- The yellow modules represent the core VCL modules
- The blue and green modules represent auxiliary modules
- Core modules that should not need to be changed regardless of the auxiliary modules being used
- The core modules provide many functions to the auxiliary modules including:
- default constructors
- data access
- module initialization
- access to other auxiliary modules where appropriate
- abstract and concrete classes - abstract are not instantiated
- classes can be empty, contain no subs, but act as a placeholder in case it's decided later on that a sub would be useful
- Modules make it easier for developers to implement new technologies to be used with VCL easily
- Core VCL code does not need to be altered in order to support additional technologies or functionality
- Increased flexibility for different configurations
- Consistent methods to access data stored in the database
- Code maintainability is increased because each module focuses on a distinct task and the core code does not need to check for numerous different conditions based on the technology being used
- more about benefits of inheritance
- give OS example and include diagram
- Windows - Desktop - XP - Vista
- implement subs as high up as possible so child classes inherit them
- child classes can override an inherited sub if it doesn't fit its needs
- use example of firewalls in Windows. Windows.pm implements a firewall sub which works for everything but Vista. Vista.pm can implement a sub with the same name and it will override the one in Windows.pm, yet Vista.pm still enjoys everthing else Windows.pm offers.
Core Modules
- only core modules should ever change the request state/laststate/computer state
- only core modules should change anything in the request and rsvp tables
- provide state flow
- provide data access
- provide utility functions
- database and data structure are abstracted from auxiliary modules
- ongoing - should not contain code specific to something that can be modularized such as "if windows... else linux..."
vcld (VCL::vcld)
- main exe
- loops every 12 seconds by default
- doesn't inherit
- creates DataStructure object
- forks
- sets some $ENV variables
- reaps dead processes
DataStructure.pm (VCL::DataStructure)
- abstracts database and data structure
- aux modules shouldn't know about the DB or data structure
- should be able to change db or data structure and still have aux modules work
- uses "Inside Out" technique to accessing modules can't get to the underlying data
- data is encapsulated, can only be accessed using accessor functions
- encapsulation is good, explain what it is
- usage: $self->data->get_image_name()
- need to list methods somewhere (not here), there are tons of them
- gets created by vcld when it finds a reservation
- passed to module constructor
- Module.pm sets up access via data()
- Result: any class that inherits from VCL::Module gets access
utils.pm (VCL::utils)
- contains several utility subs
- doesn't inherit from Module.pm (might be a good idea to look into this)
- contains some legacy stuff - some subs will be removed and moved to OS or provisioing modules
- should probably make a page describing utility subs such as notify, run_ssh_command...
- This should really get sucked out of POD comments in the actual code
- have to 'use VCL::utils' in order to use it
Module.pm (VCL::Module)
- Provides a constructor for all derived objects to use
- Objects which inherit from VCL::Module do not need to implement their own new() subroutines
- Objects which inherit from VCL::Module do not need to deal with "blessing" themselves
- Provides access to the database data for the reservation via the data() subroutine implemented by Module.pm
Wiki Markup |
Any module derived from VCL::Module can call $self->data->\[get_something\] or $self->data->\[set_something\]
State.pm (VCL::Module::State)
- Supports the core VCL state modules such as new.pm, image.pm, reclaim.pm, and others
- Provides an initialize() subroutine which performs common tasks whenever a state object is created
- initialize() creates the provisioning and OS objects
Wiki Markup |
Provides an os() subroutine which allows the state objects to interact with the resource's operating system by calling $self->os->\[subroutine\] Wiki Markup |
- Provides a provisioner() subroutine which allows the state objects to interact with the provisioning engine that has been configured for the resource by calling the resource by calling $self->provisioner->\[subroutine\]
- Provides other subroutines such as reservation_failed() which performs a consistent set of tasks when a reservation fails
Implementation Details
Working with Inheritance
- code to set up inheritance
- using $self->
- when to use $self-> (object method) and when to call a sub directly (class method)
- how to check if sub was called as an object method or not
Including Non-Inherited Modules
- use file::bin to include the lib directory
- use warnings, strict, diagnostics are a good practice
- use 'VCL::utils' is the only VCL module you should need to include, all else should be handled by inheritance/objects
Module Initialization
Explain how modules can implement initialize() subs which are automatically called
Database Configuration for Modules
Explain module table, computer.moduleid, managementnode.predictivemoduleid
Cross-Module Access
Explain why some modules shouldn't have access to others, which is why Module.pm doesn't make os() and provisioner() available
Required & Optional Module Subroutines
- Perl's can() function
- core modules use can() to check if module implements a subroutine
- some subs should be required such as OS::load(), most should not
- if you can think of an exception why a sub wouldn't be needed it shouldn't be required
Package Organization
- how directories under lib/VCL should be organized
- the 'package' line in the modules should match the location of the file
- Example: "package VCL::Module::OS::Windows" resides in "lib/VCL/Module/OS/Windows.pm"
- some core modules don't follow this - the state modules reside directly under lib/VCL, should eventually reside under lib/VCL/Module/State