- InstallingOnWindows: How can I install SpamAssassin on Windows?
- SpamdOnWindows: How can I run SpamD on Windows?
- SqlOnWindows: How can I use SQL for bayes and awl on Windows?
- CompileOnWindows: How can I use sa-compile on Windows?
- Michael Bell has written a HOW-TO on porting, installing, and using SpamAssassin on Win32 systems: http://www.openhandhome.com/howtosa.html (he points that SpamC will work for SpamAssassin 3.x) Also a configuration GUI http://www.openhandhome.com/saconf.html . For a while these links will not work, so you can find them on the Internet Wayback Machine site at: http://web.archive.org/web/20060214095852/www.openhandhome.com/howtosa310.html and http://web.archive.org/web/20060115220205/www.openhandhome.com/saconf.html.
Commercial Products
- CommercialWindows: Commercial products you can buy and install for Windows.
Open-source Products
- Jocafi Brazil contributed with a front-end to JSpamAssassin. It is a POP3 Proxy Server developed in Java (platform independent). It has a friendly GUI and acts as a communication interface between the user POP3 server and Apache SpamAssassin. It runs on all OS and works with all e-mail clients (Eudora, Pegasus Mail, Netscape, Thunderbird, Outlook Express, etc.).
- Eric Smith wrote a simple VBScript to use SpamAssassin with Exchange 2000: http://www.spamblogging.com/archives/000014.html
- Christopher Lewis wrote a much more robust VB ActiveX DLL that enhances Eric's original work, with the added benefit of actually placing the SpamAssassin mail headers in the Exchange mail message: http://www.christopherlewis.com/ExchangeSpamAssassin.htm
- See also: WinSpamC
- ExchangeSpamC is a Exchange 2000/2003 SMTP sink that combines Christopher Lewis' work with WinSpamC- http://sourceforge.net/projects/exchangespamc
- TheFreeSpamFilter is a complete VMWare Virtual Machine that acts as a spam filtering 'appliance' for your MS Exchange systems. There are 7 'how-to' videos designed to get you up and running. The system has a web interface for users to manage their own quarantine, and works with Exchange 2000 / 2003 / 2007 / 2010. Spamassassin and ClamAV are used to filter spam and viri from incoming internet email. The appliance will spool mail for you in the event of an Exchange outage.