Versions Compared


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  1. Download luna 7 client 610-013144-006_SW_Client_SDK_SafeNet_HSM_7.3.0_Linux_RevA.tar
  2. Sudo su
  3. Untar it using the following command
     tar -xf 610-013144-006_SW_Client_SDK_SafeNet_HSM_7.3.0_Linux_RevA.tar
    You will get LunaClient_7.3.0-165_Linux/ folder
  4. cd LunaClient_7.3.0-165_Linux/64/
  5. bash
  6. If you select 'no' or 'n', this product will not be installed.
    (y/n)  y
    Choose Luna Products to be installed
     [1]: Luna Network HSM 
     [2]: Luna PCIe HSM 
     [3]: Luna USB HSM 
     [4]: Luna Backup HSM 
     [N|n]: Next
     [Q|q]: Quit
    Enter selection: 1
  7. Choose Luna Products to be installed
     *[1]: Luna Network HSM 
      [N|n]: Next
      [Q|q]: Quit
    Enter selection:  n
  8. Choose Luna Components to be installed
    *[1]: Luna SDK 
    *[2]: Luna JSP (Java) 
    *[3]: Luna JCProv (Java) 
     [B|b]: Back to Products selection
      [I|i]: Install
      [Q|q]: Quit
    Enter selection:  i
    [Q|q]: Quit
    Enter selection:  select 1 2 and 3 and then type i
  9. Navigate to the Luna SA command directory:
    cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin
  10. ls 
    (you should get the following directories/files)

    ckdemo  cmu common  configurator lunacm  multitoken openssl.cnf  plink pscp salogin  vtl

  11.  Copy the Luna appliance server certificate to the client host:
    scp admin@<LunaBoxHostname>:server.pem .
    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms)

  12. ls
    (you should get the following directories)

    titleOutput of ls command

    ckdemo  cmu common  configurator lunacm  multitoken openssl.cnf  plink pscp salogin server.pem  vtl

    (server.pem is added)

  13. Register the server with the client:
    Do below step using kms user.
    su -l kms
    ./vtl addServer -n <LunaBoxHostname> -c server.pem
    (you should get the output like this)


    vtl (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.

    New server <LunaBoxHostname> successfully added to server list.

  14. Generate a client certificate:
     ./vtl createCert -n <ClientHostname> 
    (you should get the output like this)


    vtl (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.

    Private Key created and written to: /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/<ClientHostname>Key.pem

    Certificate created and written to: /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/<ClientHostname>.pem

    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms)

  15. Copy the client certificate to the Luna 7 HSM server:
    scp /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/<ClientHostname>.pem admin@<LunaBoxHostname>:
  16. SSH to luna hsm server host 
    ssh admin@<LunaBoxHostname>
    (you should get the output like this)


    Last login: Fri Dec 19 03:59:38 2019 from

    Luna Network HSM Command Line Shell v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.

    [LunaBoxHostname] lunash:>

  17. Register the client with the server, then assign the client to a server partition:
    lunash:> client register -client <ClientHostname> -hostname <ClientHostname>
  18. check the existing partions
    lunash:> partition list
         Storage (bytes)
    Partition            Name   Objects Total Used    Free
    1254277068838        GatewayPartition         0 325896 0 325896
  19. Assign client to the partition
    lunash:> client assignPartition -client <ClientHostname> -partition <GatewayPartition>
  20. client show  -client <GatewayPartition>
    Shows details of Client ID, Hostname and Partition Name 
  21. Log out from the Luna HSM:
    lunash:> exit
  22. Set the read permissions for the certificate files in the following directories:(make sure ur you are logged in via root user)
    chmod a+r /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/server/*.pem
    chmod a+r /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/*.pem
    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms to above .pem files)
  23. Verify that the client is connected to its assigned partition:
    (make sure


  1. you are logged in via kms user)
    cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/
    ./vtl verify
    vtl (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.
    The following Luna SA Slots/Partitions were found:


  1. SlotSerial #        Label


  1.    0  


  1. 1254277068838 <GatewayPartition>
  2. ./lunacm 


    lunacm (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.


  1.     Available HSMs:


  1. Slot Id ->             


  1. 0
    Label ->                <ClientHostname>                     
    Serial Number ->       


  1. 1254277068842   
    Model ->                LunaSA 7.3.


  1. 0   
    Firmware Version ->     7.3.


