February 2012 Board reports (see ReportingSchedule).
These reports are due here by the first Wednesday of the month (i.e. two weeks before the meeting) so that the Incubator PMC can consider them and be ready for this month's board meeting.
Your project might need to report even if it is not listed below, please check your own reporting schedule or exceptions.
Please remember to include:
- The "incubating since" info.
- The project's top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation.
- The short description of what your project's software does.
- The Signed off by mentor: is for Mentor(s) to show that the Report has been reviewed.
Remember that this is a "text" report, so no markup please.
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-------------------- Summary of podling reports We reviewed all podlings reporting in this quarter and categorized them according to their progress through the Incubator and the most pressing issues that are currently blocking progress. Still getting started at the Incubator (7 podlings) Any23, Bloodhound, Cordova, DeltaSpike, DeviceMap, Flex, Openmeetings These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress towards graduation is yet expected. Not yet ready to graduate (13 podlings) IP clearance: Amber Release trouble: Clerezza, Stanbol Low activity: Ambari, Nuvem, PhotArk, SIS, Wink, Zeta Components Low diversity: Airavata, Droids, VCL, Wookie We expect the next quarterly report of projects in this category to include a summary of their actions and progress in solving these issues. Ready to graduate (4 podlings) Jena, Lucene.NET, NPanday, OpenNLP We expect these projects to graduate within the next quarter. -------------------- Airavata Airavata is a software toolkit which provides features to compose, manage, execute, and monitor large scale applications and workflows on computational resources ranging from local clusters to national grids and computing clouds. Airavata is incubating since May 2011. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation 1. The barrier of entry in contributing to Airavata seems to be high. The code, documentation and JIRA issues have to be efficiently organized and managed to appeal to wider developer community. 2. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and well aligned with existing ASF projects as outlined here: http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AiravataProposal#Alignment 3. Create a regular and predictable release process and schedule Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? Whilst our community is reasonably large and active we do not, at present, have significant diversity, but are working on it. Right now most of the contributors that are active are from Indiana University. Chris from JPL is involved very closely from a mentoring perspective and will try and get involved code wise. The 0.2 release candidate is currently VOTE'ing and DISCUSS'ing. How has the community developed since the last report? No new committers or PPMC members elected in the last quarter. Decent discussion on the dev and user lists, with the sporadic user coming by and expressing interest. How has the project developed since the last report? - 0.1-incubating release was cancelled, and are now VOTE'ing on 0.2-incubating release candidate (skipped 0.1-incubating numbering). - Process surrounding the release is under discussion on the DISCUSS thread. Following the Rave process which seems to have worked for them. Signed off by mentor: mattmann, ate, rgardler -------------------- Any23 Any23 is defined as a Java library, a Web service and a set of command line tools to extract and validate structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web documents and markup formats. Any23 is what it is informally named an RDF Distiller. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation 1. Port Any23 code to ASF infrastructure and update license headers 2. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and with strong connections to other relevant ASF communities. 3. At least one Any23 incubating release Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC), Tika PMC, or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? Good news -- Michele Mostarda and Simone Tripodi and Lewis John McGibbney and others stepped it up and got the code migrated from Google Code over here to Apache. Thanks guys! How has the community developed since the last report? Since the code move from Google Code here to Apache, development traffic has picked up. No new committers yet though, so we'll need to watch this going forward. How has the project developed since the last report? Any23 was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on October 1, 2011. We still need to discuss Paolo Castagna's points regarding the integration of more of the 'semantic web' projects which exist at Apache. Also, a number of uses of the project are being realized as Lewis John McGibbney is trying to figure out a Nutch plugin. Simone Tripodi did a great job of getting our website up and running. So now we have an Incubator website! And the rest of the team is starting to discuss on list more. *very* happy about that! All in all, everything is going well. Signed off by mentor: mattmann -------------------- Amber Amber has been incubating since July 2010. Amber is a project to develop a Java library which provides an API specification for, and an unconditionally compliant implementation of the OAuth v1.0, v1.0a and v2.0 specifications. OAuth is a mechanism that allows users to authenticate and authorise access by another party to resources they control while avoiding the need to share their username and password credentials. