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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
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List of major changes from 1.2 to 2.0 (under development)

See the changelist for minor changes and bug fixes.




Wicket 2.0



Wicket 2.0 as it was is discontinued. You should not be migrating to it. Current development is on 1.3. Please see the Migrate-1.3 page instead.

Generics/ Parameterized types

Wicket re-implemented models and components to take advantage of generics.
for instance:

Code Block

ListView numbers = new ListView<String>(group, "numbers", NUMBERS)
	protected void populateItem(ListItem<String> item)
		new Radio<String>(item, "radio", item.getModel());
		new Label(item, "number", item.getModelObject());

list views will now only accept models that produce lists. The above example it is a list with Strings (declared like <List<String>>). Also, item.getModelObject produces a string directly.

The increased type safety allows you make your client code more robust, and it also allows you to develop components that have a 'tighter' interface to the outside world. E.g. you can now specify that a component only works with models that produce Person objects.

There are a couple of minor enhancements we did or plan to do, like using enums instead of wicket.util.lang.EnumeratedType (which theoretically might have serialization issues) and enhanced for loops etc.

Constructor change

Component#add is removed in favor of passing in the parent using the component's constructor. So instead of using Component#add to build the component hierarchy, you need to pass in the proper parents to reflect the hierarchy. This change is usually referred to as the 'constructor change' in discussions on the mailing lists and the IRC channel.

Instead of:

Code Block

MyLink link = new MyLink("link");
link.add(new Label("myLabel", "myText"));

you now do:

Code Block

MyLink link = new MyLink(this, "link");
new Label(link, "myLabel", "myText");

The greatest advantage of passing in parents in the constructor instead of having method add, is that the full component hierarchy is known at construction time. This allows Wicket to know the exact coupling of the component to markup elements. It is very convenient for 'rich' components (you typically need to know the path/ unique id of a component when you work with javascript) but also allows you to do things like directly manipulating the tag's attributes (attribute modifiers won't be needed as much) and allows Wicket to fail early and with better information if the component hierarchy does not match the hierarchy as declared in the markup file(s).

Replacing components

Before the constructor change, you would call Component#replace to replace a component with another one. This method does not exist anymore. Instead, you either create a new component with the same parent and id (so the hierarchy will match; the new component is then the current), or you call Component#reAttach to set it as the current one.

If you look at

Code Block


, in 1.2, the code to replace a banner looked like this:

Code Block

add(new Link("changeAdLink")

  public void onClick()
    if (currentBanner.getClass() == Banner1.class)
      TemplatePage.this.replace(currentBanner = new Banner2("ad"));
      TemplatePage.this.replace(currentBanner = new Banner1("ad"));

After the constructor change, the code with the same effect, looks like this:

Code Block

new Link(this, "changeAdLink")
  public void onClick()
    if (currentBanner.getClass() == Banner1.class)
      new Banner2(TemplatePage.this, "ad");
      new Banner1(TemplatePage.this, "ad");

Alternatively, this could be rewritten like:

Code Block

new Link(this, &quot;changeAdLink&quot;)
  public void onClick()
    if (currentBanner == banner1)
      currentBanner = banner2;
      currentBanner = banner1;

Where we would hold references to banner1 and banner2 in the page after we created them:

Code Block

banner2 = new Banner2(this, &quot;ad&quot;);
currentBanner = banner1 = new Banner1(this, &quot;ad&quot;);

Note that as we created banner1 after banner2 here, banner1 will be the current one.

Replaced EnumeratedType by JSE 5's enum

The enums that were previously instances of EnumeratedType are accessed slightly different. That is because the enum elements are part of the enum definition; they are not declared outside of it like was the case with the EnumeratedTypes. For instance, instead of:

Code Block


you now have to access that same element as:

Code Block



Code Block

import wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings.RenderStrategy;

Opened up for covariance

Covariance, which comes with JDK 5, triggered us to remove final from some methods where covariance typically is nice to use, like Component.getSession and Component.getApplication. Thus, you can now define

Code Block

public LibrarySession getSession()
  return (LibrarySession)super.getSession();

in a base class and then use

Code Block

LibrarySession libSession = getSession();

Or - probably even more useful:

