Method signature | Description |
AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult alterShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsets) | Alter offset information for a share group. |
AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult alterShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsets, AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions options) | Alter offset information for a share group. |
DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult deleteShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Set<String> topics) | Delete offset information for a set of topics in a share group. |
DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult deleteShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Set<String> topics, DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions options) | Delete offset information for a set of topics in a share group. |
DeleteShareGroupResult deleteShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds) | Delete share groups from the cluster. |
DeleteShareGroupResult deleteShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds, DeleteShareGroupOptions options) | Delete share groups from the cluster. |
DescribeShareGroupsResult describeShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds) | Describe some share groups in the cluster. |
DescribeShareGroupsResult describeShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds, DescribeShareGroupsOptions options) | Describe some share groups in the cluster. |
ListShareGroupOffsetsResult listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec> groupSpecs) | List the share group offsets available in the cluster for the specified share groups. |
ListShareGroupOffsetsResult listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec> groupSpecs, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions options) | List the share group offsets available in the cluster for the specified share groups. |
ListShareGroupsResult listShareGroups() | List the share groups available in the cluster. |
ListShareGroupsResult listShareGroups(ListShareGroupsOptions options) | List the share groups available in the cluster. |
The equivalence between the consumer group and share group interfaces is clear. There are some differences:
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* Alters offsets for the specified group. In order to succeed, the group must be empty.
* <p>This is a convenience method for {@link #alterShareGroupOffsets(String, Map, AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} with default options.
* See the overload for more details.
* @param groupId The group for which to alter offsets.
* @param offsets A map of offsets by partition.
* @return The AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult.
default AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult alterShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsets) {
return alterShareGroupOffsets(groupId, offsets, new AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions());
* Alters offsets for the specified group. In order to succeed, the group must be empty.
* <p>This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some partitions while fail for others.
* @param groupId The group for which to alter offsets.
* @param offsets A map of offsets by partition. Partitions not specified in the map are ignored.
* @param options The options to use when altering the offsets.
* @return The AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult.
AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult alterShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsets, AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions options);
* Delete offsets for a set of topics in a share group with the default options.
* <p>This is a convenience method for {@link #deleteShareGroupOffsets(String, Set, DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} with default options.
* See the overload for more details.
* @param groupId The group for which to delete offsets.
* @param topics The topics.
* @return The DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult.
default DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult deleteShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Set<String> topics) {
return deleteShareGroupOffsets(groupId, topics, new DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions());
* Delete offsets for a set of topics in a share group.
* @param groupId The group for which to delete offsets.
* @param topics The topics.
* @param options The options to use when deleting offsets in a share group.
* @return The DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult.
DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult deleteShareGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<String> topics,
DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions options);
* Delete share groups from the cluster with the default options.
* <p>This is a convenience method for {@link #deleteShareGroups(Collection<String>, DeleteShareGroupsOptions)} with default options.
* See the overload for more details.
* @param groupIds The IDs of the groups to delete.
* @return The DeleteShareGroupsResult.
default DeleteShareGroupsResult deleteShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds) {
return deleteShareGroups(groupIds, new DeleteShareGroupsOptions());
* Delete share groups from the cluster.
* @param groupIds The IDs of the groups to delete.
* @param options The options to use when deleting a share group.
* @return The DeleteShareGroupsResult.
DeleteShareGroupsResult deleteShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds, DeleteShareGroupsOptions options);
* Describe some share groups in the cluster, with the default options.
* <p>This is a convenience method for {@link #describeShareGroups(Collection, DescribeShareGroupsOptions)}
* with default options. See the overload for more details.
* @param groupIds The IDs of the groups to describe.
* @return The DescribeShareGroupsResult.
default DescribeShareGroupsResult describeShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds) {
return describeShareGroups(groupIds, new DescribeShareGroupsOptions());
* Describe some share groups in the cluster.