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation - Clarify status of code grant - Attract users and developers - Generate a release Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? - We need copyright signoff from University of Newcastle How has the community developed since the last report? - Antonion Sanso joined in as a new committer and PPMC member - Raymond Feng has expressed his availability to join as a mentor - Simone Tripodi, Amber 'father' joined back (he'd gone emeritus before) How has the project developed since the last report? - Fixed a bunch of issues for aligning with latest OAuth specification - Updated and improved Amber website also to face ™ requirements Signed off by mentor: -------------------- Ambari Ambari is monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project for Apache Hadoop clusters. - Incubating since 30 August 2011. - 146 jiras fixed (up from 129 in December) - Development has stalled for the last month. The project needs to have some roadmap discussions about how to move forward. Issues that must be addressed before graduation are: - Have roadmap discussions on the dev lists - Making a release - Attracting users and developers - Increase diversity of developers outside of Hortonworks Signed off by mentor: omalley -------------------- Bloodhound Bloodhound is an issue tracker derivative of Trac, with the goal of making deployment easy, and usage intuitive. Bloodhound has been incubating since December 2011. The current three most important issues toward graduation are: 1. Improving community diversity 2. Lowering the barrier to entry and development 3. Creating shippable releases and getting user feedback We missed the report last month, largely due to inattention. There were a number of discussions about the relationship between Bloodhound and Trac in early January, but those appear to have been resolved to the satisfaction of both sets of developers and the Incubator PMC. Since incubation some effort has gone into setting up some of our ASF infrastructure, most notably a VM to host an instance of Trac to use for project and issue planning. This instance will hopefully be migrated to Bloodhound soon, as we hope to be self-hosting. We also have set up: - Mailing lists - Commit access for all the initial committers - Placeholder pages for the main website and Trac/Bloodhound front pages The community is going through a learning process about how the ASF functions, and how to be inclusive of the external community. Although most of the current developers are colocated, the mailing lists have started to see increased activity, as the existing community learns to work in a more open manner. A couple of additional people have expressed interest in participating, and are actively posting to the mailing list. A number of mockup designs have started to flow into the repository. The primary goals of the community include getting something potential developers can play with into the repository, and creating a release to get some widespread exposure to the project. Signed off by mentor: gstein, hwright -------------------- Clerezza (incubating since November 27th, 2009) Clerezza is a framework and set of components designed to make it easy to build application for the semantic and the social web. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. Manage to get first release out and establish a process to do this faster in the future. 2. Better documentation and tutorials on how to build apps with Clerezza. 3. We need to discuss a plan for community development with our mentors for the next board report. The next report will contain some clear actions. Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of: Creating a release turned out to be more difficult than expected, mostly due to legal/licensing issues. We hope that once this is resolved for the first release it will be easier for subsequent releases. While progress has been slow, we think the next release candidate will be proposed very soon. Nothing is blocking progress but the legal problems have been discovered late and were time consuming to repair - also because we have no experience with this so far. How has the community developed since the last report: - A new interesting person has shown up on the mailing lists. - Patch contributed by non-committer. - Domeo Annotation Toolkit is using Clerezza (http://annotationframework.org/). How has the project developed since the last report. - Changes to project structure and naming as a result of trying to create a release. - Work to meet legal requirements / consolidate NOTICE/LICENSE files. - Bug-fixes. Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, rgardler -------------------- Cordova Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. January could be characterized as the month where we hit our stride on Apache infra. Tonnes of updates to the code. Huge activity on the mailing list. Two new committers voted in. Currently, we recognize the majority of commits are currently coming from Adobe and IBM actively pushing to our repositories on git-wip-us (6 and 4 active pushers respectively). We aim to add more contributors in coming releases as per The Apache Way. - shipped 1.4 (NOTE: we aim to make 1.5 our first official apache release) - continued code migration to Cordova name - new Apache Cordova logo! - project web site design iteration - new automated build system code named 'coho' - Yohei Shimomae voted as committer - Steve Gill voted as committer - made progress