- UsedViaProcmail: Using Procmail with SpamAssassin
- Make use of other anti-spam projects: DnsBlocklists (using DNSBLs), UsingDcc, UsingRazor, and UsingPyzor.
- IntegratedInMta: built into the whole mail-delivery process in the Mail Transfer Agent (sendmail, Exim, Postfix, etc.)
- UsingSiteWide: more about using SpamAssassin site-wide
- SpamAssassin with Qmail-Scanner - Integrate SA into Qmail-Scanner on a Linux PLESK server.
- Spam folder with Procmail - Use procmail to filter spam into a seperate folder server-wide.
I have an account on a server
- SingleUserUnixInstall: single-user installation on a typical Unix account
- UsedViaProcmail: run from the traditional UNIX .procmailrc file
- MailProxy: as a proxy server
- Run against a RemoteImapFolder
- Run against a Remote POP3 Mailbox using dispam http://gentoo-portage.com/mail-filter/disspam .
I have an account on a server, spamassassin is already running but I don't like how it decides what is spam and what is ham
- 1. examine X-Spam headers in several emails to see how spamassassin is evaluating them
- on a shared server with a web interface like cPanel:
- use the spamassassin panels to view the current configuration.
- RECORD ALL settings on the various panels.
- with shell access:
- ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs contains the user customization configuration.
- cp ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs_original
- on a shared server with a web interface like cPanel:
- 2. Make a small adjustment to the score on one of the rules.
- Additional information regarding user_prefs can be found at
- http://real-world-systems.com/docs/spamassassinConf.html
- 3. Go back to step 1
- Sure. Many commercial ThirdPartySoftware products use SpamAssassin internally.
Can I use SpamAssassin on other systems
- ImportantInitialConfigItems - A brief list of configuration options you should set when you first install.