- Remove Doxia Logging API (replaced by SLF4J)
- Remove deprecated macros (SWF, SSI)
- Remove deprecated modules:
- old formats: Confluence, DocBook, TWiki
- page-oriented output formats: FOP, iText, LaTeX, RTF
- Remove deprecated code
- Replace XHTML module with XHTML5 as default
- Section titles (see Doxia API sectionTitle(int) API) are now converted to HTML
(Doxia API sectionTitle1() to Doxia API sectionTitle6()) for XHTML5 instead of from<h2>
- Upgrade to Flexmark 0.62.2
- Remove all non-HTML5 elements and attributes
- Use id attribute for XHTML5 throughout instead of name for anchors
- Change notion for verbatim content
Correct semantics of
- Create consistent Doxia IDs throughout based on XML id definition
- Optionally create anchors for indexable entries (used in TOC macro)
- Sink implementations must only implement overloaded Doxia 1.1/2.0 methods (taking an additional argument
). The overloaded Doxia 1.0 variants only delegate to the Doxia 1.1/2.0 equivalent as final methods in AbstractSink
and therefore must no longer be implemented anywhere else (
)Jira server ASF JIRA serverId 5aa69414-a9e9-3523-82ec-879b028fb15b key DOXIA-709 - Preformatted (verbatim) and code output is now handled by
> elements - Sections must be consecutive otherwise the behavior is undefined
Further details in Jira release notes: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12354039&styleName=Html&projectId=12317230