- Install a JDK that is 1.7 or above.
- Install ant.
- Install an svn client, version 1.7 or later.
- Install python 2.7+.
- Make sure you have write permissions on the directory where Apache Forrest will be checked out and installed, the first time your run Forrest it will attempt to create a plug-ins directory and download several plug-ins.
- Check out and prepare to build the current trunk version of Apache Forrest:
(Or, if you want to save time, just install Forrest-0.10-dev or above.)Code Block svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/forrest/trunk forrest
- Change to the main build area:
Code Block cd forrest/main
- Build forrest:
Code Block build
- Follow the instructions the build gives you to complete the Forrest installation
- Checkout the ManifoldCF site code https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/manifoldcf/site/trunk/.
- Change directory to where the site code was checked out.
- "ant make-core-deps" will download the necessary build dependencies.
- "ant build" will build the current site, including the release documentation from trunk. It will also check out and build Apache Forrest. The generated site will be in ./build/site/.
- Make your desired website changes to the source files in ./src/ and regenerate the site with ant.
- Download the javadoc patch tool from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-doc-updater-tool-1955731.html.
Run the tool as follows:
Code Block java -jar JavadocUpdaterTool.jar -R <path>
. You will need to run the tool on the "api" subdirectory of every release that appears under "./build/site/releases" . For example:
Code Block java -jar JavadocUpdaterTool.jar -R ./build/site/releases/trunk/api