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Name / JIRA / FLIPContributorReviewerStateLast UpdateDescription / Note
Introduce DataStream API V2

(green star)


This is an either in-place or smooth replacement of DataStream API. It differs from the current DataStream API mainly in the following aspects.

  • Users define the data processing only through implementing a series of generic process functions
  • No exposes of the operator internals (mailbox thread model, barrier alignment, etc.)
  • No dependencies on internal implementations and/or 3rd party dependencies.


Basic stateless & stateful ds v2 framework: Done

Generalized Watermark: FLIP in preparation

Delta Join

(red star)


Delta join is a new kind of stream-stream join implementation without maintaining any states. 

Progress: FLIP in preparation.

State compatibility for SQL jobs



State compatibility of upgrading Flink version for SQL jobs. This can be a good API story and milestone for Flink SQL for 2.x series. 

lincoln lee 

(green star)


SQL operator implementations based on the new Disaggregated State Management.

Progress: Join operator has been supported. Will support other 2 commly used operator before release.

Disaggregated State Management

(green star)


Disaggregated State Backend/Management in the cloud-native era.

  • able to support very large states with a reasonable TPS
  • able to support state Sharing and Querying without interfering with normal data processing
  • Support fast recovering/rescaling in the cloud-native era

Note: Only the public API related part is must-have for release 2.0.

Progress: The new db and async state API & implementation are done. Local disk cache is done. Now working on checkpoint & recovery part.

FLIP-478 Introduce Config Option Scope

(green star)


Clarify the scopes of configuration options, i.e. job config, cluster config or both, to avoid misuses of configuration. The scopes should be displayed in Flink configuration documentation.

FLIP-461: Synchronize rescaling with checkpoint creation to minimize reprocessing for the AdaptiveSchedulerZdenek Tison(tick)


FLIP-370: Support Balanced Tasks Scheduling

Rui Fan (star)

  • The slot level balancing strategy is completed
  • Progress in pending: 
    • The failover strategy for balancing tasks scheduling is in discussing.
FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink(green star)


In development:

  • Parametriezed type extractor to allow switching between Kryo-backed serializors (for backwards-compatibility) and dedicated ones for collection types
  • Dedicated serializer support for common Java collection types
FLIP-472: Aligning timeout logic in the AdaptiveScheduler's WaitingForResources and Executing states

Zdenek Tison



Upgrade checkstyle

(green star)


The major work about Checkstyle upgrade was done in 1.20 (Checkstyle was bumped to 9.3), in 2.0 the only thing to be done is just version bump

Adaptive optimization for batch jobs

FLIP-468: Introducing StreamGraph-Based Job Submission

FLIP-469: Supports Adaptive Optimization of StreamGraph

(green star)


FLIP-468 is done

FLIP-469 is in development, target to finish in 2024-12

FLIP-470: Support Adaptive Broadcast Join(green star)


in development, target to finish in 2024-12
FLIP-475: Support Adaptive Skewed Join Optimization(green star)


in development, target to finish in 2024-12

serverASF JIRA

(green star)


Deprecate support for Java 11 (to-be discussed via FLIP)

(green star)


Upgrade Calcite to 1.33.0

serverASF JIRA


Upgrade Calcite to 1.34.0

serverASF JIRA

(green star)(tick)

Status / Follow-ups

