- Column Level Top K Statistics (HIVE-3421)
- Hive on Spark (HIVE-7292)
- Hive on Spark: Join Design (HIVE-7613)
- Improve ACID Performance – download docx file (HIVE-14035, HIVE-14199, HIVE-14233)
- Query Results Caching (HIVE-18513)
- Default Constraint (HIVE-18726)
- Different TIMESTAMP types (HIVE-21348)
- Support SAML 2.0 authentication (HIVE-24543)
- Spatial Queries
- Theta Join (HIVE-556)
- theta join and cross product proposal - rough draft
- JDBC Storage Handler
- MapJoin Optimization
- Proposal to standardize and expand Authorization in Hive
- Dependent Tables (HIVE-3466)
- AccessServer
- Type Qualifiers in Hive
- MapJoin & Partition Pruning (HIVE-5119)
- Updatable Views (HIVE-1143)
- Phase 2 of Replication Development (HIVE-14841)
- Subqueries in SELECT (HIVE-16091)
- DEFAULT keyword (HIVE-19059)
- Hive remote databases/tables