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Getting Started with NuttX – STM32F4 Discovery (Unix)

This how to assumes an installed arm-none-eabi toolchain and GIT. You can refer to e.g. the PX4 wiki for a generic tutorial how to install an arm-none-eabi toolchain (this website uses the same wiki system, so porting back the instructions to this wiki would be welcome).


This will have generated a file called nuttx, which is an ELF file and can be flashed via SWD / JTAG.
The stm32f4discovery has two usb connectors.
The miniUSB connects to the onboard st-link SWD/JTAG. The stm32f4discovery can be flashed from any host that supports the USB st-link.
The microUSB connects to the STM32F407 OTG-FS port. The NSH console "usbnsh" is only supported on a linux host and doesn't work on Windows as of ver17.13.

Black Magic Probe Flash Instructions
Code Block
arm-none-eabi-gdb nuttx
target extended-remote </dev/ttyACM0 on Linux, /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXXX on Mac OS X, or \\.\COMn on Windows>
mon swdp_scan
attach 1
texane/st-flash Flash Instructions

texane st-flash build-tutorial
The stm32f4discovery has an onboard st-link(SWD/JTAG) that is accessed by the miniUSB and can be flashed with:
