- Partial Java 9+ modules (JPMS) support. It's partial because module-info.java classes are not provided yet. On the other hand, Tapestry's JARs don't have split packages anymore, making them easier to be used with Java 9+ modules. Many classes had to be moved to other packages, and sometimes even to a different JAR. The migration tool mentioned above will take care of updating your code so it uses the correct new fully-qualified class names for the ones that were moved and/or renamed.
Jira server ASF JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 5aa69414-a9e9-3523-82ec-879b028fb15b key TAP5-2641 Jira server ASF JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 5aa69414-a9e9-3523-82ec-879b028fb15b key TAP5-2627
- TypeCoercer now uses mapped configuration so coercion overrides are done in an explicit manner.
Jira server ASF JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 5aa69414-a9e9-3523-82ec-879b028fb15b key TAP5-2650
- It's not possible to use the Tapestry request handling framework, specially the RequestFilter, Dispatcher, Request, Response and HttpServletRequestFilter classes, without the page framework. These classes were moved to a new artifact, tapestry-http, which can be used in place of tapestry-core (which depends on tapestry-http). tapestry-http Servlet filter class is org.apache.tapestry5.http.TapestryFilter. The original TapestryFilter, from org.apache.tapestry5, can be used in the same way way as in past Tapestry versions.
5.7.0 Upgrade Guide
The first step is running the source code migration tool: