- Install Subclipse for Eclipse 3.x, follow the steps from http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA
- In Eclipse, switch to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective
- Add a new SVN repository using the URL http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/lcf/trunk
- Right click on the svn repo and select "Check Out"
- May want to change the default name from truck to ManifoldCF, if you don't change the name Eclipse will ask for a project type, pick General/Project.
- Wait for the source to extract
- Switch to Java Perspective and right click on the project that was added (referred to as MCF in the rest of the steps) and select "Properties"
- Select "Builders" and click New
- Select "Ant Builder" and click Ok
- Give your builder a name, like ManifoldCF Ant Builder
- In the "Buildfile" section, press the "Browse Workspace" button
- Select the MCF project, drill down to "modules" subfolder and select "build.xml" file then press Ok
- In the "Base Directory" section, press the "Browse Workspace" button
- Expand the MCF project and select "modules" then press Ok
- Note, you can further configure the different targets if you wish for a clean, regular, and auto build
- Press Ok in the "Edit launch configuration properties" to complete the Eclipse configuration
- Make sure you have the system variable JAVA_HOME pointing to your jdk, also you need the jdk bin directory listed in your path so java doc would work
- Now you can issue "Project/Build Project" and watch the console for the ant output