Not on data quality: There seems to be at least one case of nearly duplicate entries which I haven't filtered. The IPs were the same. Maybe two people from the same company.
Product Usage
\[http://people.apache.org/~jeremias/userpoll2007-10/chart-product-usage.png\] Wiki Markup
- 86 people responded, 1 skipped this question
- Multiple answers were possible.
- Note that most FOP users are implicitely Batik users, too.
- 32 out of the 86 people (37%) only use Batik.
- One person out of the 86 people (1.2%) only uses XML Graphics Commons
Main Production Operating System
\[http://people.apache.org/~jeremias/userpoll2007-10/chart-prod-os.png\] Wiki Markup
- 82 people responded, 5 skipped this question
- The most "exotic" OS mentioned was the IBM OS/400 V5R4.
- One Batik user still uses Windows 98.
- Additional operating systems the products have to run on (secondary operating systems)
- the usual suspects: Windows, Linux, OSX and Solaris
- 5 mentioned BSD
- 3 mentioned AIX
- 2 mentioned HP-UX
- 1 mentioned AS400/iSeries/i5/System i
Main Development Operating System
- 70 people responded, 17 skipped this question
If you still use Java 1.3 or earlier in production, do you have a need to stay on the latest versions of Apache XML Graphics products (Batik, FOP, Commons)?
\[http://people.apache.org/~jeremias/userpoll2007-10/chart-java13.png\] Wiki Markup
- 59 people responded, 28 skipped this question
- Nobody answered with "yes" here.
- 4 (6.8%) answered with "no" here.
- Although nobody listed a JVM 1.3 being used in production, some people said "no" here. There's some room for interpretation here.
- Although nobody listed a JVM 1.3 being used in production, some people said "no" here. There's some room for interpretation here.
J2SE 1.4.2 has begun the Sun End of Life (EOL) process. The EOL transition period is from Dec, 11 2006, until the General Availability (GA) of the next Java version, Java SE 7, currently planned for the summer of 2008. What do you think about the idea of making Java 1.5 the minimum version for all XML Graphics subprojects today?unmigrated-wiki-markup
- 70 people responded, 17 skipped this question
- Apparently, even though almost 25% are still running on Java 1.4 only 14.3% think it's a bad idea to switch to Java 1.5.