on the IP review Graduation concerns: - Complete the IP review (source headers, license metadata, etc.) - Continue to foster more community committers - Ship an official Apache release Signed off by mentor: gianugo, jukka, rgardler, asavory -------------------- DeltaSpike (incubating since December 2011) DeltaSpike will consist of a number of portable CDI extensions that provide useful features for Java application developers. The goal of DeltaSpike is to create a de-facto standard of CDI-Extensions that is developed and maintained by the community. There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention. Since our last report on January 1, 2012, we have accomplished the following: - Temporary documentation started - Features for version finished, documented and reviewed - Release procedure for deltaspike-0.1-incubating started (VOTE is running) - Discussions for features of version 0.2 started - IP clearance process of Seam3 started (all already imported sources are IP cleared) - Nabble mirror of your dev-mailing list created - GIT workflow defined - New contributors joined our effort - New Committers (voted and added) - Dan Allen - Lincoln Baxter III - Rudy De Busscher - Christian Kaltepoth - Lukasz Lenart - GitHub mirror created (done by the infra team) Upcoming major goals: - Refine test-infrastructure to allow easier tests and add further containers - Finish the setup for the documentation and the website - Finish IP clearance of Seam3 Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation: 1. Build community 2. Create at least one release 3. Create Documentation Signed off by mentors: Gerhard Petracek, Mark Struberg (struberg), jim -------------------- DeviceMap Apache DeviceMap is a data repository containing device information, images and other relevant information for all sorts of mobile devices, e.g. smartphones and tablets. Entered incubation on January 3rd, 2012. The podling is just getting started, basic infrastructure has been created. There are no issues that require the Incubator PMC's or the board's attention. Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, kevan -------------------- Droids Droids is an Incubator project arrived from Apache Labs. Droids entered incubation on October, 2008. It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to create and extend existing web robots. Richard Frovarp has been added as a mentor to the project. IP clearance has been taken care of and was done prior to the release that was performed. That issue should not have been in the last report. Issues before graduation : The biggest obstacle for graduation is obtaining a diverse group of active committers. 95% of the commits over the past 6 months were by a single committer. The project needs to engage the committers that exist and identify new people to bring into the project. The goal for the next quarter is to elicit more activity. Signed off by mentor: rfrovarp, thorsten -------------------- Flex Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop. Summary: A highly energetic community waits for Adobe to transition code and infrastructure. Date of entry to the Incubator: December 31, 2011 Top four items to resolve before graduation: 1. Resolve trademark donation or licensing 2. Complete code and bug database donation 3. Make at least one release 4. Add new committers Is there anything that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board specifically needs to address? The ASF legal team will have to work with Adobe on the Trademark licensing issue. Adobe legal is still drafting the proposal before presenting to Apache. Are there any legal, infrastructure, cross-project or personal issues that need to be addressed? (Are there any stumbling blocks that impede the podling?) Besides the trademark issue mentioned previously, the code donation and bug database donation are being slowed by infrastructure issues at both Adobe and Apache, mainly the lack of ways to easily transfer multi-GB files. Check that the project's Incubation Status file up to date. http://incubator.apache.org/projects/flex What has been done (releases, milestones, etc.) since the last report? - An initial set of Flex source (minus Subversion history) was checked into the whiteboard area of the podling’s Subversion repository. - Other initial committers have donated code to the whiteboard. - A logo contest was held. Over 50 entries were submitted. - The mailing lists were established. Over 200 people joined in the first 30 days and the traffic averaged over 100 emails a day. It has quieted down now that the logo contest has concluded. What are the plans and expectations for the next period? Adobe expects to complete the transfer of the bug database and the initial set of code with history. Adobe also hopes to contribute the compiler and test suite as well. And there is hope for an initial release. Are there any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you? Incubation has been working well. Our mentors are great. Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, wave -------------------- HISE A vote to retire HISE is currently in progress. Signed off by mentor: -------------------- Jena Jena is a semantic web framework in Java that implements the key W3C recommendations for the core semantic web technologies of RDF and SPARQL. Jena entered incubation in November 2010. The project is discussing graduation. Progress since the last report: - The project has voted for a new committer and IPMC member for the project. This is the second person since the start of incubation. - The project has successfully produced a release. The first incubator release included the system core and query engine, which is 80% of the codebase but not all the modules. TDB is in active development and is only now ready for release. - Redirections placed at both old websites to point to the Apache incubator website for Apache Jena. - About 20 JIRA items have been resolved since the last report. - Users email traffic on old, non-Apache lists continues to decline. Issues for the Incubator PMC or ASF Board: None. Plan: - Graduation preparation (checking, drafting the scope/charter, resolution, chair, more checking) - There are no technical or infrastructure items blocking graduation. - Releases of further subsystems: TDB, Fuseki, LARQ. Signed off by mentor: bimargulies@apache.org (Benson Margulies) -------------------- Lucene.NET Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: - Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. - High-performance C# search engine library. - Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: - Lucene.Net 2.9.4g passed a vote for release Jan 29th. We are preparing to move the files to dist, creating NuGet packages and updating the website - Significant Activity for Lucene.Net 3.0.3 Current Activities: - Porting Java Lucene 3.0.3 - Porting Java Lucene 4.0 - Hashing out style guidelines (FxCop / ReSharper) Long term goals: - Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. (This has been a goal, but we are discussing if this is truely the best idea of the project) - Release Lucene.Net 3.0.3 (port of Java Lucene 3.0.3) - Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms Graduation thought: - One of the mentors (Stefan Bodewig) has indicated he wants to start pushing for graduation. We will be making plans to do this in the next couple of months Signed off by mentor: bodewig -------------------- NPanday NPanday allows projects using the .NET framework to be built with Apache Maven. NPanday has been incubating since August 2010. Discussion has been low over the holiday period, but steady work has been put into knocking issues marked for the next releases. There are very few left, and a good number of fixes complete, so a release should come quite shortly. This would be a good opportunity to focus on a graduation plan, and to better promote the project among the .NET and Maven communities and increase the number of users and contributors. We continue to see small growth in users, and occasional patch submissions, but haven't added a new committer in a while. The top priorities towards graduation are: - work out a concrete plan towards graduation in the next quarter - encourage newer contributors to do so on a continuing basis. There are no issues for the Incubator PMC or board at this time. Signed off by mentor: Dennis Lundberg -------------------- Nuvem Apache Nuvem will define an open application programming interface for common cloud application services, allowing applications to be easily ported across the most popular cloud platforms. Nuvem was accepted for Incubation on June, 2010. - Nothing much happened on the last three months on the project, and there are discussions on the mailing list around the future of the project. Top things to resolve prior to graduation: - Increase the number of active committers. Signed off by mentor: lresende -------------------- Openmeetings Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming. OpenMeetings entered the incubation on November 12, 2011. - A question for PMC: Should we start a demo server on Apache, so people can benefit from communication? Summary: The project prepares some of the infrastructure, releases of the OpenMeetings plugins and refactors the sources for a first incubator release of the OpenMeetings Application. Details: The project has a number of Plugins that it releases for integration of OpenMeetings into other platforms: Moodle Plugin, SugarCRM Plugin, those Plugins have been refactored to be compatible with Apache License and can be released now. OpenMeetings project itself has replaced the Library JOD , which is part of the conversion with OpenOffice and import of .doc/.ppt/.xls/.odp/... to whiteboard of OpenMeetings (OPENMEETINGS-32). JOD library is not part of the OpenMeetings distribution anymore and users will need to configure the path to JOD library on their installation to enable the importer. This is a temporary solution, the Developers of JOD library will change their license to an APL compatible as soon as Apache OpenOffice successfully releases under APL (Message from JOD Developers: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jodconverter/2f0bo38H59I/P_Dro3pe64QJ). The UI interface has been refactored to have the possibility to configure the UI elements (OPENMEETINGS-21 to OPENMEETINGS-25) The SIP integration has been refactored and we are talking to the developers of Red5 (http://code.google.com/p/red5phone/) how we will handle integration between the two projects in the future. The Red5 project has changed its license to APL (http://code.google.com/p/red5/source/detail?r=4309) Plan: - Calendar UI will be refactored to use REST API in the coming weeks instead of RTMP protocol, Laszlo Calendar Component (CPL licensed) will be removed from the sources. Conversion to REST should improve the possibility to switch to pure JavaScript UI on the long run. - The integration with Apache's Continuous Build environment is a todo. The current ANT script is not compatible with the Hudson/Jenkins build environment at ASF and needs to be refactored (OPENMEETINGS-2) - There are plans to add a JIRA / confluence plugin Community: - There