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<form wicket:id="form"> <select name="PhoneVendor" wicket:id="phoneVendor"></select> <select name="PhoneModel" wicket:id="phoneModel"></select> </form> |
Update with FormComponentUpdatingBehavior
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private DropDownChoice _phoneModelDDC; private MyModel _myModel = new MyModel(); public MyPage(PageParameters parameters) { Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(_myModel)); add(form); addPhoneVendor(form); _phoneModelDDC = addPhoneModel(form); } private void addPhoneVendor(final Form form) { ArrayList phoneVendors = new ArrayList(getMySession().getTerminalVendors()); form.add(new DropDownChoice("phoneVendor", phoneVendors) { /** * Whether this component's onSelectionChanged event handler should called using * javascript if the selection changes. * * @return True if this component's onSelectionChanged event handler should * called using javascript if the selection changes */ protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() { return true; } .add(new FormComponentUpdatingBehavior() { /** * Called when a option is selected of a dropdown list that wants to be * notified of this event. * * @param newSelection The newly selected object of the backing model */ protected void onSelectionChangedonUpdate(final Object newSelection) { String phoneVendor = (String) newSelectiongetFormComponent().getModelObject(); _myModel.setPhoneModel(null); // Reset the phone model when the vendor changes phoneModelDDC.setChoices(getTerminalsByVendor(phoneVendor)); } })); } private DropDownChoice addPhoneModel(Form form) { List list = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; String phoneVendor = _myModel.getPhoneVendor(); if (phoneVendor != null) { list = getTerminalsByVendor(phoneVendor); } DropDownChoice phoneModelDDC = new DropDownChoice("phoneModel", list) { protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() { return true; } }; form.add(phoneModelDDC); return phoneModelDDC; } |
Update using Ajax
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private DropDownChoice _phoneVendorDDC, _phoneModelDDC; private MyModel _myModel = new MyModel(); public MyPage(PageParameters parameters) { Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(_myModel)); add(form); _phoneVendorDDC = getPhoneVendorDDC(form); _phoneModelDDC = getPhoneModelDDC(form); form.add(_phoneVendorDDC); form.add(_phoneModelDDC); } private DropDownChoice getPhoneVendorDDC(final Form form) { ArrayList phoneVendors = new ArrayList(getMySession().getTerminalVendors()); DropDownChoice phoneVendorDDC = new DropDownChoice("phoneVendor", phoneVendors); // Add Ajax Behaviour... phoneVendorDDC.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") { protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) { // Reset the phone model dropdown when the vendor changes _myModel.setPhoneModel(null); _phoneModelDDC.setChoices(getTerminalsByVendor(_myModel.getPhoneVendor())); target.addComponent(_phoneModelDDC); } }); return phoneVendorDDC; } private DropDownChoice getPhoneModelDDC(Form form) { List list = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; String phoneVendor = _myModel.getPhoneVendor(); if (phoneVendor != null) { list = getTerminalsByVendor(phoneVendor); } DropDownChoice phoneModelDDC = new DropDownChoice("phoneModel", list); phoneModelDDC.setOutputMarkupId(true); // Needed for Ajax to update it return phoneModelDDC; } |