* @param groupIds The IDs of the groups to describe.
* @param options The options to use when describing the groups.
* @return The DescribeShareGroupsResult.
DescribeShareGroupsResult describeShareGroups(Collection<String> groupIds,
DescribeShareGroupsOptions options);
* List the share group offsets available in the cluster for the specified share groups with the default options.
* <p>This is a convenience method for {@link #listShareGroupOffsets(Map, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions)}
* to list offsets of all partitions for the specified share groups with default options.
* @param groupSpecs Map of share group ids to a spec that specifies the topic partitions of the group to list offsets for.
* @return The ListShareGroupOffsetsResult
default ListShareGroupOffsetsResult listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec> groupSpecs) {
return listShareGroupOffsets(groupSpecs, new ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions());
* List the share group offsets available in the cluster for the specified share groups.
* @param groupSpecs Map of share group ids to a spec that specifies the topic partitions of the group to list offsets for.
* @param options The options to use when listing the share group offsets.
* @return The ListShareGroupOffsetsResult
ListShareGroupOffsetsResult listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec> groupSpecs, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions options);
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package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;
* The result * Listof the share groups available in the cluster with the default options.
* <p>This is a convenience method for {@link #listShareGroups(ListShareGroupsOptions)} with default options.
* See the overload for more details.
* @return The ListShareGroupsResult{@link Admin#alterShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition, Long>), AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class AlterShareGroupOffsetsResult {
* Return a future which succeeds if all the alter offsets succeed.
defaultpublic ListShareGroupsResultKafkaFuture<Void> listShareGroupsall() {
return listShareGroups(new ListShareGroupsOptions());
* List the share groups available in the cluster.
*Return a future which can be used to check the result for a given partition.
@param options The optionspublic toKafkaFuture<Void> usepartitionResult(final whenTopicPartition listing the share groups.partition) {
* @return The ListShareGroupsResult.
ListShareGroupsResult listShareGroups(ListShareGroupsOptions options); |
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Options for the {@link Admin#alterShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition, Long>), AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions extends AbstractOptions<AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions> {
} |
Code Block |
package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;
* The result of the {@link Admin#alterShareGroupOffsetsAdmin#deleteShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartitionSet<String>, Long>), AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class AlterShareGroupOffsetsResultDeleteShareGroupOffsetsResult {
* Return a future which succeeds only if all the alterdeletions offsets succeed.
public KafkaFuture<Void> all() {
* Return a future which can be used to check the result for a given partitiontopic.
public KafkaFuture<Void> partitionResult(final TopicPartitionString partitiontopic) {
} |
Code Block |
package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Options for the {@link Admin#alterShareGroupOffsetsAdmin#deleteShareGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartitionSet<String>, Long>), AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions extends AbstractOptions<AlterShareGroupOffsetsOptions>AbstractOptions<DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions> {
} |
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package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;
* The result of the {@link Admin#deleteShareGroupOffsetsAdmin#deleteShareGroups(StringCollection<String>, Set<String>, DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDeleteShareGroupsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class DeleteShareGroupOffsetsResultDeleteShareGroupsResult {
* Return a future which succeeds only if all the deletions succeed.
public KafkaFuture<Void> all() {
* Return a future map from group id to futures which can be used to check the resultstatus forof aindividual given topicdeletions.
public Map<String, KafkaFuture<Void>KafkaFuture<Void>> partitionResultdeletedGroups(final String topic) {
} |
Code Block |
package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Options for the {@link Admin#deleteShareGroupOffsetsAdmin#deleteShareGroups(StringCollection<String>, Set<String>, DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDeleteShareGroupsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDeleteShareGroupsOptions extends AbstractOptions<DeleteShareGroupOffsetsOptions>AbstractOptions<DeleteShareGroupsOptions> {
} |
Code Block |
package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;
* The result of the {@link Admin#deleteShareGroupsAdmin#describeShareGroups(Collection<String>, DeleteShareGroupsOptionsDescribeShareGroupsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class DeleteShareGroupsResultDescribeShareGroupsResult {
* Return a future which yields succeeds onlyall ShareGroupDescription objects, if all the deletionsdescribes succeed.
