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OSGi components list
OSGi/JBI components included in this release:
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-bean
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-camel
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-cxf-bc
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-cxf-se
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-drools
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-eip
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-exec
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-file
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-ftp
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-http
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-jms
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-mail
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-osworkflow
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-quartz
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-saxon
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-scripting
- Version 2011.01 of the standard ServiceMix shared library
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-smpp
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-snmp
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-validation
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-vfs
- Version 2011.01 of servicemix-wsn2005
This release packages the following dependencies:
- Version 1.4.0 of ServiceMix NMR
- Version 1.4.0 of ServiceMix Utils
- Version 2.1.3 of Apache Karaf
- Version 5.4.2 of ActiveMQ
- Version 2.6 of Camel
- Version 2.3.2 of CXF
- Version 1.3.5 of ODE
You can use it together with
- Version 4.3 of the Maven plugins
- Version 2010.01 of the archetypes
Release notes
Release Notes - ServiceMix 4 - Version 4.3.0
- Sub-task
- SMX4-543 - Improve Camel NMR component to leverage async camel routing
- Bug
- SMX4-398 - openjpa bundle should import the transaction package without optional flag
- SMX4-415 - need add josql bundle to activemq feature
- SMX4-417 - calling <setHeader> with <groovy> expression can delete message and headers
- SMX4-455 - activemq feature missing dependencies; fails to start two bundles without camel-cxf installed
- SMX4-489 - ServiceMix 4.x/ Fuse 4.2 hangs when using command dev:show-tree
- SMX4-519 - Allow configuring Camel NMR endpoint to bypass thread pool for handling exchanges
- SMX4-520 - NMR Destination should check Exchange Status and Mep Pattern
- SMX4-522 - Camel NMR component: reponse NMR message contains reference to itself in property
- SMX4-527 - cxf nmr transport should copy over property headers and attachment between cxf message and nmr message
- SMX4-530 - servicemix-vfs fails with sftp
- SMX4-539 - Inconsistent use of Endpoint.INTERFACE_NAME in cxf nmr transport
- SMX4-541 - Jetty bundles export package is not correct
- SMX4-548 - remove javax.script package from for jre export package
- SMX4-561 - Servicemix flatpack component is missing the default, causing NullPointerException
- SMX4-564 - stacktrace dumped on console when shutdown smx
- SMX4-578 - Ensure that SecuritySubject is properly conveyed by cxf-nmr transport
- SMX4-581 - xpp3 bundle is missing META-INF/services/org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory needed to support zero configuation operation mode
- SMX4-585 - incorrect MTOM message for NMR transport
- SMX4-602 - Update Karaf jre package
- SMX4-608 - Drools package doesn't export org.drools.runtime.rule
- SMX4-648 - Camel NMR component does not propagate Exception when using an InOnly MEP
- SMX4-649 - config:* commands not available out-of-the-box
- SMX4-652 - camel example doesn't work
- SMX4-674 - ActiveMQ 5.4.1 feature has a missing dependency
- SMX4-706 - specify version for cxf-codegen-plugin in pluginManagement to avoid downloading latest snapshot cxf-codegen-plugin
- SMX4-708 - NMR adds null header in Camel Exchange ?
- SMX4-709 - Features pom contains duplicate dependency declaration
- SMX4-711 - check Exception from Camel Exchange at very first place to honor asyn processor in camel 2.5
- SMX4-720 - Several poms contain old JIRA URL
- SMX4-729 - "Ather URL Handler not available" messages in the log file
- SMX4-735 - Problem on install camel-cxf component for unresolved dependency org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.jsr311-api_1.0/1.6.0
- SMX4-739 - add nmr features.xml dependency to make the kit build pass
- SMX4-748 - Improve logging policy to avoid impact on performances
- SMX4-749 - JBI deployer version range is not up to date
- SMX4-760 - JAXB API and implementation version mismatch in Camel features descriptor
- SMX4-761 - cxf-osgi example miss a package import which cause it fail with felix
- SMX4-762 - 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed' while installing examples-camel-nmr on felix
- SMX4-763 - The examples/web/pom.xml parent version is not correct
- SMX4-764 - Override Apache Felix Framework to 3.0.8 version
- SMX4-765 - ServiceMix doesn't start using JVM 1.5
- Improvement
- SMX4-512 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.3.1
- SMX4-523 - Use Camel Synchronization to ensure NMR exchange can be handled asynchronously
- SMX4-531 - Update the jsmpp bundle to 2.1.0
- SMX4-534 - Add quartz 1.8.1 bundle
- SMX4-536 - Add Quartz 1.8.2 bundle
- SMX4-538 - Add quartz 1.8.3 bundle
- SMX4-544 - Update poms to not have warnings with Maven 3
- SMX4-551 - upgrade to spring 3.x
- SMX4-552 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4
- SMX4-556 - Wrap the jaxb impl 2.1.13
- SMX4-560 - Prepare the upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.0
- SMX4-562 - Update flatpack to 3.2.0
- SMX4-565 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.0.0
- SMX4-567 - Normalize SMX4 naming convention of resources
- SMX4-573 - Rome bundle should try to load the configure file from local bundle classloader as a fallback
- SMX4-576 - Ensure that Subject is properly conveyed by camel-nmr component
- SMX4-579 - extract common used classes for itests
- SMX4-584 - Upgrade to the latest release of ServiceMix Bundles
- SMX4-586 - The Camel examples uses @deprecated namespace
- SMX4-588 - refactor NMRMessageHelper to use new api from cxf StaxUtis
- SMX4-591 - Upgrade to ActveMQ 5.4.0
- SMX4-592 - Add hibernate-validator 4.1.0.Final bundle
- SMX4-598 - HSQLDB bundles.
