- Lucidworks training - Training on Solr created by Solr committers and contributors (Erik Hatcher, Grant Ingersoll and the rest of the team at Lucidworks).
- Solr Boot Camp - Training on Solr by Solr/Lucene committers and contributors. Offered exclusively at ApacheCon.
- SolrTraining.com - Full range of instructor-led public as well as on-site Solr training by Cominvent AS and Jan Høydahl.
- Sematext Solr Training - Solr Training created and run by Sematext's Solr experts - see Core Solr, Intermediate Solr, and Advanced Solr classes.
- DevelopIntelligence - Customized on-site Apache training, with courses on Solr, ActiveMQ, and more.
- Solr Relevance Training - Learn to Think Like a Relevance Engineer from our Solr experts at our regular training courses, including labs & exercises.
- Solr Introductory Quick Start Tutorial - Part of the Solr Reference Guide and a great place to start.
- My Solr - Setting up your first real Solr instance - Very out of date, I wouldn't go here.