are still messages to the old project website, but the majority of the users have switched to the new project website. - There are a number of 3th party maintained Plugins, especially for E-Learning frameworks like Sakai, ILias, StudIP, ATutor, ELGG. We will need to convert those docs/references to the ASF website. Signed off by mentor: yegor, jim -------------------- OpenNLP The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text. Incubating since November, 2011. It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution. These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing services. OpenNLP also includes maximum entropy and perceptron based machine learning. The team was extended by two new committers, Boris Galitsky and Aliaksandr Autayeu. We worked towards our graduation and had a positive community and recommendation vote. Our community became more active and we saw a couple of new faces on the user and development mailing list. Signed off by mentor: -------------------- PhotArk Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access control layer, and upload capabilities. PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008. PhotArk has a small community of contributors, mostly student, that need a lot of attention in order to keep them active, and the lack of attention made the community stale to almost a zero activity in the last three or four months. Currently the is a community discussion on the future of the project, and one of the ideas that has gotten the community attention is to make PhotArk to move away from a image repository, and become a HTML5/Cordova mobile application that aggregates images from different photo sources such as: Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, etc. We have also raised the question with IPMC if we need to follow any specific process in case the community decide to change the scope of the project, but we haven't got any answer yet. Issues before graduation : - PhotArk started as a project with no initial code-base, and we have grown the community to the minimal independent committer size required for graduation. We need to make these contributors constantly active in order to think about graduation again, or recruit new contributors. Signed off by mentor: lresende -------------------- SIS Apache SIS is a toolkit that spatial information system builders or users can use to build applications containing location context. This project will look to store reference implementations of spatial algorithms, utilities, services, etc. as well as serve as a sandbox to explore new ideas. Further, the goal is to have Apache SIS grow into a thriving Apache top-level community, where a host of SIS/GIS related software (OGC datastores, REST-ful interfaces, data standards, etc.) can grow from and thrive under the Apache umbrella. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? The thread here: http://s.apache.org/Q2z reports a "where is the project" going status. I think we've come up with a plan of action items to develop on. We've elected 2 new PPMC members and committers (Adam Estrada and Andrew Hart) and both are on board and have their accounts set up. In response to reviving the project, I'd urge folks to give us a chance with the new blood we've infused and with our development plan that Chris proposed. Community progress since the last report Adam Estrada and Andrew Hart were VOTEd in as PPMC members and committers. Project progress since last report SIS was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on February 21, 2010. Here is the current list of items to work on for 0.2-incubating. - SIS-28 Create a Layer Service for Google Earth Integration - SIS-13 Change QuadTree Reader/Writer to use URLs instead of String file paths - SIS-11 Basic CLI for SIS - SIS-10 Ability to create SIS data from WKT specs - SIS-9 Allow for multiple spatial reference systems - SIS-8 Build a common SIS data container for spatial data The goal is to make some progress on these issues before the next report and have a status update on the 0.2-incubating release. Signed off by mentor: mattmann, greddin, kevan, joes -------------------- Stanbol Apache Stanbol is an open source modular software stack and reusable set of components for semantic content management. Incubating since November, 2010. Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation. - Make a first release (depends on a first release of Apache Clerezza to eliminate SNAPSHOT dependencies) - Auditing/clarifying multiple maven repositories and corresponding dependencies - Make the data models downloadable independently from the ASF repositories to avoid gray copyright / licensing issues (for instance for the OpenNLP models). How has the community developed since the last report? - Reto Bachmann Gmuer and Ali Anil Sinaci has been elected as new committers. - Alberto Musetti has contributed to the project by providing patches - David Riccitelli provided patch that uses the Stanbol Commons Jobs to implement an Asynchronous RESTful API for the Stanbol Enhancer. How has the project developed since the last report. Features: - LDPath (http://code.google.com/p/ldpath/) support for Entityhub and Contenthub - Contenthub now supports multiple semantic indexes and Solr RESTful API can be directly used for search - Enhancer now support for multiple Enhancement Chains and multi-part ContentItems. Work on extended RESTful API will be finished soon. - Enhancement Engine for Topic Classification (STANBOL-197) - First version of a Apache Stanbol/Apache Camel integration Improved Documentation (both on the Stanbol Homepage and the Web UI of Apache Stanbol) Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, tommaso -------------------- VCL VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing platform for the management of physical and virtual machines. New Committers 1. The Apache VCL community recently added Aaron Coburn of Amherst College as a committer. We welcome Aaron and look forward to his expertise and knowledge to help advance VCL software. 