- easy to join (you just have to sign a CLA and get an @apache.org account)
- no expectation of... well, much anything; no quality or experience requirement for the sandbox
- easy for us to import rules (manually or automatically) into main rule body
- easy to move forward with further development around automatic updates and all of the other (hard) ideas we've talked about, but I really want to keep this dirt simple.
- ability to help direct future development of the rules project (as it extends beyond sandboxes, sandboxes will remain just sandboxes, of course).
- can produce multiple "output rule sets" in the long run: conservative, aggressive, sub-areas: bounces, drug rules, etc.
- uses SVN and therefore has version control
In other words, this solves the main part of our "rules problem" – the hurdle of getting rules "over the wall". No longer will we need individual bugs for rule submissions, or need to go to 3 different sites to look for rule ideas, etc. Many of our best rules have come from SARE and the Wiki.
- rules/core/ = standard rules directory
- rules/sandbox/<username>/ = per-user sandboxes
- rules/extra/<directory>/ = extra rule sets not in core
The proposal is for rules/core/ to become the rules directory for trunk (3.2 and later, via SVN externals which will make their inclusion seamless in the standard SA tree). The sandbox is discussed further in RulesProjMoreInput.
- non-spam-oriented rules, such as the anti-virus-bounce ruleset
- non-English-language rulesets (although see RulesNotEnglish)
- rules that positively identify spam from spamware, but hit <0.25% of spam
- an "aggressive" rules set might include rules that hit with an S/O of only 0.89, but push a lot of spam over the 5.0 threshold without impacting significantly on ham
(ChrisSanterre: Seeing this breakdown of dirs, gave me an idea. Why not set the "aggresiveness" of SA for updates? Like how SARE has ruleset0.cf (no ham hits), ruleset1.cf (few ham, high S/O), etc., with each "level" of rule set file getting slightly more aggressive, risking (though not necessarily seeing) slightly higher FP rates. Users could set some config like supdate=(1-4), with 1 being the most conservative, and 4 being the most aggresive (with the knowledge that more aggresive *could* possibly cause more FPs).
Again, this is something we can handle further down the line.