Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data

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To be updated
Build EngineKylin 4.0 Build Engine ConfigurationConfiguration entry for build engine related behavior in kylin.properties.
Query EngineKylin 4.0 Query Engine ConfigurationConfiguration entry for query engine related behavior in kylin.properties.Job EngineJob Engine ConfigurationConfiguration entry for job engine related behavior in kylin.properties.Metastore
CacheTo be updatedSecurityTo be updated

Some configuration not appeared in kylin.properties, included :

  1. applicationContext.xml
  2. kylin-metrics.xml
  3. kylin.security.xml
  4. setenv.sh 
  5. cache.xml
  6. etc.
JMX 和 System CubeJVMsetenv.shOthers

applicationContext.xml, setenv.sh

Logging Configuration分开来,Kylin 的,查询任务的,构建任务的Logger configuration