2. There are a couple of other potential committers that might be able to join the community as committers. We look forward to hopefully bring them aboard. Community Involvement 1. The Apache VCL community is seeing continued growth and interest around the world. 2. The community activity on the mailing list is an open discussion and members respectfully exchange ideas and provide support. Releases Our next release is behind our intended schedule, we are working through the remaining issues and features. We are targeting a March Release for Apache VCL 2.3. This will included support for Vcenter, kvm hypervisors, server based profiles and lots of bug fixes. Top Issues Before Graduation Continue to increase contributors to establish a more diverse development community. Signed off by mentor: kevan, adc -------------------- Wink Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of REST style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311) standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of environments. Apache Wink has been incubating since 2009-05-27. Development list traffic and discussions are steadily, but low. The community has started some discussion on picking up the JAX-RS 2.0 draft specs and start working/prototyping on this, but activity has not increased yet. The community has also discussed graduation, and worked on various graduation process tasks, but the talks had halted as one member has not agreed to proceed with graduation while the activity on the project is slow. Planned Activity: - Increase activity among existing committers/pmc members - Start prototyping on JAX-RS 2.0 draft specs - Work towards graduation. Top issues before graduation: - Increase the size/diversity of the active dev community Signed off by mentor: kevan -------------------- Wookie Wookie is a Java server application that allows you to upload and deploy widgets for your applications. Wookie is based on the W3C Widgets specification, but widgets can also be included that use extended APIs such as Google Wave Gadgets and OpenSocial. Wookie has been incubating since 17th July 2009 Wookie has a small, reasonably active community, however, the majority of that activity is focussed around one or two individuals. The main issue we would like to address before graduation is to ensure we have more diversity in our community. However, as it stands we could probably graduate as we meet the minimum criteria (5 committers from 3 organisations). We recognise that some IPMC members would suggest graduation at this point might help accelerate community growth. We intend to discuss this within the community over the next quarter whilst also seeking to expand our community. One strategy for this is to reach out to projects and teams already using Wookie and encourage their developers to contribute back to the community. We know several projects (both in commercial and academic sectors) that have been conducting R&D activity using Wookie and we want to make sure we can bring in both contributions from these projects and also welcome their developers into our community. However we feel that Wookie will only really become fully sustainable when there is more uptake of the W3C Widgets/Native Web Applications specifications into "real" systems and products. On this front we're active and visible in W3C, along with PhoneGap/Apache Cordova (incubating) who also support W3C Widgets (the W3C Native Web Apps Community have a co-chair who is a Wookie committer and another who is a Cordova committer). Another strategy has been to support integration in Apache Rave (currently preparing to graduate) as this is a way to build our user base (and is also a great way to demo Wookie). Another approach we're looking at is how we can use Wookie to deploy widgets that relate to ASF processes and activities as a way of raising awareness and interest; we've done some experiments with Widgets using the Jira API as a starting point for a demonstrator. In any case, we can certainly do more to promote Wookie and generate interest. Since November 2011: - 0.9.1 release - Received updated patch for oAuth support from community member - Received documentation contribution for packaging Wookie as a portable app on a USB stick Next steps: - 0.9.2 release using an improved and simplified release process - Developer outreach activity (see above) - Improve communication about Wookie - ASF Widgets demo Issues before graduation: - build community/expand user base Signed off by mentor: rgardler, ate -------------------- Zeta Components Apache Zeta Components are a high quality, general purpose library of loosly coupled components for development of applications based on PHP. Zeta Components was accepted into Incubator on May 25th, 2010 What has been done: - (Some) cleanup of test system - Planning of actions for creating a release candidate. What is still in progress: - Sorting out the tests after PHPUnit changes - Build system discussions What needs to be done: - Making a release - Look at ways to increase developer diversity and activity - Find a new mentor to replace grobmeier. Signed off by mentor: jvermillard -------------------- |