Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data
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In above directory tree, the directory which end with "managed by tool" means StorageCleanupJob will try to check and delete useless files under these directory.
For directory table_snapshot, dict/global_dict, parquet/{CUBE_NAME}, parquet/{CUBE_NAME}/{SEGMENT_NAME} , Kylin will mark files which is unreferenced and stale(by checking last modified time) as garbage.
For directory job_tmp, Kylin will only check last modified time.
How to use
Option Table
Option | Data Type | Default Value | Comment |
delete | Boolean | false | Boolean, whether or not to do real delete operation. Default value is false, means a dry run. |
cleanupTableSnapshot | Boolean | true | Boolean, whether or not to delete unreferenced snapshot files. Default value is true . |
cleanupGlobalDict | Boolean | true | Boolean, whether or not to delete unreferenced global dict files. Default value is true . |
cleanupJobTmp | Boolean | false | Boolean, whether or not to delete job tmp files. Default value is false . |
cleanupThreshold | Integer | 168 | Integer, used to specific delete unreferenced storage that have not been modified before how many hours (recent files are protected). Default value is 168 hours. |
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