- Using smart resolution will perform the sensible default for each field, which may be the same as strict, the same as lenient, or a third behavior. Individual fields will interpret this differently.
- For example, resolving year-month and day-of-month in the ISO calendar system using smart mode will ensure that the day-of-month is from 1 to 31, converting any value beyond the last valid day-of-month to be the last valid day-of-month.
- Using strict resolution will ensure that all parsed values are within the outer range of valid values for the field. Individual fields may be further processed for strictness.
- For example, resolving year-month and day-of-month in the ISO calendar system using strict mode will ensure that the day-of-month is valid for the year-month, rejecting invalid values.
- When using Strict as the hive.datetime.formatter.resolver.style we should use the pattern "u" to represent year. For more details, please refer: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html
- Lenient mode allows the month in the ISO calendar system to be outside the range 1 to 12. For example, month 15 is treated as being 3 months after month 12.
- Lenient mode allows the month in the ISO calendar system to be outside the range 1 to 12. For example, month 15 is treated as being 3 months after month 12.