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WhereWhenDescriptionCFP opensCFP closes
Barcelona18 to 20 July 2022JBCNconfJBCNConf

is closed

is closed

Why is the ASF attending



The ASF is one of the open source foundations that represent the most projects and - add something -, the goal is give the ASF projects a home in the event. An ASF booth at JBCNconf can send a clear message that the ASF


Please add your project name to the list below if you would like some of your stickers to be available at the Apache booth during JBCNconfJBCNConf. We do have some stickers left over from ApacheCon that we will be giving away at JBCNconf so will check if we already have some in stock.

Project NameComments

Materials (update picture - please)


We will have a portion of ASF swag to give away:

  • Stickers
  • Pens
  • Label pins
  • Keyrings
  • Insulated drink bottles

Due to circumstances this will be a very limited supply when taking FOSDEM's size into account, so distribute sparsely!

Rule of thumb here: You talk to us, you get swag. If you're only there for the swag, tough luck, buddy!

The swag will be rationed,.... (big grin)

  • ITEM1
Remember: Projects can bring their own marketing material to distribute on the booth


For the booth to become a success we need to do both internal and external marketing. We will be promoting FOSDEM JBCN on the Community Development mailing lists and will ask Sally to help us draw a blog post and news bulletin.


dev@community.a.o is currently being used for all JBCNconf JBCNConf communication.