public KafkaFuture<Map<String, KafkaFuture<Void>ShareGroupDescription>> all() {
* Return a map from group id to futures which yield cangroup bedescriptions.
used to check the status*/
of individual deletions.
public Map<String, KafkaFuture<Void>>KafkaFuture<ShareGroupDescription>> deletedGroupsdescribedGroups() {
} |
This class does indeed reuse the MemberDescription
class intended for consumer groups. It is sufficiently general to work for share groups also.
Code Block |
package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Options for the {@link Admin#deleteShareGroups(Collection<String>, DeleteShareGroupsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class DeleteShareGroupsOptions extends AbstractOptions<DeleteShareGroupsOptions> {
} |
Code Block |
import org.apache.kafka.clientscommon.adminNode;
* The result of the {@link Admin#describeShareGroups(Collection<String>, DescribeShareGroupsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class DescribeShareGroupsResult {
* Return a future which yields all ShareGroupDescription objects, if all the describes succeed.
public KafkaFuture<Map<String, ShareGroupDescription>> all() {
* Return a map from group id to futures which yield group descriptions.
public Map<String, KafkaFuture<ShareGroupDescription>> describedGroups() {
} |
This class does indeed reuse the MemberDescription
class intended for consumer groups. It is sufficiently general to work for share groups also.
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Node;
import org.apache.kafka.common.ShareGroupState;
import org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclOperation;
* A detailed description of a single share group in the cluster.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ShareGroupDescription {
public ShareGroupDescription(String groupId, Collection<MemberDescription> members, ShareGroupState state, Node coordinator);
public ShareGroupDescription(String groupId, Collection<MemberDescription> members, ShareGroupState state, Node coordinator, Set<AclOperation> authorizedOperations);
* The id of the share group.
public String groupId();
* A list of the members of the share group.
public Collection<MemberDescription> members();
* The share group state, or UNKNOWN if the state cannot be parsed.
public ShareGroupState state();
* The group coordinator, or null if the coordinator is not known.
public Node coordinator();
* The authorized operations for this group, or null if that information is not known.
public Set<AclOperation> authorizedOperations();
} |
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Options for {@link Admin#describeShareGroups(Collection<String>, DescribeShareGroupsOptions)}.
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class DescribeShareGroupsOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeShareGroupsOptions> {
public DescribeShareGroupsOptions includeAuthorizedOperations(boolean includeAuthorizedOperations);
public boolean includeAuthorizedOperations();
} |
The offset returned for each topic-partition is the share-partition start offset (SPSO).
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packageimport org.apache.kafka.common.GroupState;
import org.apache.kafka.clientscommon.acl.adminAclOperation;
* A Thedetailed resultdescription of a thesingle {@link Admin#listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec>, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} callshare group in the cluster.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ListShareGroupOffsetsResultShareGroupDescription {
public /**
* Return a future which yields all Map<String, Map<TopicPartition, Long> objects, if requests for all the groups succeed.
public KafkaFuture<Map<String, Map<TopicPartition, Long>>> all() {
ShareGroupDescription(String groupId, Collection<MemberDescription> members, GroupState groupState, Node coordinator);
public ShareGroupDescription(String groupId, Collection<MemberDescription> members, GroupState groupState, Node coordinator, Set<AclOperation> authorizedOperations);
* The id of the share group.
public String groupId();
* A list of the members of the share group.
public Collection<MemberDescription> members();
* The *group Returnstate, aor futureUNKNOWN whichif yieldsthe astate mapcannot ofbe topicparsed.
