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This is a log of what I did to run a 10-fold cross-validation test of the perceptron vs the GA when testing bug 2910 ( ) – JustinMason 21/01/04

Wiki Markup\[check it out:\]First, I checked out the source:

No Format
svn co
cd trunk
perl Makefile.PL 
cd masses


\[also get pgapack and install as "masses/pgapack". I just scp'd in an already-built tree I had here.\]

Wiki Markup\[and use the set-0 logs from the 2.60 GA run -- taken from the rsync repository:\]

No Format
wc -l /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/ham-set0.log /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/spam-set0.log
 210442 /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/ham-set0.log
 354479 /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/spam-set0.log

Wiki Markup\[we want about 2k in each bucket, otherwise it'll take weeks to complete. use split-logs-into-buckets to juggle the log files in blocks of 10% to get the ratio and size to around 2k:2k.\]unmigrated-wiki-markup

\[ham buckets first:\]

No Format
./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.6
mv split-1.log new
./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < new
wc -l split-1.log
   2104 split-1.log

Wiki Markup\[much better!\]

No Format
mv split-*.log ../../logs/nonspam-jm/

./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.6
mv split-1.log new
wc -l new
  35437 new


\[given this, we want 6 of the 10 logfiles to make 21264 lines, which would result in a roughly even ham:spam ratio for testing. let's do that.\]

No Format
cat split-{1,2,3,4,5,6}.log > new
./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < new
wc -l split-1.log
   2126 split-1.log



mv split-*.log ../../logs/spam-jm/

Wiki Markup\[and doublecheck the log sizes:\]

No Format
wc -l ../../logs/*/*.log
   2104 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-1.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-10.log
   2106 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-2.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-3.log
   2102 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-4.log
   2105 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-5.log
   2102 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-6.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-7.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-8.log
   2104 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-9.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-1.log
   2127 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-10.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-2.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-3.log
   2128 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-4.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-5.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-6.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-7.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-8.log
   2125 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-9.log
  42297 total

Wiki Markup\[looks fine. now run the 10pass master script.\]

No Format
nohup sh -x ./tenpass/10pass-run &