Code Block

public final class LibrarySession extends WebSession
	public static LibrarySession get()
		return (LibrarySession)Session.get();


Code Block


Filter instead of a Servlet

Wicket no longer uses a Servlet as it's main option. In fact, using a servlet filter (WicketFilter) will be
the recommended pattern. Replace code like (in subclasses of WebApplication):

Code Block

ServletContext sc = getWicketServlet().getServletContext();


Code Block

ServletContext sc = getServletContext();


Code Block


is replaced by

Code Block


You can get the servlet context from a filter like this:

Code Block


The main advantage of working with a filter instead of a servlet is that it is easier to pass through resources, and map your application to the root.

Here's an example of how to configure your application now with a filter in web.xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"



Wicket-Spring has been deprecated and replaced with which aligns much better with spring.

Validation Changes

Form component level validation has been decoupled from FormComponent so that validators can be reused outside wicket. The new API can be found in wicket.validation package, with the validator implementations in wicket.validation.validator. From the point of view of validator development not much has changed if you extended the AbstractValidator; if you however implemented the IValidator interface directly you will need to use the new API, namely error reporting via ValidationError instead of FormComponent.error(List,Map). Errors with messages fully constructed inside the validator can still be reported using FormComponent.error(String).


Wicket has replaced the need to override certain callback methods with annotation-driven approach.

For an outline of advantages see here


  • @OnAttach
  • @OnDetach
  • @OnBeforeRender
  • @OnAfterRender

Code example:

Code Block

class MyComponent extends WebMarkupContainer {
    public void onAttach() {
        // handle attach event
     private void createRepeaterItems() {
     private void createHeaderItems() {


Code Block

class MyComponent extends WebMarkupContainer {
    private void createRepeaterItems() {
    private void createHeaderItems() {

XML resource bundles

In addition to the .properties format for localized messages, Wicket now supports Java 5's XML format for messages. Like with normal messages, you can just put them next to your component class with the proper locale in the name etc. For instance: MyPanel_nl.xml would be the Dutch language bundle next to MyPanel.class. The format is described here and here The greatest advantage is that you can declare which encoding should be used, thus enabling you to directly maintain your bundles for non-ASCII sets (with normal properties, you have to use escape codes for non-ASCII characters).


ISessionStore had the following changes:
String getSessionId(Request request); -> String getSessionId(Request request, boolean create);
+ void onBeginRequest(Request request);
+ void onEndRequest(Request request);
+ PageMap createPageMap(String name, Session session);
By default, the creation of lasting sessions is deferred until actually needed. As long no lasting session is yet created and users are accessing stateless pages, a temporary session object is used for the current request.

Misc API breaks


the DatePicker component has been removed from the wicket-extensions package. It now lives as a separate project on If you require the datepicker to be present in your code, and don't want to use the new date picker component, then add the following depenency to your maven project (or download the distribution from sourceforge):




ISessionStore had the following changes:
String getSessionId(Request request); -> String getSessionId(Request request, boolean create);
+ void onBeginRequest(Request request);
+ void onEndRequest(Request request);
+ PageMap createPageMap(String name, Session session);
By default, the creation of lasting sessions is deferred until actually needed. As long no lasting session is yet created and users are accessing stateless pages, a temporary session object is used for the current request.


AjaxSubmitButton and AjaxSubmitLink now extend Button and Button extends IFormSubmittingComponent. As a result of this, method onSubmit changed from protected to public


void renderHead(final Response response); -> void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response);
This resulted in a couple of cascading changes, like methods onRenderHeadContribution and onRenderHeadInitContribution not being used anymore. Note that the filtering of duplicate contributions is now part of IHeaderResponse.
A common fix is this:

Code Block

  protected void onRenderHeadInitContribution(Response response) {
    writeJsReference(response, AUTOCOMPLETE_JS);

should be converted to:

Code Block

  public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {

or for instance code like

Code Block

protected String getImplementationId() {
  return "ArchiveActions";

protected void onRenderHeadContribution(Response response) {
  if (!isComplete()) {

would be rewritten like

Code Block

public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
  if (!isComplete()) {
    response.renderJavascript(getCallbackScript(), "ArchiveActions");

