native launcher (just to make 100% sure the file is exetuable)
No Format |
<target name="woas:mac-app-oracle-jdk" description="creates an Mac OS X application wrapper for Oracle JDK 1.7+"> <taskdef name="bundleapp" classname="" classpath="${basedir}/src/resources/appbundler/appbundler-1.0.jar" /> <bundleapp outputdirectory="${jspwiki.woas.assembly.dir}" name="woas" displayname="Portable JSPWiki" identifier="org.apache.jspwiki.jspwiki-portable" icon="${basedir}/src/resources/macos/jspwiki.icns" shortversion="${jspwiki.woas.version}" applicationCategory="" mainclassname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"> <classpath file="${basedir}/target/unpack/tomcat/${jspwiki.tomcat.distribution}/bin/bootstrap.jar"/> <classpath file="${basedir}/target/unpack/tomcat/${jspwiki.tomcat.distribution}/bin/tomcat-juli.jar"/> <option value="-Xmx96m"/> <option value="-Duser.dir=$APP_ROOT/.."/> <option value="-Dcatalina.home=$APP_ROOT/.."/> <option value="-Dcatalina.base=$APP_ROOT/.."/> <option value="$APP_ROOT/../temp"/> </bundleapp> <chmod file="${jspwiki.woas.assembly.dir}/" perm="ugo+x"/> </target> |
Some notes along the line
- "APP_ROOT" is the directory of the Mac OS X launcher and will be expanded accordingly during run-time
- The current working directory is undefined therefore all "important" properties must be provided
- The two referenced JARs are effectively copied into the native launcher
- No JRE is packaged since it assumed that the JRE is available on the target box
- If you need to change the memory settings for an existing native app than you can edit the "Info.plist" directly
- If the native app is starting at all you get no error message which is a bit annoying - as work-around you can launch at the command line to see the output, e.g "./"
Windows Launch4J
- Defines an a Ant task definition "launch4j"
- Invokes the "launch4j" tasks to create a native Mac OS X launcher
No Format |
<target name="woas:windows-app" description="creates an windows application wrapper"> <taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask" classpath="${basedir}/src/resources/launch4j/launch4j-3.1.0-beta2.jar:${basedir}/src/resources/launch4j/xstream.jar" /> <launch4j> <config headerType="console" outfile="${jspwiki.woas.assembly.dir}/woas.exe" errTitle="WikiOnAStick" chdir="." icon="${basedir}/src/resources/windows/jspwiki.ico" jar="${basedir}/src/resources/tomcat/tomcat-launcher-7.0.52.jar" > <singleInstance mutexName="org.apache.jspwiki.jspwiki-portable" /> <jre minVersion="1.6.0" /> <versionInfo fileVersion="" txtFileVersion="JSPWiki ${jspwiki.woas.version}" fileDescription="WikiOnAStick" copyright="Apache Software Licence 2.0" productVersion="" txtProductVersion="JSPWiki ${jspwiki.woas.version}" productName="WikiOnAStick" companyName="Apache Software Foundation" internalName="woas" originalFilename="woas.exe" /> </config> </launch4j> </target> |
Some notes along the line
- Launch4J allows to set the current working directory of the Tomcat instance therefore all Tomcat properties are bootstrapped for the current working directory
- I cheated here by providing a manually packaged "tomcat-launcher-7.0.52.jar" which contains "bootstrap.jar" and "tomcat-juli.jar" - I think there is a way to avoid this but I have to test it on an Windows box