partitions to offsets*/
for thepublic specified group.GroupState groupState();
The group public KafkaFuture<Map<TopicPartitioncoordinator, Long>>or partitionsToOffset(String groupId) {
} |
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Options for {@link Admin#listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec>, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions)}.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions extends AbstractOptions<ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions> {
} |
null if the coordinator is not known.
public Node coordinator();
* The authorized operations for this group, or null if that information is not known.
public Set<AclOperation> authorizedOperations();
} |
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
* Specification of share group offsets to list using Options for {@link Admin#listShareGroupOffsetsAdmin#describeShareGroups(Map<StringCollection<String>, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec>, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptionsDescribeShareGroupsOptions)}.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ListShareGroupOffsetsSpecDescribeShareGroupsOptions {
extends public ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec();
/**AbstractOptions<DescribeShareGroupsOptions> {
* Setpublic the topic partitions whose offsets are to be listed for a share group.
ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec topicPartitions(Collection<TopicPartition> topicPartitionsDescribeShareGroupsOptions includeAuthorizedOperations(boolean includeAuthorizedOperations);
public * Returns the topic partitions whose offsets are to be listed for a share group.
Collection<TopicPartition> topicPartitionsboolean includeAuthorizedOperations();
} |
The offset returned for each topic-partition is the share-partition start offset (SPSO).
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package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;
* The result of the {@link Admin#listShareGroups(ListShareGroupsOptions Admin#listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec>, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions)} call.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ListShareGroupsResultListShareGroupOffsetsResult {
* ReturnsReturn a future thatwhich yields eitherall anMap<String, exceptionMap<TopicPartition, or the full set of share group listingsLong> objects, if requests for all the groups succeed.
public KafkaFuture<Collection<ShareGroupListing>>KafkaFuture<Map<String, Map<TopicPartition, Long>>> all() {
* ReturnsReturn a future which yields justa themap validof listings.
topic partitions to offsets */
public KafkaFuture<Collection<ShareGroupListing>> valid() {
* Returns a future which yields just the errors which occurredfor the specified group.
public KafkaFuture<Map<TopicPartition, KafkaFuture<Collection<Throwable>>Long>> errorspartitionsToOffset(String groupId) {
} |
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
import org.apache.kafka.common.ShareGroupState;
* A listing of a share group in the cluster.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ShareGroupListing {
public ShareGroupListing(String groupId);
public ShareGroupListing(String groupId, Optional<ShareGroupState> state);
* The id of the share group.
public String groupId();
* The share group state.
public Optional<ShareGroupState> state();
} |
Options for {@link Admin#listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec>, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions)}.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions extends AbstractOptions<ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions> {
} |
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package org.apache.kafka.client.admin;
import org.apache.kafka.common.ShareGroupState;
* Options for Specification of share group offsets to list using {@link Admin#listShareGroups(ListShareGroupsOptionsAdmin#listShareGroupOffsets(Map<String, ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec>, ListShareGroupOffsetsOptions)}.
* <p>
* The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class ListShareGroupsOptions extends AbstractOptions<ListShareGroupsOptions>ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec {
public ListShareGroupOffsetsSpec();
* IfSet statesthe istopic set,partitions onlywhose groupsoffsets in these states willare to be returned.listed Otherwise,for alla groupsshare are returnedgroup.
public ListShareGroupsOptions inStates(Set<ShareGroupState> statesListShareGroupOffsetsSpec topicPartitions(Collection<TopicPartition> topicPartitions);
* ReturnReturns the listtopic ofpartitions Stateswhose thatoffsets are requestedto orbe emptylisted iffor noa states have been specifiedshare group.
public Set<ShareGroupState> statesCollection<TopicPartition> topicPartitions();
} |
Another case is added to the org.apache.kafka.common.GroupType
Enum constant | Description |
SHARE("share") | Share group |
A new enum org.apache.kafka.common.ShareGroupState
is added:
The following new exceptions are added to the org.apache.kafka.common.errors
package corresponding to the new error codes in the Kafka protocol.