On startup spamd dies with "IO::Socket::INET: Invalid argument"
This bug is seen from time to time and is currently tracked down via the \[http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58122 Gentoo Bug 58122\]. The reason _why_ it happens is yet unknown, but it seems to be caused by a broken Perl. Wiki Markup
When you start spamd with debugging you will see something like this:
The output above is from SpamAssassin 3.0.0, previous versions are a bit less verbose.unmigrated-wiki-markup
The \[http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/#faq-spam FAQ\] on the amavisd-new site notes:
On some operating systems the Perl module IO::Socket reports obscure error on unsuccessful connect() in non-blocking mode as: "Invalid argument" in place of the true cause: "Connection refused".
The remote service should be checked if available and accessible (firewall rules? network problems?).