- SMX4-599 - Create drools-5.1.1 bundle with minimal set of dependencies
- SMX4-600 - Create antlr-runtime 3.2 bundle
- SMX4-601 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.0
- SMX4-603 - Upgrade to Camel 2.5.0
- SMX4-604 - Upgrade to CXF 2.2.11
- SMX4-606 - Make the executors/threadpool viewable as JMX mbeans
- SMX4-660 - Create OSGi wrap bundle for Jetty 6.1.25
- SMX4-667 - Upgrade to JAXP 1.4.4
- SMX4-673 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.1
- SMX4-676 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.2
- SMX4-689 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.2
- SMX4-710 - Add Camel NMR blueprint example
- SMX4-713 - upgrade to cxf 2.3.1
- SMX4-716 - Upgrade to SMX components 2010.02
- SMX4-719 - Make camel-blueprint feature installed by default
- SMX4-728 - Add a Camel blueprint example
- SMX4-738 - remove org.apache.camel.osgi package import for camel-osgi example
- SMX4-740 - JAXB-IMPL 2.1.13 Release
- SMX4-741 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.3
- SMX4-742 - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE
- SMX4-745 - Upgrade to Camel 2.6.0
- SMX4-746 - Upgrade to CXF 2.3.2
- SMX4-754 - Upgrade to ServiceMix Components 2011.01
- SMX4-755 - Upgrade to ServiceMix NMR 1.4.0
- SMX4-757 - Upgrade to Apache ODE 1.3.5
- SMX4-766 - Upgrade to Felix Framework 3.0.9
- New Feature
- SMX4-558 - Add a wrap bundle of xmlbeans 2.5.0
- SMX4-559 - Add the wrap bundle of jsch-0.1.43
- SMX4-590 - Create OSGi bundle for Jasypt 1.6
- SMX4-614 - Documentation: Add a Getting Started Guide
- SMX4-675 - Bundles for Mongo DB
- Task
- SMX4-524 - upgrade to cxf 2.2.7
- SMX4-528 - upgrade to cxf 2.2.8
- SMX4-533 - upgrade to cxf 2.2.9
- SMX4-542 - Upgrade to Camel 2.4.0
- SMX4-545 - Update SMX to use aries version of blueprint and latest Felix/Karaf stuff that also uses aries
- SMX4-547 - upgrade to use new karaf artifacts
- SMX4-553 - Upgrade to google protobuf 2.3.0
- SMX4-557 - Upgrade to Velocity 1.6.4
- SMX4-563 - upgrade aries to 0.1-r964701
- SMX4-574 - add commons-digester-1.8 bundle
- SMX4-575 - add commons-configuration-1.4 bundle
- SMX4-582 - upgrade to activemq 5.4
- SMX4-587 - upgrade to cxf 2.2.10
- SMX4-593 - Create Bundles for SIP API and RI.
- SMX4-607 - downgrade geronimo-annotation version to 1.0 from 1.1
- SMX4-613 - Create a wrap bundle dozer 5.3.0
- SMX4-655 - Release ServiceMix 4.3.0
- SMX4-668 - Upgrade to MVEL 2.0.18
- SMX4-671 - add scala 2.8.1 bundle
- SMX4-672 - Create a wrap bundle for Jetty 6.1.26
- SMX4-707 - Fix the camel-nmr failed unit tests
- Test
- SMX4-554 - fix itests failure
- SMX4-568 - add cxf mtom test
- SMX4-650 - fix loan-broker-drools-su test failure
- SMX4-651 - add osgi service property for itests test client
- Wish
- SMX4-540 - Jetty bundle 6.1.24
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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog