- POMs tend to have quite deeply nested elements, and many elements can be long and awkward to wrap, so using 2 spaces is sometimes easier to read.
- The SVN $Date$ keyword should not be used, because it relies on the clients locale. Use the $Id$ keyword instead (see http://markmail.org/message/zx4ii6pq4iin2tol).
- Document authors in POM, not in source files (see http://markmail.org/message/k34w6gsx5iic45z2).
- Object visibility: once code is released, it can be impossible to reduce the visibility of fields, classes, methods without breaking compatibility, so initial releases should use the minimum visibility possible.
- Mutable data: this increases the difficulty of ensuring thread-safety (including safe publication of changes). Data should be confined to a class; mutation should only be allowed via a setter which can ensure thread-safety. Be careful that the getter does not expose array contents (which are always mutable)
- Even constants can cause problems: the Java compiler can inline constant values from another class. So if the constant should ever change, classes that are not recompiled could contain the old value.
- Array entries are always mutable. Only empty arrays are immutable; they can be safely shared.
- If a reference to a mutable object is exposed via a getter, then it can be modified in a way that breaks thread-safety.
- If a mutable object is saved by a setter and the caller keeps a reference to the object then it can be changed without using the setter, bypassing any restrictions the setter would have enforced.