Code Block |
deploy/samza/bin/run-app.sh \ --config app.class=samza.examples.wikipedia.task.application.WikipediaFeedTaskApplication \ --config job.name=wikipedia-stats \ --config job.factory.class=org.apache.samza.job.yarn.YarnJobFactory \ --config yarn.package.path=file://${basedir}/target/${project.artifactId}-${pom.version}-dist.tar.gz \ --config job.config.loader.factory=org.apache.samza.config.loaders.PropertiesConfigLoaderFactory \ --config job.config.loader.properties.path=/__package/config/wikipedia-feed.properties |
Work with Beam
See Work with Beam on how Samza Beam jobs work with simplified Job Runner.
Rejected Alternatives
The above approach requires existing users to update its way to start a Samza job. Alternatively, we may keep the ability for runner to read from a local config, and AM will load the config using with the loader again.