  1. 0
    Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PW) Key Export With Cloning Mode
    Slot Description ->     Net Token Slot
    Current Slot Id: 0

  2. role login -n co
    enter password:


  1.  ______
  2. par con
    The 'Crypto Officer' is currently logged in. Looking for objects


  1. accessible to the 'Crypto Officer'.
    No objects viewable to 'Crypto Officer' are currently stored in the partition.
    Command Result : No Error 
  2. Navigate to the following directory on the Gateway:
    # cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/jsp/lib/
    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms to all the at this location)
  3. Copy the Luna .JAR files over to the Gateway:
    # cp Luna*.jar /usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/ext/
  4. Set the file permissions for the JDK library as follows:
    chmod a+r  /usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/
  5. Open the following file in a text editor: 
    vim /usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/security/
    Java SDK/JRE 1.6.x or 1.7.x installation to read as follows:

    Add these two lines
  6. Set the file permissions for the Luna client as follows: 
    chmod -R 777 /usr/safenet
    chown kms:kms
  7. Go to ambari Ambari / CM and enable luna hsm in ranger kms
    Add partition name and password
    Restart Ranger KMS(Note: ranger kms restart will fail)
  8. Execute below command on cluster where Ranger KMS is installed via kms user
    python /usr/hdp/current/ranger-kms/ -l "/usr/hdp/current/ranger-kms/cred/lib/*" -f /etc/ranger/kms/rangerkms.jceks -k ranger.kms.hsm.partition.password -v <Partition_Password> -c 1
    python /usr/hdp/current/ranger-kms/ -l "/usr/hdp/current/ranger-kms/cred/lib/*" -f /etc/ranger/kms/rangerkms.jceks -k ranger.kms.hsm.partition.password -v


  1. dummyPassword -c 1
    Using Java:/usr/lib/jvm/java/bin/java

    Alias ranger.kms.hsm.partition.password created successfully!
  2. Start Ranger Kms 



  1. Stop the Ranger KMS server if running
  2. Go to Ranger KMS directory. eg: /usr/hdp/<version>/ranger-kms
    Note  : 


  1. DB details from which Ranger KMS needs migration should be proper (in xml config file of Ranger KMS) . 
    HSM details should be the KMS HSM to which we are migrating to.
  2. Run: ./ <provider> <HSM_PARTITION_NAME>
    e.g :  ./ LunaProvider <HSM_PARTITION_NAME>
    Enter Password for the Partition <HSM_PARTITION_NAME> :  _________
    Master Key from Ranger KMS DB has been successfully imported into HSM.
  3. After the migration is completed if you want to run Ranger KMS according to the new configuration (either with HSM enabled or disabled) update the Ranger KMS properties if required.
  4. Start Ranger KMS

Note : After Migration when Ranger KMS is up and running fine with HSM enabled, from DB table “ranger_masterkey” delete the Master Key row if it’s not required as Master Key already being migrated to HSM.


  1. Stop the Ranger KMS server if running
  2. Go to Ranger KMS directory. eg: /usr/hdp/<version>/ranger-kms
    Note :  DB details should be proper (in xml config file of Ranger KMS) to which KMS needs migration to. 
  3. Edit file (note this step is a work around for HADOOP-15473)
    vi HSMMK2DB.


  1. sh
    #if [ "$JAVA_HOME" != "" ];


  1. then
    # export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:


  1. $PATH


  1. #else
    # exit ;



  1. #fi


  1. $0`


  1. ###Adding option to fix java serializer


  1. issue##


  1. #java -cp "${cp}" org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.JKS2RangerUtil ${1} ${2}


  1. ###Pass RANGER_KMS_OPTS to the java


  1. command
    java -cp "${cp}" "$RANGER_KMS_OPTS" org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.JKS2RangerUtil ${1} ${2}
  2. Run: ./ <provider> <HSM_PARTITION_NAME>
    e.g : ./ LunaProvider 
  3. Enter the partition password crypto1: ______
  4. After the migration is completed if you want to run Ranger KMS according to the new configuration (either with HSM enabled or disabled) update the Ranger KMS properties if required.
  5. Start Ranger KMS

Note : After Migration when Ranger KMS is up and running fine with HSM disabled, from HSM clear the Master Key object from the partition if it’s not required as Master Key already being migrated to DB


  1. SSH to the HSM Appliance Server
    E.g : ssh admin@<HSM_server_host>
    <Enter Password for HSM Appliance Server when prompted>
  2. Check the Partition Objects which you want to clear, command is
    Partition showContents -par <partition_name>
    E.g : partition showContents -par par14
    <Enter Password for Partition when prompted> 
    Note : Please make it sure after step 3 all objects listed from the above command will get destroyed
  3. Clear the objects from HMS partition using following command
    Partition clear -par <partition_name>
    <Enter Password for Partition when prompted>
    <proceed when prompted>
    E.g : partition clear -par par14