The project's committers are responsible for the project's technical
management. Committers have access to a specified set of subproject's
subversion source code repositories. Committers on subprojects may cast binding
votes on any technical discussion regarding that subproject.
- Start a [DISCUSS] thread on the PMC private@zookeeper.apache.org list
- After some time/discussion occurs call a [VOTE] on the private@zookeeper.apache.org list
- After 72 hours pass (see bylaws) announce the result of the vote (reply to VOTE thread)
- Notify the new committer, see this page for details, be sure to CC the PMC private@ list with the welcome email. Do not announce on dev@ until this process is completed (in case the committer turns us down).
- See this apache page for details on the apache process re account/svn/karma/etc...
- Once the process is complete announce the new committer on dev@.