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Welcome to the Tapestry Wiki
{{ http://tapestry.apache.org/images/tapestry_banner.gif}} | Tapestry is a component oriented framework for creating dynamic, robust, highly scalable web applications in Java. This wiki exists to supplement the documentation available on the Tapestry home page. It contains FAQs, helpful tips, and ongoing discussions about the future directions of Tapestry. |
Users are encouraged to edit the pages of this Wiki. Due to constant spamming, editing the FrontPage is restricted to genuine users though. If you want to edit this page just drop a note with your wiki username to the developer mailing list dev at tapestry.apache.org and we will add you to the ContributorsGroup. You don't need to subscribe for this.
There is HelpForBeginners and there's a WikiSandBox for you to use when learning the Wiki syntax. Please don't test your Wiki chops on real pages!
WARNING: Tapestry versions 3, 4 and 5 are significantly different. When reading the pages below, be sure they apply to the version you are using. In general, unless the page name contains "Tapestry5" you will probably find more current information at http://tapestry.apache.orgrather than here. |
Table of Contents |
General Topics
- Tapestry User Mailing List: our forum - search for information and get answers from the community.
- TapestryTutorials: Places to bootstrap your Tapestry experience.
- PoweredByTapestry: Index of public sites powered by Tapestry.
- SuccessStories: Stories from the trenches!
- FrameworkComparisons: Why you would want to use Tapestry over other frameworks, and in what cases.
- WishList: white board for fleshing out the future of Tapestry
- IrcChannel: There is a #tapestry IRC channel on freenode irc://irc.freenode.net/tapestry
Sample Applications and Tutorials
- Tapestry 5: JumpStart: Teach yourself Tapestry by example, starting with a login screen. Tapestry JumpStart is a collection of working examples plus an instant, working application, ready to be explored, altered and built on. Feel free to use it as the base of your own application.
- Tapestry 5: Matt Raible's AppFuse: AppFuse is an application for kick starting webapp development that includes options for using Tapestry 5, JSF, Struts 2, Spring MVC, Stripes, and Wicket. A good reference for those who want to compare frameworks.
- Tapestry 4: Tassel: a repository of user contributed components built with Tapestry, Cayenne, and Lucene.
Tapestry IDE Support
- Tapestry 5: Work is currently underway on a major new Eclipse plugin, TapestryTools (by Gavin Lei, Google Summer of Code 2011), that builds on Eclipse Web Tools Platform.
- Tapestry 5: IntelliJ IDEA 10 now includes built-in support for Tapestry 5.
- Tapestry 5: Loom is a plugin for Eclipse aiming to simplify the usage of tapestry5 and wicket in Eclipse.
- Tapestry 5: Tapestry5JSPEditorEclipse: How to use the built in JSP Eclipse Editor and a custom tld file to get code completion in Eclipse 3.4+ and Tapestry5
- Tapestry 4: HowToSetupEclipseWtp: Once setup correctly WTP is easy to use, however it can be a real pain to setup a new Tapestry project in WTP. This document exists to so that new users can setup WTP without hours of troubleshooting and experienced users don't forget anything.
- Tapestry 4: IdeaProjectFiles: Project descriptors (.ipr, .iml) to open tapestry source code as an IDEA project.
- Tapestry 3: Spindle: Geoff Longman's Eclipse plugin for Tapestry 3.
- Tapestry 3: Tapestry Palette: Michael Henderson's Palette Plug-in works in conjunction with Spindle.
Tapestry 5 Topics
- Tapestry5HowTos: Tips and Tricks on T5
- Tapestry5ModuleRegistry: contributed modules, demos, and tutorials
- Tapestry5Roadmap: historical information on some original design goals for Tapestry 5.0.
Tapestry 4 Topics
- FrequentlyAskedQuestions and MoreFrequentlyAskedQuestions
- TapestryFasttrackForStrutsProgrammers
- ExtraComponents
- AnnotatedGuideToTapestrySource takes a tour of some of the more important pieces of tapestry source and attempts to explain how it functions in order to provide insight into areas that maybe aren't optimally documented. A work in progress.
- BuildingTapestry: building Tapestry using subversion trunk, or from downloaded source distributions
- TipsAndTricks: A collection of useful tidbits of information and techniques using Tapestry 4.1.
- HowTos: Tips and tricks on 4.0
- Tapestry41HowTos: Tips and tricks on 4.1,
- Gotchas
- Tapestry41Roadmap: General overview of the development plans for version 4.1 of tapestry.
- TapestryTLP: Organizing Tapestry as a top-level Apache project
- Tapestry4: Original high-level goals and planning for Tapestry 4.0
- Tapestry31Status: Status of Tapestry 3.1/4.0, now out of date.
- ChangeProposals: More discussions of features for Tapestry 4.0 and beyond.
- PortletSupport: Using Tapestry 4 to create Porlets.
- Tapestry4Spring: How to integrate Tapestry 4.0 and Spring
- Tapestry4Final: Draft Tapestry 4.0 release notice
- Tapestry3ToTapestry4: How to upgrade from Tapestry 3 to Tapestry 4
Tapestry Site
Contains information related to building/maintaining the top level project site at http://tapestry.apache.org.
- TapestrySite: Building/deploying tapestry web site with maven2.
Development Procedures
- ReleaseChecklist: From vote to final release.
- ReleaseNumbering: What the release numbers means
About This Wiki
- TitleIndex: A list of all pages on this wiki.
- HelpContents: A basic guide to the MoinMoin wiki (including information about wiki syntax).
- WordIndex: A list of all the words that appear in the titles of the pages on this wiki, with links to pages that include that word.
- FindPage: A full-text search of the wiki.
- WantedPages: All the "broken links" – a list of all the pages on this wiki that are linked to, but do not exist.
- OrphanedPages: All pages on this wiki that are not linked to from anywhere else (and are thus very hard to reach).
- PageSize: Generates a graph and some statistics about the sizes of pages on this wiki.
- EventStats HitCounts: Generates a graph of page views and page visits.
- EventStats UserAgents: Generates a graph of the web browsers used in visiting this page.
- SystemInformation: Shows basic information about this wiki installation, the extensions it has installed, etc.
This wiki is part of the big Apache Wiki Farm the home of the TAPESTRY5 space.